ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL VIDEOS EVER TAKEN (Tasmania Vlog Day 2 - 11/12/2020) [#2]

Dec 29, 2020 11:00 · 6929 words · 33 minute read guy right perspective day another

Melbourne is in 802km. So-um… we’re inside Melbourne City now and-uh… There it is. The view of the sea from cabin 8061. WIND NOISES Guys look at that… the sun… The sun has arisen (which is not a word) in the Tasmanian lands. WIND NOISES Alright morning guys… um… So currently it’s 5:50am and-uh… it’s the next morning now… obviously so-um… Right now we’ve gone to the point where we can see land. And-uh… You couldn’t really see that but… we’ve basically arrived! We’re basically like um… A couple of kilometers away from shore, uh…

01:29 - I think we start disembarking at about 6:30am and then like… you know We get our cars and everything at 7… So-um yeah in about 3… maybe 4 hours It’s gonna happen! Um… you know, after I drive all the way down to Hobart The person I’ve looked up to for so long that… Being separated by such a sea… is finally gonna… uh… not be separated anymore! You know…? As you can see… WIND NOISES We’ve got Devonport city in the distance… WIND NOISES There it is… and-uh… You know you’ve got like the plain fields and all that… I think that’s an airport actually… Can’t really tell but-uh…

02:12 - INAUDIBLE DUE TO WIND NOISES We’re not that far away… and-um… INAUDIBLE DUE TO WIND NOISES We’re gonna be at a whole different landmass. And… you know… that’s scary to think about. For the same reason why I haven’t INAUDIBLE I haven’t been able to get out the country For like… so long I CAN’T HEAR ANYTHING… WHY IS THE WIND SO STRONG Uh… I should probably also tell you guys about like the sleep I had yesterday… um… It was not the best. I mean… um… I couldn’t fall asleep for like two hours because the boat was just completely rocking and um… You know…

I’m completely not used to that because you know I’ve never like… stayed overnight in a cruise ship before so… It’s a bit of an odd feeling but-um… In about like two hours you know I kind of got used to it so I just eventually just fell asleep so it’s all good. So I think I was able to get like… about like 5 hours of sleep… um… That’s not a lot but… You know… should last me the today… Should last me… I’ve gotten less… I’ve gotten way less as a high school student I’ve gone way less… so… yeah. Alright guys i just came back to deck 10 and-uh…

I had a little bit of a look at the game bar 03:25 - And-um… since there’s no one here anymore unlike last night… um… I looked at what kinda games are there and look at this. This thing is old! I kinda wanna play like a game of this but then I kinda also remembered I had… it was almost time but-um… You know what, I’m actually going to have like a look… At what the Tottenham Hotspur team looked like back then. I just kinda wanna have a look. And I should also have you guys know that we’re like really close to Devonport now… like You could literally see those houses over there. Harry Kane was 68 and on the bench… uh… freaking this player that I don’t even know who it is… Uh… it kinda looks like Sonaldo but like sun is not even here…uh… We got Mousa Dembele… uh… Eriksen was 83 rated… and he’s actually our highest rated player.

04:16 - And Eric Dier was playing that right back! Oh my god… Look at that. La Liga was called Liga BBVA. chuckles Cool. We’ve arrived! Now I think.. like the ship Has to just like reverse onto like a parking spot or something and then… we’ll be done for the day! You know… it has been a… long 12 hours… I’m really excited… and in about 4 hours… Oh my god in about 4 hours man… Ughh… that one… that’s gonna be good. Goodbye Spirit of Tasmania.. Goodbye FIFA 15 with 68 rated Kane… oh my god that sounds so wrong… I was actually mad that Kane was rated 88 on FIFA 20. Imagine how mad I’d be if I saw a Kane rated 68. Chuckles Oh my god that… 68 rated Kane… that… oh my god… So just back here in the cabin now… um… you know… doing some last-minute packing… and yeah just some packing up to do… um… and yeah we should be good! As you can see the ship has stopped now. We’re not moving anymore. You know… we’re not moving. Devonport’s right over here… ship’s over here… not moving.

