[ENG/INDO SUB] Happy Eunwoo Day ๐Ÿฐ๐ŸŽ‰ | Vlive

Mar 30, 2021 15:01 ยท 2990 words ยท 15 minute read

Why is it not working? Okay, it’s on.

00:32 - It’s on now. Hi, this is Eunwoo. It’s my birthday today. In the back it says, happy birthday face genius Cha Eunwoo. And this photo is from an interview. It’s a selfie. And when was this? Where did you get this? I think I was 20, 21. So they prepared this for me…

01:41 - Oh, right. Cute. I was once cute. So with AROHA, I’m going to spend my birthday, through V LIVE. I got this cute purple cake, saying happy Eunwoo day. Cute right? Let me blow the candles now. It’s the bear candles. Lighting the candles. Are you ready? Wherever you are, please sing happy birthday. 5, 6, 7… 5, 6, 7, 8! It’s awkward to sing alone. Anyways, I blew the bear candles.

So I think I started this at 9pm, I have about three hours left. It’s great to end my birthday with me. So today… do they know what I did? It’s the 41st anniversary of, establishing a diplomatic relationship with UAE. We had an event in Sangam. The staff and the members prepared a surprise event, where I was able to have a video call with the local fans. They prepared a cake. This would be the last cake today.

It’s wonderful to spend the day with, people I care. Birthday could be nothing, but it makes you really happy. Anyways, let me cut the cake now.

05:30 - Do I just… Okay, here it goes. It’s chocolate on the inside! Yay! After that event… But that was really early, so I woke up really early too. We had the pre-shooting, and my family came over to my house. I had a really delicious dinner with them. Then I was so tired that I fell asleep, and got up to come here. It’s been a long time that I had a meal, with my family, and my mom prepared a big meal.

The seaweed soup was so good too. She prepared like 20 different dishes. There was the seaweed soup, and some Thai food they bought. Galbi, japchae, crabs… Fries, chicken… so on. I was so full. Then we had cake and fruit too. I’m so full. I’ll eat this cake, when I’m less full later. I was talking about myself too much, I forgot to read the comments. There was raw fish too! But I was too full to eat that.

Yes, it was so delicious. It was so so full. Right, it was a wonderful day today. You made this day a happy day. I want to thank you, AROHA. Birthday could be nothing but, you make me feel that this day is really precious. You prepared a lot of birthday events. This year, last year, and the year before that too. The family would spot the events, and send me all the photos. Saying how beautiful it is.

And they said they saw AROHA, and wanted to buy them something. Also at COEX today and at the coffee shop. They said they were really proud. I don’t think I’m a good son, but you made my parents happy. I was so grateful. So yesterday… I had some work to do too.

10:52 - I had work and after that, I was curious too. So I went out to COEX secretly, and I’m going to post it on my social media later. So many of you wished me happy birthday. Thank you and love you. International fans too. Thank you. Right, this is the first V LIVE with the new hair color? My hair is quite damaged now.

12:08 - “I’ve been waiting for this from school”. How did they know about this V LIVE? Because it’s my birthday? There was an announcement? When did you post that? I see…

12:38 - So I got this too. It says, “At last, Cha Eunwoo with bleached hair”. “Completely rocked his birthday”. I’m 25 now, am I 24? International age? Half the 50. Did you all eat dinner AROHA? Did you eat? Did you eat? Thank you. Birthday seems to be very special. I got thankful again. Yesterday, the manager and the staff, threw a surprise party for me. It was a surprise.

I was exhausted but then I got really excited. With a rush or endorphin. There’s a lot of comments. I’m working on the comeback, and got other things too. April 5th, please give us lots of interest. I know that new expression. April 5th, ASTRO All Yours, lots of interest please. Yes, the members wished me happy birthday. From yesterday. The comments are going too fast. I can’t read. Anyways, what’s a bit sad is, my birthday is the last one among the members.

I think most of the special days are over for this year. We have a lot of days left until the end of 2021. Bear, I know it’s here and here, and here too.

17:37 - Right, I wanted to ask you this. What do you think about the hair? It’s got a bit faded now. I think it’s not good with the khaki shade. It’s better with gray and blue, just a little bit of blue. What do you think? What do you think AROHA? Yes, it hurt at first. I really miss you. At the event earlier, there was nobody. And I said this at the fanmeet, but it would’ve been better to see you offline.

How was the fanmeet? We performed several songs, how was it? How was the fanmeet? Fanmeet, Be Mine. The comments are going too fast. “I was so happy”. I think there’s about 20 sec delay. Touch my nose? I asked you about the fanmeet, and you ask me to touch the nose. What did you think? “I couldn’t watch it”. Why not? “It was great”. “So fun”. “The best”.

