[GOING SEVENTEEN 2020] EP.18 논리나잇 Ⅱ #1 (Debate Night Ⅱ #1)

Jun 1, 2020 13:10 · 8149 words · 39 minute read

[GOING SEVENTEEN] Wonwoo : Even if there is logic, there isn’t one.

00:14 - Wonwoo : Even if there is no logic, it isn’t really without logic.

00:16 - Wonwoo : A high-class, non-logical debate show, Wonwoo : SVT Logic Night! Hoshi : We’re already back with Logic Night 2.

00:25 - Wonwoo : Hello everyone. Wonwoo : I’m Wonwoo Jeon, who will be leading the 2nd SVT Logic Night show.

00:31 - DK : I really missed him as the MC! [Logic Night’s first question] Jeonghan : Are you saying, ‘I’m Wonwoo’ or Wonwoo Jeon? (*Playing with Korean words; ‘Jeon’ sounds the same as ‘I am’ in Korean) [Verifies himself as the Logic Night MC] Wonwoo : I’m Wonwoo.

00:36 - [Congratulations on the COME BACK] Wonwoo : SVT Logic Night is a program in which we bring up numerous difficulties that we face in our everyday lives Wonwoo : And debate on those difficulties in great depth using our logic.

00:44 - SeungKwan : I thought this was a listening test.

00:46 - Wonwoo : We finally came back with the 2nd season of Logic Night.

00:49 - WOOZI : Isn’t this our historical moment? Jeonghan : Logic Night 1 was very successful, you know.

00:52 - [Legendary shot] DK : Logic Night 1 was a legendary episode.

00:54 - WOOZI : I like how it’s the first program from GOING SEVENTEEN to introduce another season.

00:59 - Mingyu : So this time we have a nickname. [Looking forward to laugh] DK : What? Do we have a nickname? SeungKwan : To express the fact that it’s tightly clogged, SeungKwan : a. k. a Olympic Highway at 7 pm.

01:06 - [No one laughs] Wonwoo : Okay then, let’s listen to your words of determination.

01:10 - Wonwoo : We’ll listen to everyone except SeungKwan.

01:12 - SeungKwan : Everyone except me. . ? [Great MC] Wonwoo : Starting from Vernon, shall we listen to some words you guys want to say? Vernon : When I monitored the last season, Vernon : I realized that I was a little too serious.

01:20 - Vernon : So today I won’t be serious. [Whatever he means, they like it] [King of Logic Night] WOOZI : You finally got the sense of Logic Night, right? DK : Last time, I made some legendary moments in Logic Night 1 - DK : So I want to make Logic Night 2 more of a legend than Logic Night 1. - WOOZI : Oh? Cuckoo! [I’ll let myself go] DK : Cuckoo [Doesn’t know what perfectly logical means] Hoshi : I’ll try to be more logical.

01:33 - Wonwoo : That’s good. [Satisfied] Wonwoo : Next! THE 8 : I’ll trust my team and do my best.

01:38 - Joshua : I’ll do my best with confidence. Wonwoo : Good.

01:41 - Jeonghan : I’ll try to win. S. COUPS : I’ll do my best.

01:44 - - SeungKwan : Well I,, - Wonwoo : Hm? I never asked SeungKwan to say anything.

01:46 - Eh? [On the MC’s own discretion, SKIP] WOOZI : There’s a saying that yesterday’s friend becomes today’s enemy.

01:48 - [Feels betrayed] DK : We were really friends yesterday.

01:50 - Jeonghan : We won together last time. WOOZI : I’ll do my best.

01:53 - [Mingyu : I can do it] [Mingyu : Saying some random things] - Wonwoo : Okay next! - Come back to yourself.

01:57 - [Mingyu : Don’t give up] [A high scorer on the listening test] SeungKwan : I don’t know why you’re suddenly SeungKwan : Telling the viewers not to give up, [Subscribe, Like] DK : So that the viewers stay tuned.

02:03 - Jeonghan : Oh SeungKwan : I just hope you do well.

02:05 - [Jun : Speaking in Chinese] [Of course] WOOZI : GOING SEVENTEEN can translate this, right? Jun : I hope I get to talk more this time Jun : And I hope it goes well again.

02:15 - Jun : I don’t know what I’m saying right now.

02:17 - Jun : Thank you, thank you. Wonwoo : Okay, last but not least, Dino, please say something.

02:20 - Dino : I actually monitored Logic Night 1 a lot, Dino : And I read some books. .

02:25 - Wonwoo : Even if there is logic, there isn’t one.

02:27 - Wonwoo : Even if there’s no logic, it isn’t really without logic.

02:28 - Wonwoo : SVT’s Logic Night, let’s begin! [Logic Night 2] Wonwoo : Alright, we’ll officially be starting our debate.

02:39 - Wonwoo : Before we begin, I’ll simply explain to you guys how this debate will proceed.

02:42 - [If both teams has nothing to say, the debate ends] First of all, today’s debate will proceed in groups.

02:44 - When we start the debate, each team will take turns to state their logical argument.

02:48 - If the opposing team can rebut the argument, the other team can also rebut the counterargument.

02:54 - Wonwoo : I also want to inform you guys that before we started shooting, Wonwoo : We already chose which side of the argument each team will take for each topic through a draw.

03:00 - Wonwoo : Alright. Let’s start by making your team names.

03:03 - - SeungKwan : Yeah. - DK : Jeonghan, how should we decide today? [A higher version of persisting] Jeonghan : Wookkikki.

03:05 - Hoshi : Wookkikki. . DK : Our team name is very simple.

03:08 - Wonwoo : I’ll give you guys one minute to decide your team names.

03:10 - [1 minute passed] Our team name is. . Jeonghan : Kkikkikki, meaning that we’ll make sure we win and bring laughter.

03:15 - - Wonwoo : Kkikkikki? - Yeah. Hoshi : We have a slogan as well.

