GNOME 3.38: We have a Color Picker Previewer :))
May 22, 2020 20:52 · 316 words · 2 minute read
So, small but super sweet change is following, at least for me! In short we have a new color picker cursor, that can preview the selected color kinda like a magnifier. Okay, to the commits! The function we are interested at, is the screenshot pick color, and we see it is inside Shell compositor. The code is relatively easy to read. I’m not going to explain it, but it is here if you want to check it for some reason. The file is Shell-Screenshot.c. Then, on Shell UI side of things we have this commit, that basically tries to fix issue 451. So what we are looking for, is something like that! Well, it is not going to happen, but we are close enough! So let me show you what we really have, and I’m going to open GTK 4 color picker! GTK is irrelevant on the picker, but you know, just for the show off! So if we select the picker tool, we now get this nice color preview.
01:00 - Maybe you don’t see it clear enough but there is a green line around it, like an anti-aliasing or something. I’m not sure why that’s happening, but the code on X.Org and Wayland is slightly different, so maybe that is just an X-only bug! Or maybe is my NVIDIA. Another thing is that if we resize the cursor, the color picker will be resized accordingly! Although I’m under the impression the the default sizes are kinda smaller than they should have been. oh, and probably now you see the green better! By the way, I think elementary is also doing a D-Bus Screenshot interface for elementary 6 release.
01:36 - I don’t promise and I’m lazy to look for it now, but I think I saw it somewhere! Anyway, that was all for now! And please stay safe! You know, for the YouTube views.