ImageJ Custom Macros Plugin - 01 User Sign-in Tutorial

Jan 17, 2020 19:02 · 502 words · 3 minute read automatically updated sign button presses

● In this tutorial, we’ll go through the Custom Macros sign-in procedure and how to work with user logins and output folders. ● Start by running ImageJ with Custom Macros installed. ● Upon ImageJ startup two buttons are visible. ○ The question mark ‘Help button’ provides two options. 1. Selecting ‘Documentation’ opens a browser window with the full Custom Macros manual. 2.

00:40 - Selecting ‘Shortcuts’ opens a dialog in ImageJ with a table of keyboard and button press shortcuts used in the various procedures. ● The orange power-on ‘Start button’ initiates the plugin. ● Press the start button. ● A sign-in prompt appears. 1. Note that the current software version and latest admin update times are shown at the top. 2. Below that is a list of all current user logins. ● Let’s create a new user login. ● Type in a login name following the criteria indicated in the window. ● A prompt appears confirming sign-in. 1.

01:45 - Update messages from the admin are shown at the top. 2. The user name and data output directory are below. ● With sign-in complete, several new buttons are added to the interface and over 40 new single command functions are installed. ○ These commands can be run by via keyboard shortcuts or button presses. ● Opening the OUTPUT ImageJ folder on the desktop shows that a folder hierarchy based on the user login has been created.

02:24 - ● A preliminary results spreadsheet, named based on the user login is also created. ○ This file is automatically updated with data generated during analyses run by the user signed-in. ● Note that the current user output folder may also be opened with the keyboard shortcut ‘F12’. ● To sign-in as a different user, press the start button again. ● Note that your new login is now available. ● Let’s create another another login. ● Uh, oh.

03:30 - There’s a typo in the login! ● Press the start button to sign-in again. ● Select the typo login, check the delete box, and create another login with the correct name. ● Press the start button to sign-in again. ○ That’s better! ● Note that deleting logins does not delete folders so the typo login is still in the OUTPUT ImageJ folder. ○ Let’s delete that folder. ● You can check what the current login is at any time by pressing the keyboard shortcut ‘F11’.

04:53 - ● This opens the Info Window command ○ The current software version and latest admin update times are shown at the top. 1. User name and output directory are below. 2. The current image scale and measurement calibration are below. ● Finally, let’s sign back in to the first login we created. ● That’s it. Now that you are signed in, you are: 1. Set up to run Custom Macros’ image analysis commands. 2. Are naming and saving analysis data based on your user login. 3. Have updated to the latest plugin version and user list. .