03:17 - Hoshi : One, two, three. Kkikkikki [Olympic Highway at 7pm] Hoshi : The atmosphere is so cold.

03:22 - Hoshi : Is this the trend these days~ [Any joke challenge] SeungKwan : The atmosphere is so cold~ WOOZI : Hey, I like it! WOOZI : It’s not bad.

03:30 - Hoshi : Exactly, you used to be on our team! WOOZI : Sorry.

03:33 - WOOZI : I didn’t want to be like this either.

03:35 - WOOZI : I’m sorry. Wonwoo : Okay so the left team’s name is. . ? Dino : To refute whatever the Kkikkikki team says, Dino : I’ll cut you guys off for a bit.

03:41 - Dino : Hold up! [Envious] - Hold up is nice. - SeungKwan : When we get the right to speak, we’ll say Hold up! Wonwoo : That’s good.

03:48 - Wonwoo : Alright then. I’ll reveal the first topic.

03:50 - [Immune to the cold (but, you can’t feel any coolness) vs immune to the heat (but, you can’t feel any warmth)] Wonwoo : Being immune to the heat vs being immune to the cold.

03:52 - Wonwoo : However, being immune to the heat means that you’ll feel extremely cold during October to March Wonwoo : And being immune to the cold means that you’ll feel extremely hot from April to September.

04:01 - Wonwoo : Further, being immune to the heat means that you won’t get burnt Wonwoo : While being immune to the cold means that you won’t suffer from frostbite.

04:06 - [Drank yogurt] Mingyu : I’ll start off by something simple.

04:08 - Mingyu : What do you guys do when it’s hot? Jeonghan : When it’s hot, we turn the air conditioner on.

04:11 - Mingyu : Don’t you guys wear light clothes when you go outside? Yeah.

04:14 - Mingyu : But what do you guys do when it’s cold? DK : We wear extra layers of clothing.

04:16 - Mingyu : We can wear as much clothing as we want.

04:18 - [Why is this logical] Mingyu : However, when it’s hot, there’s a limit to taking clothes off.

04:21 - Hoshi : Can I rebut to that statement? Mingyu : Of course, why not? Hoshi : We wear light clothes when it’s cold because we can’t feel the cold, right? Hoshi : So we don’t have to spend a lot of money on clothes.

04:31 - Mingyu : Then what if it gets hot? Jeonghan : If it gets hot, it also means that it won’t cost us anything.

04:33 - [One outfit gentleman] - Jeonghan : Why? Because we only have to wear a t-shirt. - Hoshi : So we don’t have to spend much on clothes.

04:36 - Jeonghan : And if we don’t spend a lot of money on clothes, Jeonghan : We can save the money And like wealthy Kim Mingyu who has assets worth of 2. 3 billion won, Jeonghan : We’ll also reach 2. 3 billion won Jeonghan : We can even buy 4 convenience stores.

04:46 - [Many pennies saved makes Kim Mingyu] [Since they don’t have to buy much clothes, they can live like a wealthy CEO who has worth 2. 3 billion won] - If we save that much, we can become like that. - Exactly. Like Mingyu.

04:49 - SeungKwan : Wait, we just learned some new information. .

04:50 - [Give us 5 seconds] SeungKwan : Hold up! SeungKwan : That Jeonghan has a 3 story market in Hwaseong.

04:54 - Jeonghan : A 3 story market? In Hwaseong? [He met his business partner] SeungKwan : Through a real estate agent you know well. .

05:00 - - Wonwoo : Wait, don’t say things that are not related to this topic - SeunKwan : Wait, I’m only going to say this.

05:04 - SeungKwan : About personal assets and buildings. .

05:06 - Jeonghan : Oh, but this already came out in the ‘Insomnia Zero’ episode.

05:10 - Mingyu : But that’s good. . being a property owner. .

05:11 - Mingyu : It’s cool. [Shaved idol] Dino : I’ll say something.

05:14 - Dino : Everyone likes to eat, right? [Defense] Jeonghan : I don’t like to eat. I’m on a diet right now.

05:16 - [His logic comes to an end] - Really? - Yeah.

05:17 - [His logic revives (slyly)] You like to eat, right? Dino : Do you like rice soup? I like rice soup.

05:20 - Dino : Can everyone who likes rice soup raise their hands? [A hot and heavy bowl of rice soup] - DK : Rice soups are delicious. - Dino : Yeah, they’re good.

05:24 - Dino : Let’s say that you guys eat rice soup at a restaurant.

05:27 - - Dino : It comes out in an earthen pot, right? - Yeah, that’s right.

05:28 - Dino : What do we do in Korea? Dino: Fighting fire with fire.

05:31 - Dino: You know what I’m talking about, right? After you finish eating, you want to bottoms up.

05:35 - Dino: If you are immune to heat, you can touch hot things without feeling pain.

05:38 - Dino: If you grab the hot bowl and just drink it up, people are going to be like Oh wow, he eats so well~ - Jeonghan: I have a rebuttal. - Vernon: People amazed that you eat well [You can bottoms up a hot bowl, and get applauded by other customers in the restaurant] And I can be content that ‘Oh, I’m full’ Jeonghan: To rebut his opinion, Jeonghan: When its hot, fighting fire with fire means eating hot food when it’s hot, and you feel chilled.

05:54 - [He’s not in trouble] Jeonghan: But if you’re immune to hotness, you can’t feel the hot Jeonghan: So you don’t feel hot food as hot. - Joshua: Yeah.

05:58 - - Jeonghan: So tt’s not fighting fire with fire at all. -SeungKwan: It means we take comfort in warmth that much.

06:01 - - DK: Then that’s not fighting fire with fire. - In that case, we’d feel really hot during summer.

06:04 - Jeonghan: Why? Because we feel extreme heat.

06:06 - Jeonghan: That means we can eat cold dishes as though they were hot.

06:09 - [Enthusiastic reactor] [You can eat cold dishes as though they’re hot - and save on microwaves] - So I think that’s more correct as fighting fire with fire. - But it won’t be as good as when it’s first served.