What was your favorite song? Can I say mine? No? Okay. My favorite was, this. Personally… I liked that song at the beginning. I’ll stop here. So should I do that? They got me these, I heard that Sanha completely messed this up. So this is different for each member? I should do this and explain? Eunmin? No, I’m Dongmin. I can’t say the answer, but I’m going to give hints so you could make a guess.

Right? Number one. Rolling paper vs message book. I don’t know. Rolling paper is a relay message. And a message book is…

24:04 - Rolling paper is one sheet, and a message book is a book? It’s more private? So on the rolling paper, you can see what others wrote. And the message book is not open to everybody. So it’s a matter of privacy right? Am I right? Okay, what am I going to choose. Guess what. What should I choose? I made the decision. Okay, this is it. This is my hint. I won’t tell you what I chose.

Make a guess. This is my hint. Next! [Cheesecake vs chocolate cake] This is a hard one.

26:46 - AROHA, what do you like more? Cheese or chocolate? I like cream. It depends… Cheesecake has to be thick. Chocolate cake has to be thick. I’ll just pick what I want now this moment. Right now, it’s this. Is this too easy? This is my hint. Guess. Cheese or chocolate. I like ice cream cake though. But ice cream can be cheese or chocolate. I want ice cream now…

28:25 - This time, it’s the last one. The third question. This could be hard. [Seaweed soup, with abalone vs beef] This is the easiest. It’s this, of course. This is my hint. Okay. This is my hint. Guess what this is. What is this? Pickax? Hoe? This is a place, where they stay. It’s my grandma’s house, in Ganghwa-do. So this is my hint. What? They got the answer already.

You are fast. Nope. Wrong. Ladle? No. Sorry about that. No, this is not a ladle. Anyways, the first one. The second one. And the third one. Okay. Please make a guess, what would be my choices? No? Why not? Okay, I won’t do it…

31:47 - I see a lot of international fans, there are many languages. Oops, I almost reported. Okay, good. I think they already got all the answers. AROHA knows me too well. Too well! They got the answers. This person got one wrong. Anyways, please keep guessing. AROHA, how was your day today? Did you have a good day? I feel really happy now. At the beginning of this V LIVE, actually, I was a bit drowsy.

I had to wake up too early today, but now, I’m so excited. Suddenly. I have so many things to be grateful for. I have great people, great fans around me. When I’m stumbling, there are many people who could hold me. Sometimes, I feel alone or scared. But I have great people and great AROHA, I become really happy. Your letters are very nice too. Donghwi wrote me a letter. He’s an amazing writer, he got that from my dad.

He writes much better than me. He’s very trendy, and I almost cried as his big brother. I’m keeping all your letters, in my heart. Those are what keep me going. They make my heart rich. I got a full heart now.

36:29 - “Please teach me Korean, I’m a Spanish language”. What happened to the translator? You are a Spanish language. Take off the hat? No, my hair is too damaged. I want to look good in front of you. “Please give us your heart”. How? I was so happy to receive, all the birthday wishes. “Happy birthday”. “Happy birthday from Singapore”.

38:22 - “I get so much comfort from ASTRO songs”. Thank you! So during that video call with Arab fans, they said our songs gave them comfort, and they found comfort before the exam, through our exams. I wonder what songs they heard. I hope All Yours do the same thing. I heard that’s out right? The mirror…

39:32 - Did you see that? About 10? 9 minutes before this V LIVE, it was uploaded. You were waiting for that right? Did you watch it? Raise your hand! Are they dancing? “It was pretty”. Really? Thank you. I haven’t checked it yet. I’m going to check after this. I’m curious. “ “Hope you have a great day”. I thought a lot about happiness recently. We always say that to each other.

Be happy, have a happy day… and so on. So I wondered what happiness meant. Rocky and I talked, and I think it refers to the moment. Those each second and moment, when you feel happy. You try to have more of those moments. We talked about this over a meal. Please be happy everyone. “I want to be happier than this”. Really? Please listen to All Yours then. We are one, I’ll make you happy.

43:04 - “Why are you so serious while eating?” I know. I really want to check out that video. Curious, curious. “Pre-order is available”. Oh yeah? But the delivery will start on Apr 5th right? Do we have the album now? I’m going to check out after this. You’ll be able to see from Apr 5th. “I became a school president, happy birthday” Congrats! Please be a good student, and have a great school life.

“The video message is fun”. Yeah? The members are funny. “Please speak Chinese”.

45:35 - “I’m upset”. Why why? What’s wrong? I’m still full… I’m so full. Mom prepared the meal, and it was so delicoius.

47:00 - Do you have any questions AROHA? I’ll answer them. Please leave comments through comments. EUNWOO LIKE, please wait for a bit.

