Hausrundgang durch das gemeinsame Bibliotheksgebäude der TU Berlin und der UdK Berlin
Oct 19, 2020 11:16 · 521 words · 3 minute read
Hello and welcome here at the Central Library of the TU and the Library of the UdK. Which services do we offer on-site and how does the library actually look from the inside? Follow our student on her first visit. Baskets are available here in the foyer so that you can easily take everything you need in the library with you. There are lockers for everything else. Please bring your own padlock. Let us start our tour at the top on the 4th floor. On all floors you will find an infomation desk. There we will gladly help you with your questions.
00:51 - You can also borrow the key to a book locker, where you can lock your work materials and borrowed books. On top of that, there are different study spaces in the whole library. Have a look around and find your favourite study space. Of course we also have plenty of books and journals. These are placed on the floors according to its corresponding subject area. The library of the University of the Arts is located on the 4th floor. A special feature here is the media library. In the media library you will find DVDs, CDs, records and video cassettes of various genres, most of which can be borrowed. In addition, you can view all the UdK media you have ordered, which cannot be borrowed, on-site. Enjoy these for example in our TV lounge. TU items which cannot be borrowed are made available on the 3rd floor at the information desk.
01:58 - Some inter-library loans are also available only here for viewing. The Information Point for Standards is located on the 2nd floor. There you are welcome to ask all questions regarding standards. On the 1st floor, the first point of contact is the information center. The Copy Center is also located here. You can scan free of charge and copy and print for a fee. Next to the Copy Center you will find a large group work room and our Vitralounge. Located in the basement is the open stacks for journals. Here you can find mostly older volumes of journals, both from the TU and the UdK. If the way to the first floor is too long or it is too crowded: there you will find 2 additional scanners free to use. The circulation department is located on the ground floor.
03:19 - Before we go there, another tip for TU students: We have a textbook collection where we purchase large quantities of textbooks for you, which can only be borrowed by TU members. All textbooks are available for non-TU students at least once on our floors. The self-collection area is located directly in front of the circulation desk. This is where the books you ordered are waiting to be collected and borrowed. To borrow books, simply use one of the lending machines. If you have any questions or problems, you can contact our circulation department at any time. We hope to meet you soon in the library. We are happy to support you during your studies. Ask us on-site, via chat or telephone. .