Die Wahrheit über SALD Wunder-Akkus - Elektroauto-Revolution oder Presse-Hype?

Nov 26, 2020 15:30 · 1488 words · 7 minute read large surface area tesla battery

Hi here is Jens from channel move electric nice that you are joining me again you have probably noticed that the dutch company sald bv has developed in collaboration with the netherlands organization for applied science tno abbreviated and which in turn is into cooperation with the german fraunhofer society the miracle battery who will come out in two years and is to revolutionize electromobility 1000 kilometers range and after ten minutes again 80 percent full that would really be the final deathblow for burners but what is really true about it like realistic is this and will battery technology in the next few years develop further at all or are lithium ion batteries technically exhausted as some critics say by the way i say lizium you can also litium say both is possible looks once in the dictionaries at any rate interested and therefore it goes in this video about the sald batteries and what is behind it so stay tuned [Music] what we have in the last years not everything already about miracle batteries heard it hardly a month goes by where not again a new sensation- article appears the one battery revolution announces the latest in one or two years in our to keep electric cars in the magic properties of a miracle batteries are always equal to 1000 kilometer range in ten minutes fully loaded and completely safe small lightweight and extremely durable sometimes it is a grafen akku then a xnrgi lithium metal battery from canada a super glass battery a lithium battery of a start up on breakthrough in battery research from switzerland even vw has 200 million euro in a company the one solid batteries researches or would be a liquid battery better but maybe let’s try it first with a inorganic battery again from the switzerland and then last week the bomb exploded in the trade press and also on youtube sald batteries should be well over 1000 kilometers e-auto range allow through a new battery technology with the designation speciality player of position deposition abbreviated sald sald, e cars will be over 1000 kilometers oh what say now even 2000 kilometers range have a patented coating process with the man atom thin battery layers is from the German fraunhofer institute and the state dutch research institute tno were jointly developed for the marketing for industrial mass production was even equipped with a own company should be founded batteries should have a range three times greater than today’s cells and can be charged five times faster so that would be an electric car actually in ten minutes to 80 percent full and in 20 minutes 100% conversations with battery manufacturers are already guided and production machines for small series are already in operation the large industrial use would be short before the new battery generation is 2022 to be installed in electric cars can so it was everywhere to read and we love us all amazed the eyes because somehow we had such a message actually from tesla on battery day expected but not from the the netherlands but why should the actually be a sensation I mean 1000 kilometers range that is yes also today actually no problem we only 1 200 kilowatt hours of battery power install in our cars well, good that at the moment it is unfortunately no practical idea because with this high battery capacity is unfortunately currently nor the weight and size of the battery for a car much too high quite too not to mention the cost of such a large battery higher capacity faster loading times and an even longer battery life with less cost that is what a new battery actually must be able to do in contrast to the previous wunder batteries with the new chemical compositions the dutch developers with her approach a completely different way and that makes it very interesting because it is the same knowledge that mast announced at the tesla battery day has namely that the battery cells we already use today simply be fundamentally further developed must because the existing technology contains still a lot of potential, for example in the young flow between cathode and anode is improved solely by groundbreaking progress possible what energy density durability and production costs is only concerned with this measure alone, tesla is able to achieve the 946 80s cells with over 50 percent more range and 50 percent lower costs and to produce these new sald accumulators are also actually only based on a further development of the current lithium ion technology that means in principle it is also further around the classical zb the in use today are the cells are but completely different structured and the is the trick instead of a tidy metal foil with a paste on it allows the coating process to be that are as thin as a single atom because the electrochemical processes in a battery usually only on the surface takes place is the material which can be found in the current battery packs inner layers is located namely practically useless it is indeed available but only because the manufacturing processes do not allow thin coatings with thinner layers is therefore a considerable material savings possible therefore, the stuff procedure reduces the consumption of cobalt nickel or manganese considerable and therefore not enough it is even succeeded the usable surface of the electrodes drastically without the battery itself getting bigger the new cells will be produced by creating a nanostructure with protruding metal pins which are then coated with ultra-thin layers of cell material to be covered this creates a 3d structure with a very large surface area and very short distances between the batteries electrodes in this electron microscope recording you can see it quite well the lithium ions must therefore be separated from the anode to cathode only a very short cover the distance that the position and unloading time and significantly accelerated so here we have an enormous increase in power density with smaller construction and additionally faster on loading actually totally simple but ingenious no wonder that this oled technology awakens fantasies and press releases of the company so was received extremely euphorically but unfortunately only a few days later then the disillusionment the developers published a correction in which said that this battery would not in a few years of practice-ready honor the first applications will be probably even only the smallest batteries are only in the longer term will be larger batteries for cars are developed can on the topic website directly the prototype of the first battery is now almost finished so when the prototype is almost is finished then there is until today so not even a prototype and if it then sometime once there is requires the further development of the new battery then a pilot plant for which investors are already to be searched but you have them obviously not yet found if the pilot plant will exist sometime should be the transformation into a mass production and is based on manufacturers even find the new cells install in his cars so realistically seen I would once guess we are talking about a period of at least eight to ten years this technology is perhaps able to turn entire industry upside down this may be, among them the production of batteries for electric cars smaller and more powerful cells lower costs less raw materials lower co2 emissions with production if not with sald then maybe with another technology that is still being created but until it is so far it takes probably something else this must be determined unfortunately this current hype shows however also that it not necessarily completely new approaches needs around the existing battery technology decisively further to develop even if there are still a few years needed I think we are with the lithium ion technology for a long time to come not at the end of development In one year tesla will launch its new cells into the model because the production starts in grünheide and with safety will be in a few years also other car manufacturers follow suit and the performance of your batteries massively increase they have to work alone to remain competitive to stay here are therefore still enormous progress to be expected in the opposite direction to the previous burner technology after 100 years of development in the meantime somehow exhausted and on end of your life arrived seems yes this was my assessment to the new sound battery technology from the one reads so much in the press at the moment we have seen, I believe that there is still takes a few years nevertheless, the possibilities are fascinating and I would be happy if you like the video give me thumbs up and subscribe to my channel until then to the next video, cheers [Music] .