Meriam karbit BESAR!!! | Firecrackers | Indonesia Reaction | MR Halal Reacts
Oct 28, 2020 07:00 · 363 words · 2 minute read
asalam alykum wr wb hello halal family welcome to the channel i hope you guys are having yourself a wonderful uh day in today’s video we’ll be reacting to miriam carbet bisar this video was suggested by jon thank you very much for taking the time to send me a recommendation and suggestion stay tuned guys we’ll be right back with you welcome back guys and stroller we’re going to get started with the video momentarily and at the end of the video i’ll be sharing with you my observation and reaction so please make sure you stay until the end with that said we’re gonna get started that’s crazy how do they do that i saw one part that was like a little boy i think was putting some liquid in there so maybe it’s gasoline and they cover the front of it and all the fumes because it didn’t look like there was anything shooting out of it they looked like cannons but nothing was coming out because there’s two sides and both of them are basically uh having them like pointing to each other so if there was anything shooting they would have pointed to one another right um yeah it was interesting just uh basically makes loud noises so i would love to know if you guys can let me know please how do they make it work like do they just put some gasoline in there and then close i think the front of it and then all that fume they just slide up and it makes a noise or does it have something else in there so uh pretty cool guys thank you very much for suggesting it was interesting i hope you guys liked it if you did please don’t forget to like comment share and subscribe and if you’d like me to react to another video please put a comment section below as always guys thank you very much for your love and support i hope you guys have yourself a wonderful day take care of yourself and your family inshAllah I will see you guys in the next video take care and wassalam .