06:13 - Jeonghan: We love eating dishes later. [Such logical debate] When you’re busy working, do you get to eat meals on time? Jeonghan: No, you tend to eat cold dishes.

06:18 - Jeonghan: You can eat those as if they were warm.

06:19 - DK: Guys? Do you like ice cream? S. COUPS: I don’t eat ice cream.

06:23 - Change of plans. [Neighbor] SeungKwan: But according to Korea’s largest portal site, Wonwoo: Seungkwan, using Naver’s restricted.

06:32 - [Logic terminated] Go Moon Junhwi! Jun: What’s our occupation? [Two jobs] Hoshi: Singer! Jun: Singers.

06:36 - Jun: What’s the most important for singers on stage? - DK: Stage is important. - Jun: Yeah, doing performances is important.

06:40 - Jun: We need to appear good on stage, but what happens if we sweat? [Team work] Dino: Wow, this will take us home! [Can’t feel warmth and therefore doesn’t sweat - can keep a dry face on stage] Your makeup wipes off.

06:47 - Jun: Like Jeonghan said before, clothes cost a lot.

06:50 - Jun: What happens if we sweat a lot? WOOZI: We need to pay for laundry.

06:53 - Jun: Dry cleaning costs are high and we need to constantly fix our makeup.

06:56 - Jun: That’s much more costly. [If you sweat, dry cleaning costs more than buying outfits - Then we can also become CEOs with 2. 3 billion won] Wow, Moon Junhwi! [Very NICE] Woozi: Moon Junhwi’s good.

07:04 - [Loophole] Vernon: If you don’t sweat, do you mean that you’re not going to wash your clothes? [Calm] S. COUPS: It won’t be that often.

07:08 - DK: But if you don’t sweat, won’t your body have some problems? Dino: That’s the benefits of being immune to heat.

07:14 - That’s so good. [Solemn launch] DK: Not bad.

07:16 - [Change of attitude] DK: I actually wanted to be on that side.

07:18 - Jeonghan: But I saw it. SeungKwan: See what? [Exit] When it’s cold…

07:22 - [Old friendship] WOOZI: Let Hoshi speak! Jeonghan: Who, who? Hoshi? Oh, Hoshi got up? Hoshi: Not feeling hot, not feeling warmth.

07:27 - [Sentimental] Hoshi: A singer sings the lyrics, Hoshi: But if I can’t feel warmth while singing the lyrics, [Touched] Hoshi: How can I ever touch people’s emotions? [Lost for words] Jeonghan: Warmth of heart is also warmth.

07:36 - DK: Of course, of course. Hoshi: If you can’t feel the warmth of the heart, Hoshi: You guys are undutiful sons.

07:39 - [Undutiful son 1] That’s a bit far… [Undutiful son 2] [Pigeon 1] [A mess (bench clearing)] Hoshi: When you can’t feel the warmth towards your family, [Representing the pigeons] - Hoshi: And you can’t feel the warmth towards your members, - DK: You don’t know the warmth of people.

07:52 - [You are undutiful sons because you don’t know the warmth of family] Hold up! I have a rebuttal.

07:53 - Jeonghan: Ah, we’re not done yet. [Lingering feeling] Hoshi: I… will leave you with that.

07:59 - SeungKwan: Wait, you don’t feel any warmth…

08:02 - [Rebuttal failed] - SeungKwan: Wow… - Jeonghan: And I saw that.

08:03 - Jeonghan: In winter, when SeungKwan sat down on the toilet, the seat was cold [Arouse sympathy for using toilets in winter] [Used to go to acting academy] I saw him do this.

08:13 - [En core] Because the seat was too cold! DK: Hey, isn’t there too much detail? [Detail] Jeonghan: Puts toilet paper on the seat! [It’s a misunderstanding. My toilet seat isn’t cold] Jeonghan: But because we’re immune to coldness, [No need to cause a ruckus in the toilet, can keep your coolness] - We can just sit down. - Jeonghan, you’re trying to destroy one of your members [I’m strong against cold toilet seats] - SeungKwan: And spreading rumors! SeungKwan: The reason I put toilet paper on the seat… [So he does put it on] Wonwoo: Next opinion please.

08:33 - - Joshua: I have something else. - What is it? Joshua: We go to the sauna often.

08:38 - Joshua: There’s the tub that you guys like.

08:40 - S. COUPS: Yeah, yeah. Joshua: Being outside and feeling the warmth, and enjoying it Joshua: You can’t feel that. .

08:46 - [If you’re immune to heat, you can’t enjoy sauna, and can’t go into warm tubs and feel happy] you can’t feel that enjoyment anymore.

08:48 - S. COUPS: I don’t enjoy that because it’s warm.

08:50 - [Avoids/ Avoids 22] S. COUPS: I enjoy it because I like going there with our members and talking - S. COUPS: I don’t like the warmth I feel in there. - Dino: If I can add a word here.

08:54 - Dino: I like the indoor tub as well, but also the outdoor hot spring too.

08:58 - - Dino: So when I go out, I can feel the chill as well, and you know. - Joshua: Then next time we go sauna, you just stay in the outdoor hot spring only.

09:03 - Do you want to join me? [Doesn’t reply] Mingyu: Do you really enjoy going into the warm water? DK: No, I hate it.

09:10 - Mingyu: Do you hate it? [Logic terminated] Okay.

09:12 - Jeonghan: When we go, we only stay in the ice room.

09:14 - SeungKwan: You go into the ice room, SeungKwan: but your body temperature’s fixed SeungKwan: because humans are a homoiothermic animals.

09:20 - [Block show-off] SeungKwan: But if your body temperature falls SeungKwan: Even by one degree, you’ll be in grave danger.

09:26 - Jeonghan: Yeah, but you misunderstood. Because we can’t feel that.

09:28 - SeungKwan: But your temperature does fall, you just can’t feel it.

