[Creality Series] 3D printer with various PLA printing effects
Nov 15, 2020 15:00 · 1436 words · 7 minute read
Openning box with you for 2 times Now I have Ender-3 V2 and Ender-3 Max in front of me The two most popular and newest Creality machines are in my hands Generally, we compare 3D printers in terms of quietness, speed and quality In front of me, these two machines are not only the latest but they are also the best in the three aspects So today Carlos will put these two machines together Compare their speed and quietness And try out PLA of different colors and ingredients To compare their printing quality Don’t go away if you want to know the result Just a reminder, if everyone likes the channel of Carlos the OrganMan Please click subscribe in the lower right corner If you want to be notified of new videos as soon as possible Please click the bell Also welcome everyone to like and leave a message to ask questions The outlook of Ender-3 V2 and Ender-3 Max are distinct Max is larger, V2 is smaller The hot bed of the big machine is 300x300 The hot bed of the small machine is 200x200 Take a closer look at the two and there are some differences For example, the graphic panel of V2 is newer than Max Creality’s official website shows that both are 32-bit So their performance should be similar For today’s test Carlos took out all of my PLA stock I will first use PLA produced by Creality and then try PLA of third party Put it on V2 and Max to print Then compare the print quality We’ll try Ender-3 Max first The Creality yellow PLA in my hand is my favorite Remember to cut a bevel before feeding Make it easier to feed Since I have printed purple PLA before So I preheat PLA End to heat the print head When the print head reaches 200 degrees I control the E-axis to feed PLA If you feel that the machine feeding is not fast enough, you can feed manually Try to squeeze out all the remaining purple PLA As long as the extruded material is completely yellow You can start printing In order to get better printing quality I used a file included in the SD card of Creality Ender-3 V2 The name is cat-3.5h.gcode In fact, the file name has been clearly stated It takes 3.5 hours to print this cat We need to use the same model for control experiments Use PLA of same color Print again on Ender-3 V2 The cat in my hand is printed with Max The cat to be take off was printed with V2 The time for both is almost three and a half hours The quietness of the two machines is similar during the process Take a closer look and we’ll find that the V2 print is brighter The surface is more reflective The next printing test will use materials of third party I like the color Print with Max as before After printing, you will know the difference With the same model The stringing of printing is more serious Experienced users knows how to use Cura To change the parameters of retraction to reduce stringing But the same model using Creality materials does not have this problem Print on V2 with the same material Same as the yellow material The right was printed by Max The left was printed by V2 Obviously V2 is brighter If you compare the two cats printed by V2 Even if you remove stringing of the blue one It is not as beautiful as the yellow one It proves that the printing quality of Creality materials is the best I will try many different PLA later To continue the control experiment I will only use V2 from now on Different color PLA are actually mixed with different colorants But some printing materials will add impurities For example, this golden PLA on my hand As we all know, gold is not a color Is a light reflection effect Therefore, the golden PLA is made with metal powder Even if all settings are consistent when printing it The surface texture will be different Although some impurities are added But the printing effect is also good After removing the support I saw the cat shining brightly Because this material is also produced by Creality Stringing is not too much Compare it with the yellow Creality material The surface is really rough But it has a metallic feel and the effect completely wins Can other impurities be added besides metal powder? Let’s take a look at this PLA What is stated on it? It said WOOD! Dark Wood! Can wood also be printed? It turns out that this wooden PLA is made of wood fiber So using it to print will get this effect Since this material is not a product of Creality So the stringing situation is very serious In fact, if you print with third party PLA that contains impurities You will clog the print head easily If you don’t know how to replace or clean the print head Carlos advise you not to use this type of material But this material really looks like wood after printing! To clean the stringing, you can use a fire gun to burn it If you are not satisfied after, you can use a needle file to modify the details We have tried printing the gold and wood elements Are there water, fire and earth PLA? Definitely not! But I think you will like this PLA I have It is a kind of PLA with phosphor powder added Many people know that phosphorous absorbs light It will be luminous in the darkness Therefore, the luminous statue include phosphorous Is the effect of PLA with phosphorous powder the same? The answer is simple Just do an experiment after printing Honestly on the printing effect This material is the worst of all Now we shine on it Turn off the light after shining Can you see it? It is luminous! I remember that when I was a child, I saw a lot of statue with this effect When you have used all these materials There are still some choices For example, if you are not satisfied with the existing colors You can customize your PLA A long time ago I had contact with a Taobao seller This seller knows how to produce PLA That means he can make PLA of any color according to your need I have this Ivory PLA It’s one of the PLA that I ordered I like it because he is not as pale as white Very suitable for printing home accessories In addition, I have also customized some PLA of fluorescent color Including red, orange and yellow Usually the colors are brighter Frankly speaking, Carlos hasn’t customized PLA for a long time. The reason is very simple, as mentioned earlier If I use Creality machines but not Creality materials I can not guarantee the best results And when you customize PLA There should be purities in it And you don’t understand what impurities it is Therefore, the clogging of the print head is very serious After a few clogging and changing the print head for a few times I seldom use these materials However, when a certain color is really needed and you know how to order customizing PLA You may have a trial I used two machines to print two materials at the same time So they finished at about the same time Since both materials are not produced by Creality Stringing is very serious! As for today, I havel introduced so many materials to you Which one do you like? Please leave a comment below to tell me Carlos wants to remind everyone before the video ends Whether you use Creality materials or not If the material is left unused for too long And you don’t seal and protect it from moisture It becomes easy to break Not suitable for printing After today’s test You may be able to distinguish the main difference between Ender-3 V2 and Ender-3 Max By printing with materials of different brands and colors We know the difference between the printing quality of various materials In fact, PLA is just one of many alternatives It is extracted from the DNA of corn So it’s safer and it is a good choice for printing tableware But if you has other uses Carlos will introduce other materials to you later For example, TPU, TPE, PETG, ABS, etc. Please do not miss any of my videos and please subscribe, like and share before leaving .