05:22 - Here is the spirit of tasmania coffee shop… Here’s the flavours of Tassie. Stirring my coffee… just stirring my coffee… It’s uh… pretty nice one. Dad: Everyone’s already gone… Dad: We’ll make it on time. Oscar: No… we won’t… I have to make it there by 10:30am! Dad: Seriously…? 10:30… that’s plenty of time… old brother! (no direct translation for 老弟) Oscar: It takes 3 hours to get there! Dad: 3 HOURS?!?! Oscar: Yeah..! Oscar: You think this island is really small…? We’re getting off guys… we’ve just gotten our vehicles and-uh… We’re getting off! It’s a very long queue… look at that…

06:11 - Unnamed Worker 1: Morning! (Can’t figure out what the woman was saying but she was trying to check our temperature) Unnamed Worker 1: That’s all good… thank you! Unnamed Worker 2: Hi… how are you? VROOM Unnamed Worker 2: QR Codes please…? (I hand her my phone which has my QR code) Unnamed Worker 3: Oscar? Oscar: Yep! (I then show her the other QR code that I worked so hard to get) Unnamed Worker 2: And Qibin? (My Dad nods) Unnamed Worker 2: Lovely… Unnamed Worker 2: You haven’t been overseas in the last 28 days? Oscar: No. Unnamed Worker 2: Not carrying any fruit and vegetables in the vehicle? Oscar: No. Unnamed Worker 2: And you both feel well. Oscar: Yes. Unnamed Worker 2: Lovely.

If you just stop at Elisa, she’ll give you a public health card. Oscar: Alright, thank you. Unnamed Worker 2: Thank you! Oscar: Yep Named Worker 3 (Elisa): This is a public health hotline number. Elisa: If you have any of the symptoms on the back… call the number and you can get a free test. Oscar: Okay Elisa: Okay? Thanks guys, for the last time! Oscar: Alright thank you! Bye! We finally got out of that freaking long queue… it’s… It’s 7:42! Oh my gosh… So we’re going to be a bit slightly late… um… I’m going to switch over and then I’m gonna drive all the way to Phil’s house and then… uh… yeah! That was… that took so long… freaking hell… Okay guys so now we’ve switched over… and now I’m driving. now. And-uh…

07:25 - It’s about a 3 hour and 40 minute drive to Phil’s house… um… Ughh… like we’re gonna arrive at like 11:15… even though we agreed on like… 10:30… so I’m gonna be a bit late but-uh… Not really my fault… considering you know that quarantine check to see if you have any symptoms and that queue took so freaking long… so-um… I’m a bit sad now guys. 45 minutes less fun. I feel… I feel really bad. Just… really bad. Alright guys… so… apparently this is National Highway 1… That we’re going on right now… and-um… If we just stay on this road for about three hours we’ll eventually get to Hobart but-uh… We’re taking a different route… we’re not… completely gonna take route 1 because um… You know it’s actually shorter distance… So I’ve just set myself to go on the A5 route instead of… you know… Just the national highway… so-um yeah! I gotta say… for a… Island this small… this road is really big! Never mind! We-uh… we have to merge on to the right now…

08:23 - So this road is kind of like a one-two split so… We’re passing through some kind of like small town… uh… I don’t even know where this is I think this is like… called emu bay… but-um… Yeah the houses are pretty nice here… um… we’re just on our way to the A5 which is… A shortcut to the A1… just like… you know you could get more scenery… probably also a bad idea considering I’m in a kind of a bit of a rush to meet Phil! But that’s okay I guess… because the distance is shorter and… you know, less fuel! Guys I’m glad I took this route… look at the scenery… It’s just… beautiful…

08:55 - Guys this is one of the reasons why I chose the Spirit of Tasmania instead of… you know… just… Catching a plane. It’s just this place… just… driving around this place just gives me joy. Of course, when I meet Phil… it’s gonna be… there’s gonna be more joy! But-um… You know… the scenery here… you know… brings me enough to already. So… yeah. Wow. I’m just amused There’s… there’s no… there’s no better word to describe my joy Caution: Ice. Wow. This is when you know you’re in Tasmania. Alright we’re gonna stop right here because I just want to enjoy the view. Subtitles are gonna end here again… because… I fell asleep while doing them… and then when I woke up it was already dinner time… I only had like 2 hours to make them… and with 2 hours of time only comes 10 minutes of subtitles.