09:31 - Jeonghan: You can touch fire, Jeonghan: And you don’t get burnt by it, but do you turn into ashes if you keep touching fire? [Taken aback] Joshua: That’s right, that’s right! DK: You don’t feel heat, but you walk into magma DK: How can you survive? Hoshi: We can go to the north pole and become friends with the polar bear.

09:47 - DK: We can swim in the north pole [Stop] Mingyu: Do you know where you can get diamonds? Jeonghan: Our CARATs are our diamonds.

09:51 - [Logic terminated] [Only diamonds we know are CARATs] Wonwoo: Okay, Mingyu. If you continue like this, Wonwoo: I won’t give you chances to speak.

10:00 - Hoshi: When you go to the department store, the AC’s blasting.

10:02 - Right. [Hoping for tiki taka] Hoshi: What’s that like? THE 8: It’s… cold.

10:05 - [Tiki taka done] [Ruined] But we can’t feel cold, right? But they do. Talk about that.

10:08 - S. COUPS: But why do you always ask our staff to blast the AC when we perform? Jeonghan: Because we don’t feel cold.

10:15 - Mingyu: So you don’t care about others? [Hurries] Hoshi: No, just in case our staff feel hot! SeungKwan: It’s the opposite, because you feel the heat SeungKwan: You feel the heat too much so your frustration level is high! Jeonghan: That’s why we ask for the AC SeungKwan: That’s right. So you ultimately admit SeungKwan: How inconvenient to feel heat is.

10:30 - SeungKwan: But we are immune to heat! Okay, right there! [Burnt out] Jeonghan: If you are immune to heat, we WOOZI: What’s with your pose? Jun: What pose is that? [Professional clown] Jeonghan: Oh, so cold! Jeonghan: I saw that.

10:43 - [Calm down] To accentuate how bad heat is once more SeungKwan: Heat causes endless frustration for people.

10:49 - [Not listening to serious talk] DK: Oh, okay.

10:50 - SeungKwan: Scientifically speaking, humidity increases as temperature does.

10:52 - [Scientifically skip] S. COUPS: Even in the weather forecast, S. COUPS: When it’s hot, they tell you what the frustration score is.

10:56 - S. COUPS: But they don’t do that when it’s cold.

10:58 - DK: Why is that? S. COUPS: Because it’s not S. COUPS: frustrating! Jeonghan: Coming to that conclusion is criticizing people in the world.

11:03 - [Can’t talk to them] WOOZI: Now I understand why I’m on this team.

11:07 - SeungKwan: WOOZI, it’s your turn. [Clogged] Mingyu: It’s Olympic Highway at 7pm.

11:10 - DK: His walk is so intimidating. Jun: We’re in trouble.

11:12 - WOOZI: There are many benefits on both. [Excited] - WOOZI: There are many good things and there are many good things. - SeungKwan: Good, this warm atmosphere.

11:16 - WOOZI: I’ve done a lot of research WOOZI: And there are benefits and disadvantages.

11:21 - [Easy pick/ First target] WOOZI: Hoshi, you eat a lot of sweet potato, right? - Hoshi: Yes. - You eat a lot of sweet potato.

11:24 - WOOZI: How do you take them out? [(Hot potato) Real acting] - Oh, he’s good! - Looks real! Looks real! WOOZI: But we don’t have this. We’re just like [Hot sweet potato] [King of mime] [You can hold a roasted sweet potato really calmly, and look swag] - Without even cooling it? - You can just eat it.

11:38 - [Second target] WOOZI: DK, you like playing mobile games, don’t you? DK: Of course.

11:41 - - WOOZI: There’s a game you’ve been playing a lot. - Yeah, yeah.

11:42 - WOOZI: That game heats your phone up pretty high.

11:44 - [Being hypnotized] DK: That’s true. WOOZI: You would have gotten burns on your fingers already.

11:47 - [Burn] DK: Oh really? WOOZI: And Jeonghan, you sigh a lot, right? WOOZI: If you have this immunity (to coldness), you can’t sigh.

11:54 - Jeonghan: What doctor said that? WOOZI: Uh… from Britain…

11:56 - Jeonghan: John Practacks - John British [Sorta like Kim Hankook from Korea] - Oh was it British? Oh, okay. - Come again? WOOZI: John British.

12:01 - WOOZI: That’s why he’s from the UK. [He knows that doctor] Jeonghan: Doctor’s words make sense.

12:03 - WOOZI: Yeah, so you can’t sigh. WOOZI: Because your breath is too hot and might burn you.

12:06 - [You can get burns from overheated phone and sighing] [Sweet] - Okay. - Be careful.

12:07 - Mingyu: We feel a lot of cold. Jeonghan: Extreme coldness.

12:11 - Jeonghan: You’ll get frostbite. [Two paddings] Mingyu: Have you ever worn two layers of outer? [We’ll never know] Jeonghan: I have worn two layers.

12:14 - [Knew he’d do this] Mingyu: I’ve worn three layers.

12:15 - Mingyu: Three layers is enough to bear the cold.

12:17 - Mingyu: But you guys feel extreme, crazy heat.

12:20 - Mingyu: You have a t-shirt on. Mingyu: But you come outside, it’s so hot.

12:23 - Mingyu: What do you do? Jeonghan: Deal with it.

12:24 - [Logic terminated] That’s difficult. Hoshi: Mingyu, you said that you wear outers when it’s cold.

12:33 - Hoshi: Do you know what this is? Mingyu: That’s my wallet? [Really his wallet] Hoshi: This is your wallet.

12:39 - [He found it] Hoshi: And you can’t buy coats now.

12:40 - [Taken aback for real] Jeonghan: He’s already lost his wallet.

12:44 - - Wonwoo: Wait, this is irrelevant to the debate… - S. COUPS: Isn’t this stealing? [In his pocket] Hoshi: It’s not theft, I just found it after he left it.

