Dutch Sheets: Your Testimony Moves God to Do it Again (Isaiah 43:26)

Feb 2, 2021 12:30 · 2145 words · 11 minute read

- A man came up to me. He was a Messianic spirit-filled rabbi.

00:07 - And he said, “are you familiar with the meaning of the word testimony? “And remember in Hebrew?” And I actually said, “no, I’m really not. ” And he said, “well, “in Hebrew thinking in our minds “and actually the meaning of the word,” I’m going to define those two words literally in just a moment.

00:33 - But he said, “to us what testimony means do again “or do time again.

00:41 - “And we believe that when we decree what God did yesterday “that the same power is released today. ” And so I’m going to say more about that in a minute but, that started me on a journey because, I’m theological enough that I have to find it in here and I don’t want to take just his word for it.

01:06 - Even though I believed him, he obviously knew what he was talking about.

01:09 - But I have found that here’s a couple of definitions that will help us as we understand why we celebrate again, Pentecost? Why do we do it again? Why do we celebrate Passover every year? Why do we have to connect with what happened yesterday and bring it back into today? The word, remember, here’s what the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ISBE says about this word.

01:41 - “Verbs used in parallel to the Hebrew word zakar,” which is the root word for remember or testimony, “do not refer to the past only.

01:54 - “Thus remembering is not merely a recalling of the past “but also a call to action now. ” When God remembered Samson his strength returned.

02:08 - You ever wonder why the Bible says, “God remembered. ” I used to wonder about that.

02:11 - Like what did He do, forget? Or why is it telling us that did He recall to his memory? No, that’s not really what it’s saying.

02:21 - This word has this concept of you do it again.

02:24 - So when he remembered Samson, he brought his strength back.

02:29 - He remembered Hannah, when she prayed.

02:33 - She said, “God remember me. ” And when the Bible says, “He remembered her and she conceived. ” This is why Jesus said about the communion or the meal or the last supper, when he told the disciples, “as often as you do this, “you do remember me or you do it in remembrance of me. ” Paul picked up on that.

02:54 - And 1 Corinthians 11, verses 24, 25 and 26.

02:58 - And he says again, “when we do this we do this in remembrance of him. ” And then he went on to say, “because when we do it, “we declare his death until he comes. ” We are doing more than just remembering in our mind or recalling the fact that he died.

03:14 - We are bringing it back into the present. And every time we partake of that, we partake of the same power that happened at the cross.

03:24 - And we proclaim it. The word testimony is very similar.

03:29 - And by the way, this is why God said in Isaiah, “put me in remembrance. ” Not because he forgets, but because when we step into this principle, of putting him in remembrance and calling forth out of yesterday what He did today, we tap into the same power.

03:45 - This is why he has a book of remembrance Malachi says.

03:48 - “The word testimony,” here’s what the theological word book of the Old Testament says about this word.

03:53 - The Hebrew root word means to repeat or do something again.

04:00 - Not just remember something, and not just say it, but to do again.

04:05 - It’s the continuance of a past or present event again.

04:10 - So it’s the word edition. When you begin to testify of what He did yesterday, He brings you full circle and you step into the same power and it happens again.

04:22 - It’s a word that means repetition. So the preaching of the Gospel, Roman says, “is the power of God. ” It’s more than a message.

04:32 - It’s more than remembering what He did. The New Testament says, “when you proclaim it, “the power of the cross is released again. ” This rabbi said to me, “we are now seeing miracles “because we are sending people “that have been healed of a certain disease, “to people that are struggling with that disease. ” And all they do is they stand over them every day and share their testimony.

05:07 - And as they repeat over and over and over what God did for them 10 years ago, five years ago, 20 years ago, the same power begins to flow because that’s what the word means as they testify He does it again.

05:25 - And the same power that healed them is released today.

05:29 - So through the Hebrew way of thinking, time is alive.

05:34 - Time is pregnant, and I’ve heard Chuck talk about this frequently.

05:38 - To them time is not linear, time is circular.

05:42 - And they believe that we recycle back through the seasons and we recycle back to the same place.

05:48 - And when we do, we can tap into the same power that was there then and decree it today.

05:58 - That’s an amazing revelation that I think we’re going to receive more and more.

06:02 - This is why and I talked about this in the “Appeal To Heaven” message.

06:05 - This is why for the prayer movement, Julie Meyer had the dream, and the essence of the dream is what God said “do over the dead prayer movement” was tell the old stories.

06:15 - Because it’s more than just inspiring us. It’s that when we decree what he did yesterday, He releases the same power today.

06:25 - This is why he said, “the words that I speak”, in Isaiah 55:11, “will return to me void.

06:30 - “If you will take my words “and you will begin to say my words, “my words will come alive” and we’ll experience what Jesus experienced in John 6:63 when he said, “the words that I say to you are spirit and life. ” They are alive because they are tapping into something that is eternal.

06:46 - And when I speak them, life comes forth today.