That goes to show how time consuming it is to make them. So yeah. From now on, subtitles are just gonna be what computer thinks I’m saying… which is extremely inaccurate. Turn them off unless you have to use them. we are now on the lake and uh yeah it looks absolutely gorgeous here just another car here you know the guy probably enjoying the view but um yeah this looks absolutely fantastic it’s great here’s a closer look of the lake you literally just touch the water it’s pretty cold but um yeah hey guys look at this the water is forming like bubbles here tiny little foam stuff look let’s do this oh my gosh like this is how’s this physically even possible wow guys we’re about to go on a bridge look at this i think this has to be like the biggest bridge in like the whole island actually wow and then after we cross this bridge i believe we should be at the outskirts of hobart guys civilization after about a 28-hour journey we’re finally at the city in which phil lives so um yeah guys i think now we’ve arrived at the cpd of hobart i mean look at this there’s traffic lights here and then this road the speed limit is 80 but i could only drive like 60 okay well now now the speed in the 69 as i talk but um before it was 80 and i couldn’t even really drive that fast so um wow was so close guys we’re so close unfortunately phil does live a bit far away from the city i don’t really want to tell you exactly where considering you know that’s a breach of privacy so yeah guys we’re almost there oh my gosh like half an hour more we get to meet him and we’ve arrived at the end of national highway one we’re about to enter a6 and in 21 kilometers we’ll be there this has some resemblance to sydney i would say a little bit not a lot but a little bit well guys we’ve just passed the cbd area and now we’re on like another highway because um you know he lives in south hobart and we’ve now gone away from civilization once again oh that was quick it goes to show how small hobart is we’re now closer to phil’s house than you know my house is to the school you have 15 more minutes i normally get like 17 18 minutes to school so i’m oh my god unexpressable feelings left guys i uh i took a wrong turn uh uh now we’re adding five more minutes to trip crap oh my god what am i where am i going where where am i going guys sometimes you make mistakes uh if you make mistakes you learn from them and uh i’ve definitely learned from this mistake now i’ll never commit another one okay i think after this horrendous road just then i think now if we just turn right here we should be um back on track continue on this one just say sing what the we’re really close now this truck in front of me is just limiting my speed oh my gosh in 300 meters your destination will be on the left did you guys hear that oh my gosh oh my gosh your destination is on the left we’re here because i’m wow wait so we just go in we’re now on private property oh my gosh we’re now on private property it’s quite a way to get down there but um we’re here oh my gosh well i don’t recognize anything right now but uh it’s close to here okay i think this is the gate right there this is the gate to glory quite literally and uh all right i’m just waiting for phil at this point he he told me he’ll come meet me but um as you can see there’s a certain blue mitsubishi over there i could see this with mitsubishi uh you guys can’t really see it but um this was a car i’ve been on three years ago and um i’ve seen the car i just need to see the human now one minute wait oh here he is oh no okay i’m getting up i’m getting oh my gosh yo yo yo you’re being filmed right now hi there nice to meet you guys oh my god i just fell on the floor that’s how excited i am how did you get so tall i just realized i’m not i’m not that tall come on i think you’re you look kind of taller than me you also look a bit younger than me no offense no no joke wait wait you should flip it around wait we’ll stand together look at the difference okay i’m using the front facing camera now okay wait wait so phil’s gonna appear on the other end yeah he’s like massive yo you’re standing on the lower edge hello what will you stand on the lower right okay now you can’t complain about that there we go oh my god this is this is one of the most powerful videos ever taken okay okay i feel like you’re like i’m a giant i i feel like i’m the like kid and you’re coming to visit me i mean wait other way wait no you shouldn’t you’d be filming as well should i be filming yeah it’s like hey hey oh my gosh should i film like a random okay here we go hello hey guys this is god eagle