12:48 - S. COUPS: Where did he leave it? Hoshi: I found it at the shop Mingyu: What are you doing? Give it back to me Jeonghan: You know, you need to reward the person who’s found your wallet SeungKwan: I heard that you can claim up to half of that wallet’s worth.

12:58 - [Pride of the man with 2. 3 billion won] - Mingyu: Keep it. - Wow, he’s so cool.

13:00 - Jeonghan: Thanks, thanks. Hoshi: Anyway, Mingyu.

13:02 - [Unexpected present] Hoshi: You feel a lot of cold. And you said you’d buy coats, but you can’t buy it now.

13:06 - Mingyu: You can buy everything with your phone now.

13:08 - Mingyu: And using my hard-earned money Mingyu: To buy coats is the happiness and the reason of my life.

13:13 - [Billionaire’s wallet] Hoshi: So this! - Yeah. - Thank you for this.

13:17 - [Angel donor] DK: Make all your purchases online from now on.

13:19 - Jeonghan: Lastly, because you can’t feel warmth, [Undutiful sons] Jeonghan: You can’t feel the warmth of your mother.

13:23 - S. COUPS: According to that logic, you won’t feel that you’re being cold to your parents either.

13:29 - [Calculating the worth of his wallet] Jeonghan: But our parents can understand that.

13:31 - - S. COUPS: Why should our parents understand that? - That’s what parents are! [Touched] - Jeonghan: I can understand my son and daughter. - S. COUPS: That’s bad parenting.

13:37 - [His pose is weirder] WOOZI: That pose is really weird.

13:39 - [Quick admit] SeungKwan: What’s something really sad is SeungKwan: Say it’s really cold [No logic] SeungKwan: And you go inside because it’s cold.

13:44 - SeungKwan: You talked about the good of not feeling the cold, right? That’s wrong.

13:47 - Why? SeungKwan: Blasting the AC indoors so often - SeungKwan: That’s all problematic. - Jeonghan: So you’re not going to live in Korea? SeungKwan: No, I will.

13:55 - Seungkwan: But say that everyone in the Republic of Korea has immunity to heat SeungKwan: Let’s assume that they did, SeungKwan: and it means that we don’t need to blast the AC.

14:03 - [Vitamin expert] SeungKwan: It’s good for the health of Earth too Mingyu: Reduce global warming! Jeonghan: It’s the same in winter.

14:09 - Jeonghan: Turning on the heater causes global warming.

14:10 - [Boogi expert] SeungKwan: You can move your body around! Do 100 burpees! SeungKwan: We feel cold SeungKwan: But there are relatively more things to do about the cold SeungKwan: But when it’s hot, you stay still and still be stressed.

14:19 - Jeonghan: You can go to the South Pole [I won’t go out of my way] - Bye then. - Go to the South Pole, then.

14:22 - Jeonghan: I we talked about the polar bear earlier, right? With polar bear, - SeungKwan: I’ll ask you a question, DK. - Okay? - Say you’re lounging around in the living room with your mom. - DK: Yeah, yeah [Getting into it] SeungKwan: But your mom won’t let you turn on the AC or the fan.

14:34 - SeungKwan: And you’ll be like ‘Mom, it’s so hot’.

14:37 - SeungKwan: What would your mother say? Hoshi: It’ll get cool if you stay still.

14:40 - SeungKwan: Has it ever been the case? - Hoshi: To be honest, I was always a bit mad at mom for saying that. - SeungKwan: Right? It doesn’t make sense.

14:46 - [If it’s cold, you can work out- The Earth can get polluted if it’s hot] SeungKwan: So that’s why heat immunity is better.

14:49 - [Finished calculating his wallet’s worth] Mingyu: I will add onto SeungKwan’s opinions.

14:50 - Mingyu: You’re home, and it’s hot. Mingyu: It’ll be hot even if with the AC on, you guys.

14:54 - Mingyu: Because you feel extreme heat, so you’ll feel hot no matter what.

14:57 - Mingyu: What will you do? Mingyu: Nothing. But I can have a warm blanket over me with mom, [Doesn’t like to be touched] Mingyu: And eat sweet potato with mother [Weight of 2. 3 billion won] But you can’t afford it.

15:04 - What? Don’t have money to buy that! [Mingyu (CEO with 2. 3 billion won) - Note: Doesn’t have money to buy sweet potato] Wonwoo: So, THE 8 or Vernon, do you have anything? THE 8: Well, for me, personally, rather than attacking like this, THE 8: There are a lot of things that’s good for me.

15:15 - The 8: I really want to have ice cream. [Being supportive/ Don’t need it] - Right? But you can’t have too much. - THE 8: But I can’t have it because it’s cold.

15:20 - [Don’t believe him] THE 8: I really want to have cold noodles too, but it’s cold.

15:23 - S. COUPS: You don’t have those things because it’s unhealthy.

15:24 - [Firm] The 8: No, it’s because they’re cold.

15:25 - THE 8: But if I have immunity to coldness, it’ll be good for me.

15:28 - [All will be good if I have coldness immunity] It’s good for me.

15:31 - Jeonghan: So you talked about moms and AC just then? Jeonghan: Our house… well, this…

15:36 - [Kindhearted son] Jeonghan: I didn’t say this because I thought she might be embarrassed - Mingyu: Don’t say it then. - Jeonghan: Our house didn’t turn on any heating.

15:41 - [Put your hands up if you agree] Mingyu: Us too! Us too1 Mingyu: Right? But we don’t feel cold.

15:44 - - Hoshi: Because we can feel the warmth of family. - Right.

15:46 - And because we are immune to coldness. Hoshi: But they don’t feel the warmth of family, right? [Dutiful son who doesn’t go home often] Jeonghan: During winter, I don’t go home often.

15:53 - - WOOZI: You’re an undutiful son. - Jeonghan: Because it’s so cold.

15:54 - Jeonghan: But because we feel the warmth of the heart, WOOZI: You feel the warmth of the heart so you don’t need to go back home often? - Yes - WOOZI: And you don’t think about your parents waiting for you back home? - Jeonghan: I video call them.