47:31 - I’m working on the comeback for now. Never thought of that before. “What songs do you listen to these days?” I’m into this song now. I watch this every day. I keep on telling the members, and they are like, “Are you listening to this again?” It’s Bruno Mars and Silk Sonic’s song.

48:37 - It’s so good, the video is amazing too. The song is catchy too. You should check it out, it’s called, “Leave the Door Open”. And Peaches by Justin Bieber. Of course, our entire tracks in the new album. It’s the full album, so there are many different songs. “How do get good grades”. Well about that, it’s quite simple. Because the more you put effort, the better the grades get. Every time you study more, the grades get differ.

“Will I be able to meet you on my birthday?” When’s your birthday? I’ll try to communicate more. “Rice vs udon”. I like rice. “Please say hi to Mexico”.

50:56 - Oh that dance with Bin? I made a mistake though. I’ll try it one more time, if I have the chance. Anyways. “Any childhood memories?” Well, soccer and basketball.

51:46 - “Please take off the hat”. No. Spanish? I don’t know much Spanish. Do you know any? Spanish… I think I know something. I’ll study more. “Please say hi to Arab”. I talked to the Arab fans today. “What was the unbelievable thing that happened to you today?” Yesterday, it was quite cold and I had to wear thin clothes too. And the work took all day long. So I was almost passing out. I didn’t expect a surprise party like that.

It was a surprise. I was surprised by that evetn. “The cardigan is so cute”. Really? Thank you. “What color do you want to paint your hair in?” Cute. I wanted something new, and because it’s the 2nd full album, I talked a lot with the agency staff. So we decided on this. I like it. At first, it was so awkward, whenever I looked in the mirror. The photos look really different, with this hair color.

It was interesting. I was a bit scared before dying, that it might not look good on me. But I’m satisfied. “My battery has 7% left, but I want to watch this live”. Can’t you recharge? Do you have a portable battery? I want to recharge it for you.

56:26 - “You look soft”. Really? Soft? “I loved the W magazine photos”. I liked them too. I took a lot of photos throughout my career, and this is one of my favorites. So the drama ended in Cheonggyecheon, and I felt so empty on my way back, in the car. I couldn’t believe that the drama ended. “Who was the first one to wish you happy birthday?” They all wished me together in the chatroom, at midnight.

“What’s your favorite color?” I like vivid colors now. Yellow, red, blue…

58:27 - I like vivid colors. I used to like beige, white, or black. But now I like orange, green… Move! It’s back. “Today’s TMI?” Today’s TMI… At the UAE event in Sangam, the elevator broke, so I had to walk. “I liked the Amazing Saturday”. Did you like it? I was wish Sanha. Sanha is so playful. Did you like it? It was harder than I thought. When I watched it on TV, I thought I could do it, but there, it was harder.

It was fun, did you like it? Sanha is cute. Drama… These days. I’m watching Vincenzo, and a couple other. Sanha. He did that for like over 20 times. The day before the shooting, we had the shooting for Dazed magazine. He was so nervous, I tried to relax him. But even when he was saying “Hi,” his voice was trembling. And I told him that he had nothing to worry about at the shooting.

What I felt again during Amazing Saturday was… Sanha was really nervous and I was nervous too. It reminded of when I was really nervous in the past. But I had to do it alone. Now, I was telling Sanha to relax. I thought that I worked really hard so far. And I was close to other entertainers on the set. In the past, I was like this…

63:19 - I was really proud. I grew up quite a lot. When would our Sanha grow up? He might be doing the BBUBBU 10 years later. “Please come back without any stress, I support you”. In 2021… I’m going to believe in myself, and do what I like with the members. I want to relax, like you said, and enjoy what I do. Stress and pressure don’t change anything. I want to have a great time and enjoy, w with a smile.

So today, I got to spend the end of my birthday with you. I had a tight schedule today, from really early in the morning. I think this was planned for yesterday right? At 9pm. I thought it was too far away from Mar 30th, and it would be better if we do this today. I was here for slightly over an hour. Almost the end of my birthday. I’m happy and proud now, it was a great way to wrap up my birthday.

I would like to thank all the precious people around me, AROHA, family, friends, members, staff… and so on, for wishing my happy birthday. With this energy, I think I can get through any difficulties I face. Thank you for being here with me, on happy Eunwoo day. Thank you. I think we said this in the last VCR during the fanmeet. It’s great to be with you, and please be there for us, as our partners, in happy and sad times.

Let’s make wonderful memories together. It’s time to say goodbye now. Thank you for being here for over an hour, let me say goodbye now. AROHA! Have a good night, and sweet dreams.

68:03 - Please think about me before you sleep, since it’s my birthday. So bye! Bye bye. Bye bye. .