filming me yeah and i’m filming him yeah we’re filming each other and yeah that we’re here here in tasmania where the sun is ultra harsh right now because of the hole in the ozone layer and we’ll get sunburned in any moment this guy this guy right here is a future comedian i wasn’t trying to make a joke actually yeah that that was kind of warning you like maybe we should go inside before we die type thing you know what it’s like oh wow you’re good at making rhymes as well that’s i didn’t even write do you like rhyme where yeah yeah i forgot what you said but like i’ll play the footage back i don’t remember rhyming so then don’t you send some kind of like flow of your sentences diana this is probably the most excitement i had in the whole year i’m sorry my dad doesn’t really know how to speak husband’s english oh did he tell you his name oh yes um just before i come in um i actually have some gifts for you guys because you know i came all the way here it’s just like you know it’s near christmas so you know i kind of want to give you something because i didn’t we would have gotten you something had we noticed it’s fine because like you guys are your videos you know with you know the os first time and all that it has brought me so much joy in the past so you know i think awesome okay here you go here you go there we go thanks so much we’ll open them soon all right can you handle walking on bumpy terrain yeah why not why not oh my gosh my 28 hour journey was worth it yeah 28. i think 29 actually wow apparently you did the microsoft flight simulator here yeah and then you’d be my excited face is ugly oh my gosh i look i look so ugly in front of the family it’s like not even so here we go oh yeah oh yeah here’s a two benz talking to the two bench it’s usually so we’ll um go we’ll go for a little walk down here now yeah okay so here’s our little bush walk what do you what do you think about it is this pretty big backyard compared to before not having one oh yeah wow and you guys get this all to yourself oh yeah yeah no one else can come down here this is just out that’s like our own that’s a nice cost per square meter yeah it is it is compared to sydney i mean oh yes i can’t even like i probably can’t even buy a house before like the age of 30. yeah well you you technically don’t have to buy in sydney you could like go buy something in bernie or something but not live there just have it as an investment pretty cool thing to do oh yeah it’s unlikely you’ll see snakes down here but oh no it’s unlikely it’s okay it’s unlikely it’s unlikely but that it’s still unlike i don’t like the word unlikely last time someone said that so i’ll explain the word unlikely so i’ve never seen a snake down here before okay well no thank you that’s the unlikely i literally have to like constantly like push myself upwards so i don’t like fall down it’s so it’s so it’s so downhill i’m not used to that not really and then we have to climb back up again don’t we oh yeah that’s the easiest way yeah i’m looking forward to that yeah um it’s not fun we’re walking down maybe about like five minutes maximum and then we’ll go are you exhausted imagine meeting like someone you’ve wanted what you’ve wanted to meet for like so long and then of course you know i feel a bit of emotional i don’t even know wow look at that yeah it’s pretty cool hey you even get like seaside access you go for like a swim or something down there it’s really hard holding a camera in one hand hold it for you and then you have some third person uh yeah sure okay okay hands-free i think i’m just so used to this i mean it’s not even one of those days where it was super slippery like in the past they’ve had a super slippery day oh yeah why because it’s nice here okay this is outback first timer that’s not the outback yeah it feels phil’s extremely wrong concept of the outback it’s more like the what’s the opposite of outback the inner fronts with the in front this is oscar in front of you right now yeah you are literally in front so it works well this is the in front in front and i’m out this actually reminds me of let’s explore but it’s like a wilderness let’s explore okay so this is what the hell happened here the tree fell down that didn’t used to be down what the heck just happened okay so basically that boat is ours but we don’t use it it came with the property and it kind of looks like it’s dilapidated but this is the spot where we usually sit so it’s a good thing we weren’t sitting there when that tree came down okay you go you can have this back now oh my gosh is it that is that the iphone 11 or 12. it’s 10.