06:50 - (congregation murmurs) (congregation applauds) It’s why the word for confession in the New Testament means, say the same thing God says.

07:00 - Because when you take what He said, and you say it today, you’re releasing the same power today that he spoke of yesterday.

07:10 - This is why Timothy was told, “war with the prophecies that were given over you. ” Because he was doing more than just encouraging himself with those prophecies.

07:19 - He was warring with those prophecies. Because when he put God’s word on his tongue, in his mouth, power was released.

07:27 - The very same power that was released when the prophecy Cain was released again when he began to decree it and warfare took place in the spirit over the power of words that were spoken yesterday.

07:42 - - [Congregant] Wow. - Wow. The Hebrew concept, I’m reading a lot of websites on this, trying to get a full, complete revelation.

07:56 - It’s challenging to meet a breakout of… A break into this new way of thinking.

08:02 - They call some of the rabbis and Hebrew theologians call it a time spiral.

08:08 - I had never heard that phrase when I saw this in the spirit, the time spiral.

08:15 - It’s why they said, they don’t measure things in a linear way.

08:20 - Like when you go from Passover to Pentecost, they don’t measure it as 50 days.

08:26 - They don’t even have the word Pentecost 50.

08:29 - That’s a word that we use. They measure it in circles of seven weeks, seven and they do a cycle.

08:36 - And then they do another because they don’t see it as linear.

08:39 - They see it as going to glory to glory. So we go to seven, which is covenant, eight brings us to eight new beginnings and we start another cycle of seven and then another cycle of seven.

08:49 - And then we get to seven cycles of sevens, which is fullness and completion of covenant.

08:54 - Then we come into the full release. When we get to here, we go to seven and then we go to seven and then we go to seven and then we go to seven times seven and then we get to new beginning and outpouring of Pentecost.

09:06 - (congregation applauds) We go up and we go up and we go up and we go up then they say, “when you get to the fullness, “you tap into the power that God released in that season, “and then you set yourself up to connect with heaven “and what he decreed that time would represent on earth. ” It’s a pretty heavy dump on you today, I think.

09:49 - Every time you partake of the Lord’s table, you should be experiencing the power of the cross again.

09:58 - Every time you celebrate Pentecost, seven times seven weeks after Passover, you should be experiencing everything they experienced in the upper room again.

10:08 - The fire should come to you again. Full circle.

10:16 - Testify what He did, you bring it back into today, full circle.

10:21 - So the Bible says, “God remembered Abraham. ” God had not forgotten Abraham, but He said to Moses, “I remember what I said to Abraham. ” Now, when he says, “I remembered”, He’s saying, “I am bringing the fullness of what I spoke to him “into action today.

10:38 - “There’s nothing Egypt can do that can stop this.

10:41 - “There’s nothing that Pharaoh can do to stop it.

10:43 - “Because I remember covenant today. “And when I remember it, “everything that I said comes into the into play now. ” God remembered Samson, and he was restored and power was released.

10:57 - God remembered Hannah. He remembered Rachel.

11:00 - He remembered Sarah. He says to Jacob, “go back to Bethel.

11:05 - “There’s something there. “If you go back to Bethel, “you’ll tap into what I did yesterday at Bethel.

11:11 - “You got to go back there because there’s a portal there.

11:13 - “You can’t get the portal here, but if you go over there, “you’ll tap into the portal “and you’ll begin to experience what I did back then now.

11:21 - “because you’ll tap into a time (mumbles). “You tap into what is there lost in time “but it will spring forth when you go back to that place. ” (congregation applauds) Nehemiah said he’s going to go back and rebuild the wall.

11:44 - He said, “God, you got to remember what you promised Moses “because if I can bring that promise up to the surface here “and begin to decree that promise, “then all of a sudden you did for him, “all the power that you released at The Red Sea “all the power of Passover, all the power of the plagues, “everything we need will be released, “if I can get you to…

12:05 - “Remember covenantally what you did there. ” Deuteronomy 8:18.

12:13 - “Remember the God who brings you wealth. ” If you can tap into covenantal thinking and remember the promise and begin to speak His word today, you will tap into the covenant of wealth.

12:33 - Caleb, defeating the giant at Hebron.

12:40 - Kiriath Arba, city of the greatest giant, Hebron.

12:44 - He starts by saying to Joshua, “I have a promise. ” He starts recalling, remembering the word of the Lord given to him.

12:53 - I have a promise. It’s kept me alive for 45 years.

12:56 - Well, it doesn’t matter how old I am. It doesn’t matter how many people around me have died, I couldn’t die.

13:01 - It would have been impossible for me to die.

13:04 - The covenantal word of promise that was spoken over me, I have kept it alive.

13:11 - It is not a yesterday work. It is a today, now work, because I am remembering and testify of what he spoke to me yesterday.

13:20 - Therefore, the same power that was available then is available now.

13:25 - (congregation applauds).