16:02 - S. COUPS: He doesn’t feel the coldness of that.

16:04 - Dino: If I were Jeonghan, I’d bring some hot packs with me when I go home.

16:07 - Jeonghan: What? Dino: I would have taken hot packs with me home.

16:09 - [Fake news expert] Jeonghan: So that’s why you go out drinking every night and come back home at 6 AM [Let go free] - Jeonghan: You don’t see your parents and come back home at 6 AM! - I can’t do this today! Dino: I think my image will be completely ruined today.

16:18 - Wonwoo: Silence, silence. Jun: We’ve had cold noodles during winter while working, right? Mingyu: Yeah Jun: And we’ve had ice cream in winter.

16:28 - SeungKwan: Yes, we have. Jun: Have you played with fire on a hot day? [Blocking the logic] Jeonghan : We don’t want to play with fire.

16:33 - Wonwoo : Hold on, you are not reputing now.

16:35 - Hoshi : It’s dangerous. [Quick Acknowledgement] Jun : Right.

16:38 - Jun : It’s dangerous! Right! Jun : Fire is dangerous! Jun : But fire is not dangerous anymore for us.

16:42 - [Twist in situation] So [Nothing to say] - Something we can’t have by nature, we can do it now. - SeungKwan : He’s doing so well! Jun : Ice is something that can be touched by anyone already, but we can play with fire without getting hurt, which is extraordinary.

16:51 - SeungKwan : We get an ability to neutralize the danger! [Unbelievable] - WOOZI : Wow, Jun is our ace. - Jun : So we can go to all kinds of dangerous places [Immunity for heat is free from the danger of fire] - and can save many people. - We could also help! Jeonghan : We can find the people who are lost on Everest.

17:05 - - SeungKwan : Like you would go. - WOOZI : You wouldn’t go.

17:07 - [Rare Confusion] SeungKwan : Hey, it’s not like you can’t go there because it’s cold SeungKwan : It’s because you can’t climb there.

17:11 - Mingyu : I have an opinion. Wonwoo : Hold on.

17:13 - Wonwoo : Vernon, do you have something to say? Vernon : Me? Vernon : Honestly, as I’m sitting here, I am really jealous of Wonwoo’s spot.

17:19 - [The most normal spot] I want to see this from the middle.

17:20 - Jeonghan : And while we feel extreme hotness Jeonghan : we can exhale breath made with fire when we sigh.

17:26 - [Exploding] Mingyu : On your ordinary days, have you ever felt the danger using the ice? [Rebutting] Hoshi : We’re not allowed to touch dry ice Mingyu : Not so sure about that but SeungKwan : Don’t listen to them too much.

17:36 - [Encouragement] Mingyu : Is that so? I got it.

17:37 - Mingyu : Touching fire is dangerous. Mingyu : But there are not many kinds of ice that are dangerous to touch.

17:42 - Jeonghan : Your hands will stick to cold pieces of metal when it’s cold.

17:44 - DK : Right. Mingyu : You shouldn’t touch that.

17:46 - Jeonghan : Same goes with fire! [Support?] SeungKwan : Honestly speaking SeungKwan : Let’s not be petty over we wouldn’t get burned or we wouldn’t get frostbites.

17:53 - I think you guys are doing that SeungKwan : Come in.

17:55 - SeungKwan : Regarding those stuff SeungKwan : I think both of them are dangerous Jeonghan : The heat team cannot even listen to the song “Snow Flower’.

18:02 - WOOZI : So randomly like that? How can you listen to that song when it’s so cold S. COUPS : Then you can’t listen to Playing with Fire? [Kidding] SeungKwan : You can’t listen to ‘Our love is like playing with fire’? [Agreed] Because It’s too hot. .

18:13 - WOOZI : I’ll film myself singing Snow Flower at a karaoke.

18:16 - [Intermission Personal Skills] - DK : He’s good. - Hoshi : Good Lastly, Hoshi : Briefly speaking, As singers, I think we have to feel warmth to deliver the warmness to the audience.

18:28 - Wonwoo : Ah, very well. SeungKwan : You guys take that mighty immunity for the cold SeungKwan : and keep it until the end of the global warming SeungKwan : and face a day where you’ll deeply regret it.

18:39 - [Not Losing] Jeonghan : Heaters cause global warming too.

18:40 - Wonwoo : Since both teams don’t have any logic to rebut, we’ll end this topic here.

18:44 - Wonwoo : Please let us know which logic you viewers agreed with Wonwoo : we’ll be waiting for many comments.

18:50 - SeungKwan : Sorry Earth. [Logic Night 2] Wonwoo : Yes, it’s a night of beautiful logic, Logic night.

18:57 - Wonwoo : Because the members were chaotic on the last topic Wonwoo : this time, we’ll fully listen to the opponents’ logic first.

19:05 - Hoshi : Okay, got it. Wonwoo : I’ll reveal the topic right away.

19:08 - Wonwoo : Teleport VS Time Slip. Wonwoo : Note that the teleport brings you back to the original place after 10 seconds Wonwoo : And it’s applied to all things that are in contact with your body.

19:18 - Wonwoo : And there’s 10% of chance that you may not return to the original place.

19:21 - Wonwoo : And the time slip makes you go back to 3 seconds in the past.

19:23 - Wonwoo : And there’s 10% of chance that you may go 3 seconds in the future.

19:27 - [Team Kkikkikki - Teleport / Team Hold Up - Time Slip] Wonwoo : Then team Kkikkikki would go first.

19:30 - - Joshua : When we shoot TV shows or other content - Go forward please.

19:32 - [Obedient] Yes. Jeonghan : It’s not easy to see Joshua coming out in front.

19:34 - SeungKwan : Why are you keep ordering what to do for him? SeungKwan : Joshua, are you a minion that - Joshua : Please be quiet. - Yes, okay.