it’s i haven’t upgraded in a long time like when 24:25 - when this was bought you were you still lived in sydney wow imagine uh you know you you get this in your property i mean the sheep used to hide down there would be like sheep sheep where’d you go they understand basic language that’s impressive they hear the word sheep and they associate it with food and now they’ll come running okay we don’t have the sheep anymore we are so the sheep we sold them to this guy who had a ram and then they had a babies and stuff okay i see a sheep ram a shram or a reap i’m just shipping the two you know that dna mix so you kind of take each part from each name sram or reap which one do you think sounds better it’s just cpu guys if this guy’s not comedian worthy i don’t know who is it’s all downhill from here yeah it’s downhill like just 20 meters to the house okay it’s all downhill from normally you use that as like a um oh it’s a negative i mean yeah yeah your daniel isn’t like it’s the easy part now after that climb and you know after all that you know just seeing phil and you know his family my heart rate was at 190 now it’s like 2 30 or something so um just in case just dial two zeroes into the phone and just wait leave the house nice couch take my shoes off the couch is that not a couch i wouldn’t call this a couch i’m just getting i’m just filming everything i could i don’t even know what i’m doing but i i i got a video oh same shirt look same shirt same shirt and i’m pretty sure i saw this exact shirt and like i love your videos as well yeah i this is like my video [ __ ] i don’t wear this i’m doing videos actually it’s your best shirt piano yeah piano that’s actually from our old place that we mentioned in there that video where ben played the piano music on there oh yeah that was um that was emotional yeah he that’s not even a real song he was like on the piano pressing random keys oh made that really yeah he does that he breathes randomly even just making music well i was going to play something on it but i haven’t played for three years so i don’t think i’m comfortable doing that no problem early house tour early house oh you still haven’t done the house are you did you breathe yesterday i think you renovated something didn’t you yeah we did run bye my dad just said um the renovations were really good i didn’t even know how like he knew what i’m saying but my dad actually does renovations as well i actually just had to do a job for him actually recently yeah oh cool which protects from you oh i have i don’t even have a purpose to film right now yeah i know you can take all this and i got these um brought from you queensland and i painted them myself yeah okay so um now that uh you know the calmness has stood uh we just finished lunch and uh hello all right so um yeah we basically to right now uh we we’re we’re gonna start filming videos and basically today we have um two videos starting to plan um we actually booked the hotel for about like five pm we had to actually delay for 7 p.m so that you know we get more time to you know record the videos and you know um if we have time i was actually planning on giving some a little bit of a surprise to various people so yeah basically um we’re doing the flight simulator video first where i brought my control quadrant um and my controller right here uh that’s my controller is an xbox controller so it connects with this perfectly fine and uh yeah okay i’m ready so yeah um diana do you want to say hi to my channel anything so basically uh we’re gonna just film this one video and uh you know we have another video planned um yeah uh this is something you see every day uh anyway um we’re gonna get this video done first and uh i’ll see you then i’m okay but i’m in the middle of something um have a lovely afternoon good job with the next person good job out there bye all right so um we’ve just got done filming the first video and uh now for the second video which my computer is required phil how does it feel to be reunited with an alien it’s funny because like i had an alienware and it’s like i got rid of it last year and then here it’s back again that’s weird but if you see everything you said a neighbor like took it right not a neighbor took it um some guy about a thousand dollars okay um if you see see that guy anywhere tell like i i don’t want him to take my computer yeah so basically it’s it’s got it hasn’t gone like because it was on a long road trip so many bumpy roads so you know we need you see if there’s boosts okay so um you want to count down or do you want to okay this is the moment of truth will his computer boot because because my xbox controller didn’t okay here we go three two one oh oh my god that delay scared me that delay scared me yeah i remember the delay with my computer when i pressed them would be that like a little slight delay like a one second delay oh is it oh we’ll find out no wait i may have plugged it into the wrong um monitor it lit up it lit up that’s a good sign is it and your graphics card supports 4k right yeah it supports two 4k monitors oh yeah because i hate spots too it’s on oh oh john oh wait it flickered wait i think i can solve this huh please phil please yeah your computer is on right now it’s this cord is this dodgy what chord is it that’s all it is it’s literally just the chord is dodgy so then oh do you want me to bring mine in can you get your coordinates i think i only brought hdmi though i’ve got a hdmi port in the monitor oh okay this is the longest hdmi it’s doing that flickering thing so yeah it’s it’s on it’s on now great because