I told my wife "I became a Muslim"

Nov 14, 2020 13:04 · 1088 words · 6 minute read much sorrry muslim speak well

We have to do Nikah Actually I want to do Nikah as soon as possible How do you think about that? Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Hello I am Daud Kim So I uploaded a proposal video and so many people said me congratulations I really really appreciate You know, so many people asked me that Is she Muslim? But unfortunatley.. she is not So today I’m gonna talk about that I will tell her “I became a Muslim” I’m also curious about her opinion So let’s do it Mic check 1,2 Do you hear me well? What do you want to talk about? Should I interview you? … I will ask you a question Can we say Hello first? Assalamualikum Assalamualikum Hello I am Daud Kim Hello I don’t know him yet, but I am Mia Many people wondered. I am Muslim.. So many people asked me “Is she Muslim?” Or “Is she converted to Islam?” There were so many questions. What do you think I became a Muslim? Actually I never imagined you would be a Muslim And I don’t watch Youtube that much Sorrry but especially yout channel..

01:16 - Honestly, I thought you were not serious But I gradually found your sincerity into Islam I felt that But You are already familiar with Islam, right? Yes. I am already used to Islam Because I have Russian mixed blood My mother was born in the Soviet Union. She is from Kyrgyzstan. And I also have lived there for about 8 years. If I wanted to marry a Muslim, I would have married a Muslim Bcause they give their wife a lot of gold Also they treat their wives very well Even in the Quran, a man should be good to his wife. I know. I’ve seen a lot in Islamic countries. Maybe I should met an Aran man.. Why am I meet this guy (Kidding) My religion is Russian Orthodox Church But I don’t take it seriously.

02:12 - I just followed my grandmother going to church. Just that’s it Then do you believe in Allah? Yes of course Only one God? Yes I believe in one God Even if Allah have different names, there is someone If you show me the sincerity of Islam If you show me good things of Islam If you are good to me and good to my son, Then To be honest, I can follow you It menas you can convert to Islam? I don’t want to call it “convert” , It’s not conversion I’m just naturally following your beliefs. Oh.. really? I thought it would be very difficult to change your mind Because I’ve loved Islam since I was young My mom’s father was a Muslim So I always think of Islam positively. I am familiar with Islam since I was young and I even know the Quran Right. You know more about Islam than me Yes So.. In fact, I always thought of becoming a Muslim.

03:20 - Oh really? But if so, I would like to believe this with a truly sincere Muslim. Like Arab guy..? (kidding) Like Arab guy..? (kidding) If he 1. treats his wife well 2. prays hard 3. very kind 4. earning money well (?) 5. rich Then women fall in love Is money important? You need money to have a lot of babies Well.. It’s religion I can’t say to you “You should be a Muslim!” “Because I will marry you!” Because the faith comes from the heart. It’s between me and Allah. Nobody can force it I can’t force you either, so I was worried a lot I was like “What should I do..?” But you already know much about Islam If I try my best to become a better husband then..

my family will be change too 04:12 - But! I think wearing Hijab is hard Except when praying Because we live in Korea, so wearing Hijab too unique It’s hard to get a job.. And our children will also have a hard time. Then we can live another country If we live in another country, maybe it’s possible. Really? Then let’s go I will think about that If you are good to me Ok I see I wish my fingers were all shiny with gold I wish my fingers were all shiny with gold ALL GOLD Is that why you want to be a Muslim? Yes (kidding) If I take off the hijab The whole body is covered with gold. And you know Halal relationship right? We have to do Nikah Actually I want to do Nikah as soon as possible How do you think about that? I think it depends on you Whether i will do Nikah or not Okay Only by Nikah we can become a true couple in Islam As a man, I’ll do my best It can be very soon Sure, Insha Allah But if we do Nikah we have to have a lot of babies How many..? Well, maybe three? 3..? But I felt you changed a lot.

05:22 - I think I can trust you bit more And I was surprised to see you really pray. I didn’t know that you were praying so seriously You really do pray! Did you think it wasn’t real? No I mean I mean, you’re serious about going to change. So I decided to give you a chance I think we talked enough Actually I was afraid to open this But many people support us, so I’m so thankful I was bit afraid too because of our child Some people have “Bad eyes” How to say this? Devil eyes They said “You are pretty” But some people can see it badly and curse it even to child. So I was worried that something bad thing happened I have no interest in becoming famous. But I just want my family to be happy. That’s my dream So be careful. I was nervous in front of the camera, But you speak better than me so I couldn’t speak well.

06:38 - I’m a more fun person than this Thank you for watching my video Take care and be safe Alhamdulillah Ma’a salama Thank you Ma’a Salama Ma’a Salama Let’s ride a car! Did you make yourself? Pickles? Yes Good job CAT! Bye bye Pickles? Yes pickles Mom? Mom is not here Let’s go to meet mom! Did yo give it to mommy? Basketball boy Basketball boy Delicious? Yes Look at Daddy Don’t run away I got you! Don’t run away.