19:39 - [Serious] Joshua : When we shoot TV shows or other content, there can be some awkward moments.

19:44 - [Example] Joshua : You are desperate to go to the toilet.

19:45 - Joshua : Then I thought there was a break. Joshua : But we started shooting right away [His own story] Joshua : without the break.

19:50 - [Tense Moment] Joshua : When you have to hold in, I’ll show you the teleport.

19:55 - Teleport now! [In a hurry] Jeonghan : If there was a teleport, you can go like this for 10 seconds.

20:05 - Mingyu : What happens if 10 seconds pass? Jeonghan : If you hold on to the toilet, it will come back with you.

20:08 - WOOZI : It comes back with you? Ugh! DK : Why isn’t he coming? [Happy] S. COUPS : He was taken by that 10% of chance.

20:13 - Jeonghan : Right, he’s not coming back because of that 10% chance.

20:16 - WOOZI : Ah, he failed by that 10% chance! Hoshi : I think Joshua is back from the teleport.

20:20 - [Happy Return] [Supernatural Power] Joshua : Teleport is this good.

20:24 - - Joshua : You can avoid moments of embarrassment. - SeungKwan : Are you just moving to the best of your ability? [Toss] Jeonghan : And that thing that Hoshi wanted to talk about [Got the item] Hoshi : Mingyu left his wallet at the shop today.

20:34 - WOOZI : He keeps on using that. Hoshi : If you could teleport, Mingyu could go back in time - Hoshi : He could be like ‘Where is my wallet? Oh, it’s here?’ - DK : He can bring it back.

20:41 - - Joshua : He could bring it back! - Right! [I don’t care for anything but the wallet] [No chance of losing wallets / No need to get the ID and cards reissued] This is the power of the teleport.

20:45 - Hoshi : but if I don’t have that ability to teleport.

20:48 - Hoshi : If I forgot the wallet, it’s gone forever Jeonghan : You are losing it forever.

20:52 - [a. k. a. Chance to find the wallet] Mingyu : Would you give me a chance to rebut? Wonwoo : No, not yet… . are you done? Jeonghan : If we can teleport, we can save on the flight fares.

20:58 - Jeonghan : Because we have that 10% of chance, and we can just take the short visit to grab something really quick.

21:03 - Jeonghan : When we teleport, we can save the money for flights.

21:05 - Jeonghan : By doing that, we can save [Mingyu (CEO with 2. 3 billion won) - Characteristic : No money to buy sweet potatoes, no wallet] like Mingyu [Want to be rich] who has 2. 3 billion won saved up.

21:11 - Wonwoo : Okay fine. Wonwoo : Now, opinions! Mingyu : First of all, I’ll rebut to Hoshi’s logic.

21:15 - Mingyu : Let’s say I left my wallet at the shop.

21:17 - Mingyu : As Hoshi said, if I have that ability to teleport, I would go get it.

21:19 - Mingyu : But then I can’t come back even after that 10 seconds.

21:22 - [Here you go your reaction] Mingyu : Then, what should I do? [That’s too bad] - Hoshi : That’s a trouble. - I gotta be on the shooting Mingyu : I have to take a cap to come here and it takes 40 minutes.

21:27 - Mingyu : They would have to delay the shooting.

21:28 - [Let’s do it / Don’t team-kill] Mingyu : It’s going to be a big trouble.

21:29 - Mingyu : I think that 10% is too big of a risk to take in important situations like this.

21:34 - - Hoshi : So you just don’t use it in those times - Wonwoo : Ah, hold on, you can’t rebut it now.

21:37 - DK : Then how can you do it with the time slip? Mingyu : Hey you idiot! [Motion that looks like going back to 3 seconds ago] Jeonghan : But we could go to the future.

21:42 - [Motion that looks like going forward to 3 seconds in the future] Jeonghan : What would you do if we go to future and fight? Mingyu : If you go to your future, ‘Sorry’ S. COUPS : No, why are you letting them rebut? [Mediate] Wonwoo : You can’t rebut now.

21:49 - [History Fan] Dino : I consider time very important.

21:51 - Dino : Depending on your effectiveness in using time Hoshi : Of course, that’s why you spent your time so preciously until the morning! DK : Time is gold.

21:57 - S. COUPS : Are you going to behave like that? [Unity of Ego and the Outside World] I can’t do this.

22:05 - Mingyu: When we clean up our practice room after practice, Mingyu: And we play the timing game, 1! 2! And you get caught on 3.

22:09 - Mingyu: Go back in time. Don’t say 3.

22:13 - You get caught? Go back! [Accepts] Mingyu: You don’t clean! Woozi: Because our cool-time is only 3 seconds, we can use it endlessly.

22:19 - [Jealous] DK: That’s not bad. SeungKwan: The World Cup takes place every 4 years.

22:23 - Seungkwan: And we’re all watching it together.

22:25 - SeungKwan: But you suddenly get a signal, like Joshua had before.

22:27 - [10 seconds is all I need] SeungKwan: But SeungKwan: If you go to toilet, and then you suddenly SeungKwan: hear goal!!! SeungKwan: And I can’t feel that joy.

22:33 - SeungKwan: But I can go back in time, and enjoy it together like yay~! Jeonghan: But what if you pis…

22:38 - [Calm down] Jeonghan: THE 8 has something to say.

22:40 - Wonwoo: Please go for it. THE 8: We all live in apartments, right? THE 8: When we have to take the trash out, it’s quite Jeonghan: Bothersome.

22:49 - - The 8: bothersome. - Joshua: It’s very bothersome.

22:51 - The 8: But if you can teleport, [Recycling gets really easy - You can become a model citizen who recycles well] You can just throw it out and come right back.

22:55 - - DK: Have you guys tried skydiving? - WOOZI: What? - Jeonghan: No - No, right? [Passion] Dino: I want to try! Skydiving! [Previous owner of Cuckoo] WOOZI: Oh, DK! I support you! DK: If you can teleport, DK: You don’t need to pay for skydiving.

