CARI - Caribou Creek, Caribou-Poker Creeks Research Watershed, NEON Aquatic Field Site | Alaska
Sep 14, 2020 22:32 · 123 words · 1 minute read
The Caribou-Poker Creeks Research Watershed Aquatic Field Site is located 35 minutes north of Fairbanks in Central Alaska and is part of the Bonanza Creek Long-term Ecological Research Network complex. This small weightable stream is part of a larger network of streams that flows into the Chatanika River. Within the research watershed at least two percent of the permafrost is estimated to have been lost over the last century, and 38% of existing permafrost is unstable or thawing. Data at this NEON site is collected from groundwater wells, in-stream water sensors, and a meteorological station. NEON field scientists also observe and collect organismal and biogeochemical samples, along with monitoring the morphology and riparian composition and structure of the stream reach over time. .