i just put it in the right spot there we go okay okay there we go we didn’t need your moment of truth has been sold but but it’s not all good news though because um this playstation controller on the road trip busted look if i if i press this now it doesn’t work so it’s a playstation controller now is it oh it like literally had the big x on it yeah i thought it was an xbox controller oh this is a keyboard yeah i hate that oh yeah i i think he’s got all the tutorials up on how to had to use this annoying keyboard with this hole in the middle he’s not used to it and now he’s using a chapel why why are you filming me on my own phone because in you and you’re like it’s part of the vlog okay it’s all done okay so there you go i’ll pop it in a different port just in case it doesn’t like that board oh no what that means one of the ports got busted wait look did you record it it works no interesting okay wait this is because it’s on my own computer and i know it worked before yeah you know it worked on yours there’s no reason it shouldn’t work on mine yeah exactly because that would be your computer versus the ports okay so um right now we had a little bit of a technical difficulty basically we need um you know diana to try out like premiere pro and you know do an effect on it but so while that’s you know updating i uh i got filled to log in on this discord and um you know he is on his is on his account now so um basically what i’m gonna do it like bill let’s just say you know surprising everyone because this computer has discord installed and everything so it’s all good you’re an oscars computer right now and look at this all these notifications i have not seen because i haven’t logged into discord just leave them on like notifications are go back to my gosh yeah look at that daddy’s so neat can you just um go like a bits and bites like where is bits what’s the logo for that i don’t even know this yeah yeah yeah got it yes okay um go to general i think just go to general general i haven’t painted anyone like has anyone said anything on this channel before two minutes ago which one is like has it because they might be still talking one of them just having that one letter because then they’ll know you’re online wait wow hey guys no no no no no no no don’t don’t send anything i just needed to like oh because no one’s looking at it though okay i think we might have to just jump straight in because i don’t think anyone is typing on any of the changes and welcome back i smell good a rock out one how do you spell it how do you spell good eye because i don’t know g i did together with two two o’s g g good day yeah appearance in disappearance in this appearance i’ll be saying the friends will anybody respond to me oh no is it oh oh no they might even think it’s a fake account oh no you know like someone just playing around pretending to be me see how he’s relaxed now he doesn’t like it okay no no once he’s sniffed here i mean you don’t like when he’s sleeping no you don’t have to worry he wait like oh i’m just she quiet and finally we’ve done all of the you know every single video has been recorded now phil just want to we ran into so many issues i think we ran into three look at the time that would think he came here at 12. yeah well we started feeling like a 12 or something around there i think that gives you a perspective on how like two videos how many how many problems i’ve talked about and both those videos will be less than an hour once they’re edited yeah we ran into like three issues today didn’t we yeah it was hopeless now we’re just heading back to the hotel we’ve done everything you know every uh all the files has been exported computer everything and um yeah i was expecting to like be done about five o’clock it’s been a five hour delay so um yeah we’ll see you in a bit and i will see how the hotel goes we’ve now arrived at our motel and um yeah i had to literally just get my key real quick from like a safe because the reception was already closed so yeah we’ll just need to find our room now okay so we’re in the hotel now and uh i’ll actually show you around so this is the first bedroom so you know a double bed here and a single bed down there a tv here as well a desk and you know a a seating over there and you know some accommodations over here then we have the shower room and you know the sink room we also have the bathroom which is uh literally a toilet nothing here and then we have this room which is another bedroom what two of them wow so i’m going to claim this room i’m not sure what i’m i’m going to do like these two beds like i’m only going to use like this one since it’s bigger um and i’m going to convert this into my working area basically i’ll plug in like a multi-adapter here and uh i’ll plug in like a multi-wire and then you know plug in my pc and uh yeah and then i put my monitor here and uh this is going to be my work area we have like a microwave here to heat up our food a sink as well this place really is luxurious and i say luxurious but like look at here i wouldn’t call it this much like this bathroom and all you know the tiles and all this not really arduous but wow you would call this luxury wouldn’t you and it’s only a hundred something dollars a night so i’m really pr i’m really proud of the choice of hotel i did and you know i could just bring my computer over here easily i’m not gonna like sell my computer today since you know my car is actually all the way over there and you know it’s it has to get to and also because yeah i’m not gonna use it tonight anyway because it’s so late tomorrow i have