Apr 4, 2020 08:00 · 1024 words · 5 minute read
Hello everyone, welcome to this new GEEK TECH video I hope you are well I hope you can do very very well with containment and the current epidemic; I know it’s not easy and it’s very stressful but above all stay at home so that we can resolve the problem very quickly and resume in our life as before we resume at the level of today’s file and tutorial for which I present this video is simply we will say a continuity of the previous video which is compared to the Easythreed X1, you should know that today to be able to convert a 3D model with the STL extension it has to go from STL to Gcode so you can use it is to be recognized in relation to the 3D printer so unfortunately the ultimaker cura does not have the printer or the Easythreed brand in its database so you have to do a manual configuration where this video today which will simply allow you to present the process so you can do it, so lets go on the computer so here is Ultimaker cura that we are going to use today mainly, and I will obviously show you other programs that you can use and which are supplied with the printer in question be aware that ultimaker cura you are currently seeing is not the same version as you will find for example on the key supplied with Easythreed preferably update the program it is more ergonomic and simpler compared to the previous version therefore the first thing you open when using ultimaker cura it will simply suggest certain pre-defined steps since the easythreed model is not mentioned among some choices you just ignore all the steps until you get to the main interface as long as it is done and if you are not English speaking since at the beginning it will be in English you go to preferences configure Cura and in the general part you simply put the desired language obviously you restart the program so that the language is supported the most important is what interests us today it is in the parameters part and in the Printer section, all you need is… and by default you will obviously not find the choices, you add a printer Selected added printer off network and you go down to custom you select Custom FFF Printer and you add Directly on this part either it will give you well, if not since Easythreed to these parameters you put 100 width 100 depth and 100 height on the parameters section of the head you erase all the information you obviously put at 0 Here you put the heating plate And you put instead of merlin you put reprap Otherwise if you keep marlins it’s going to be in the corner of the impression in the extruder part you keep the size of the nozzle which is 0.4 mm and whose material diameter were 1.75 That’s it, you just have to do the following the printer is configured so that you can use it after that simply select a model a model in stl format that’s it, so you notice that it is added directly to the center in case you see it on the corners where is offset you will automatically get that setting and wrong after that simply cut it out so you can obviously save the gcode file so cutting it actually makes it possible to actually convert the 3D model so you can save it in Gcode format Gcode just simply save and insert your memory card that you put in the 3D printer and the printing obviously takes place automatically from the launch That’s all of the Ultimaker Cura you can see that it is not complicated but you have to do this manually because otherwise you will not be able to print the models you want correctly at the same time I actually allow myself to show you two other programs that come with Easythreed and which can be good for the future it will actually allow you to make certain models by yourself so there is already EasyWare Which simply allows you to select the Easythreed printer to start you want, so you notice that several models at Easythreed so here we will put the x1 x2 the difference between X1 and X2 it’s simply that the X2 can use the printer via your smartphone since and includes the wifi chip on it so the PLA filament and we can choose any model for obviously find out if it matches the printer or not, does it fit into the frame So it allows us to be sure that the printer will take the model from start to finish if not the second the second program I would say it’s E3Dmagic And this one is very simple because it allows you to be able to select a model in image format which is going to be modeled in 3D and that you can obviously so if i put in french and that’s it so put the size also the resolution Here we can put of course as well so simply and after that you simply save it and it can be saved in STL format only afterwards it is necessary you can see a kind of mug So as I said that is necessary in fact simply to upgrade the Cura ultimaker so we can convert it to Gcode so we can print I think we have looked around it was actually a very simple tutorial which shows how to use the Ultimaker Cura tool initially and at the same time the presentation of E3Dmagic which I did not mention in the previous video if you have any questions don’t hesitate to mention them in the comment section especially don’t hesitate to subscribe and like if you enjoyed the video on those I wish you a pleasant day I tell you how well you are doing good confinement stay at home and see you very soon for new videos on those I tell you ciao .