23:09 - Jeonghan: You can teleport to the sky DK: You’re on the rooftop.

23:12 - DK: And you fall! [Realistic acting] DK: I’m falling! DK: And teleport! [No reaction] WOOZI: What if you fail? Then there’s nothing to be done.

23:19 - Wonwoo: DK’s opinion was very bad. DK: It’s dangerous.

23:22 - Jeonghan: It is how it is. - Mingyu: May I do rebuttal? - Wonwoo: Yes, please go.

23:24 - Mingyu: First, I found DK’s opinion very interesting.

23:26 - DK: It wasn’t bad. - It was bad. - DK: If you succeed, it’s very good.

23:29 - - WOOZI: If it fails… - Mingyu: So DK, will you go up the sky with the 10% chance of survival? [Pretending not to hear] What? Jeonghan: So we really ‘live dangerously’ Woozi: Feeling thrill to that extent? S. COUPS: But DK! If you really have the ability to teleport, can you really do skydiving like that? Of course! S. COUPS: Did you har? S. Coups: He said that he can do skydiving.

23:48 - [Startled] - DK: I said, if I had the ability I could. - He said he could.

23:49 - - S. COUPS: Oh, directors are nodding! - DK: Don’t edit out the part in the beginning! S. COUPS: Can you do skydiving? [Full of confidence] DK: Of course! [Pinned] SeungKwan: Going Seventeen to Flying Seventeen! [We’ll organize the opportunity. Thank you] WOOZI: DK’s special episode, Flying Seventeen! Dino: Coming back to the topic, I’ll mention another advantage.

24:05 - Dino: You guys know the film, Doctor Strange? - WOOZI: Dormammu? - Dino: There’s this sir who controls time and controls space.

24:12 - S. COUPS: There’s a sir lol [A sir who controls time] Dino: I saw an amazing scene in that movie.

24:15 - [Small-time humor] Wonwoo: Is it a science teacher? Dino: His line was Dormammu.

24:18 - Dino: He turns back time, and says ‘Dormammu’ and bothers this sir a lot Dino: ANd I Jeonghan: And you want to bother him too? Huh? [Bothering] - Joshu: Why do you like to bother others so much, Dino? - That’s not what I mean…

24:26 - [Self-reflecting] Don’t bother others! - Dino: There’s this person who’s so annoying! Someone so annoying! S. COUPS: And you just want to flick his forehead!] Dino: And I want to flick him.

24:31 - [SeungKwan] Dino: So you walk up behind that person, and flick him Dino: And go back in time three seconds.

24:33 - Jeonghan: So Dino, you’re going to use your ability to hit people? I can’t do this.

24:39 - WOOZI: I’ll take it from here. [Pretending to have teleported/ Acting] Hoshi: Huh? When did you teleport over there? DK: If you can teleport, you can just…

24:45 - [Edited out] WOOZI: We can confess our love without any risk.

24:49 - WOOZI: Mingyu, I like you. [Go back three seconds] WOOZI: What? I have nothing to say to you.

24:53 - Jeonghan: Why are you doing that? [Sympathizes perfectly] - I saw the future - SeungKwan: Rejection! - SeungKwan: In case he gets rejected - WOOZI: Because I don’t want to get rejected.

24:58 - WOOZI: It’s hurtful. WOOZI: And if I just don’t like something about a person, WOOZI: Strike! [Went back 3 seconds] - S. COUPS: Go back in time - WOOZI: And I’m back in time.

25:07 - Jeonghan: We can do the same. Jeonghan: Teleport! Hit! S. COUPS: But then, they’d know! [Hard-working entertainer] - S. COUPS: The other person knows. - Mingyu: That’s where we differ.

25:13 - Mingyu: The difference is that for us, it’s for our own happiness.

25:17 - Mingyu: I hit Jeonghan, and came back in time.

25:19 - Mingyu: No one knows, except for me. - Jeonghan: You can also go forward in time. - Mingyu: But if Jeonghan, if you teleport and hit someone, Mingyu: You’re just beaten up for the next 9 seconds.

25:28 - The 8: I have something! The 8: Say that you have someone you don’t like.

25:32 - - Hoshi: It can be a bit mean. - THE 8: For example, I can teleport.

25:35 - - THE 8: I can take Joshua, and take him some place bad - THE 8: And come back alone after 10 seconds. - S. COUPS: That’s so mean! THE 8: You started doing bad things first.

25:45 - Jeonghan: Dino harassed us like this. Jeonghan: Then I’ll just grab Dino, Jeonghan: And teleport to a deserted island, and come back by myself.

25:52 - Dino: Is that what an older brother should do? Dino: Is that a way for an older guy to act? [To be continued in part 2] You’re being so mean! From a few minutes ago! Wonwoo: Now, we’ll select our second topics.

26:18 - Jeonghan: Oh, so we’re selecting all of them at the same time? SeungKwan: I don’t want to memorize, I can’t remember it. Do I keep it? Mingyu: If you keep it, you don’t need to memorize it.

26:23 - - Wonwoo: Should we shoot without SeungKwan? - WOOZI: SeungKwan just shot ‘Knowing Bros’ WOOZI: And is a bit arrogant.

26:28 - - WOOZI: Going Seventeen… - SeungKwan: I shot one show, and they tease me so much about it.

26:32 - SeungKwan: Guys, I try my best whether it’s Knowing Bros, or Going Seventeen! SeungKwan: I’m not that sort of a person! Wonwoo: When I came in, SeungKwan was like ‘Hyung, try hard as today’s MC’ Dino: Wow, so grown up! So grown up! WOOZI: Well he can say that… because he went on Knowing Bros alone! - WOOZI: He can say that! - Admit! Wonwoo: SeungKwan and DK will do rock scissors paper.

26:51 - - WOOZI: Not everyone gets to go on shows alone. - Yeah.

26:54 - We’ve selected the topics. .