a competition to prepare to so um yeah basically i’m gonna you know kind of set up like the night after if i have time but uh yeah i’m going to sit down i want to talk to you about something just this entire day that has been um very strange to me just very very strange just oh strange in a good way i mean i got to meet my number one idol how how could i complain about that so strange in a good way but i was just i just said i’ll sit down i’ll let you talk i’m actually just having some like food right now because that my dad packed when i was at phil’s house so yeah all right guys now now that everything’s done let me just tell you about like what happened today and um basically you know i went to phil’s house that’s the obvious part and you know i got to meet the entire family you know that’s it’s all like happy stuff but then um you know just like how you know my two cameras running out of battery like last time i met him you would think that just because that made meetup was such problematic you would think this one would go like completely smoothly oh well i’ll tell you this so basically we we filmed two videos today and that first video my freaking xbox i found out my freaking xbox controller just completely got broken it just doesn’t work anymore well it was it’s not completely broken but um the xbox button is just you know i can’t press it like it’s been stuck so i it probably got jammed up in the bumpy roads or anything and then the second thing was when we were filming that second video i needed you know i need adobe premiere to be completely working but um my freaking trial expired it wasn’t supposed to but it freaking expired like just on that day it was supposed to expire on like the 14th and i was like what the heck it’s not supposed to happen it happened which you know freaking sucks in its own right and then the third thing when we were doing that premiere video the freaking gp like the entire like when i tried to play back the video the freaking video started lagging like crap it used the cpu and gpu like a lot and um you know it’s just it’s it overloaded it like no matter what i tried to do like either the cpu or the gpu is just like completely cooked so yeah i just um you know this meetup just like the last one was really problematic and um i think this has some reason to do it you know phil’s family just being really unlucky one because it’s just not just me but if you look at like phil’s videos right like his entire family phil keeps getting like calls from like scammers and all that diana had gone through so many injuries you know she was bitten by a dog and she had like a kidney failure and now she can’t even walk properly diana’s like parents also like died at a relatively early age and then like i think her brother also died um according to the os first time a wiki so um yeah i don’t i don’t really know it’s just i feel like his family in general goes through all like unfortunate events and i kind of really just feel bad for them and then you know when i go to visit them unfortunately events also happened to me so um i’m not sure what’s the deal here i think you know his family might be cursed or something uh i might sound stupid right now but you know i just it’s just how it feels so um but you know phil’s family um they were really nice they were constantly like offering me like stuff you know something to eat something to drink you know they were so nice on the whole entire way through and then you know i kind of feel bad for them because they’re such nice people you know such nice like i just like basically like they’re probably one of the best people like the nicest people i’ve ever encountered in my life like no one would like offer you so many stuff as like you know as a guest you know were coming into the house you know intruding them and all of that and i just feel i feel really loved by them what not really lost i don’t even know the welcome yeah i just i feel really welcomed by them and you know but i feel like that it’s a bit excessive i mean it’s just so yeah basically you know i’m gonna try to get some sleep here uh so that’s i’m i’m gonna end the episode here i hope you guys have all enjoyed you know this meetup with os first timer you know for the first time well not for the first time but second time but you know me coming all the way over here but uh if you have enjoyed please like this video let’s see if we can get to our well this one’s going to get a lot of views because you probably know why so that’s a really high let’s go with 67. it’s not like we haven’t done it before well at least we’ve been closed so let’s hit 67 likes on this video can we hit 67 no it’s not going to happen but um everything’s worth a try 67 likes come on and uh the next thing i normally say after this you know after telling you to like my videos is um to subscribe to my channel but um no at this time i’m actually changing on my mind subscribe to os first timer he is so close to 100k so i’m giving up you know this time to just you know tell you to subscribe to my own channel just just subscribe to os first timer he deserves it so much his family is so nice and you know bad things keep happening to them so i want you to just get him to 100k get him the silver play button come on guys but other than that um that’s where i’m gonna have to end this video here uh i hope you join me for the next episode where i attend my first ever cubing competition after such a long break due to you know certain events happening in our world i hope you join me for that and i’ll see you guys all in my next video you .