Vitamix Mothers Day Sale 2020: The Best Deals!
Apr 16, 2020 15:38 · 669 words · 4 minute read
Hey, guys, today. Really quick, want to talk to you about the Vitamix Mother’s Day Sale, that begins April 17th and goes for the month through May 17. Everything’s on sale. All new models, the non reconditioned ones are on sale. So take your pick. Whenever, when you want. You’re going to get the Mother’s Day, holiday, Christmas they’re the best prices all year. Since they’re all on sale, you could take hours and days and you probably have that these days to look and research. We have video which Vitamix to buy 2020, a guide to read through on our website. Or you can you can email or call us. We’ll help you. We’ll give you a personal recommendation.
00:43 - If you just want to know what to get right now, most people will fall into two categories. The best one you can get, which is the A3500. It’s the least loud and has the most features. It’s the one we have, the one we use everyday. It’s actually the most popular machine that people get through us. The best deal and the actually the best for dollar-for-dollar, the best value is the Certified Reconditioned V1200. A great model. I’ll put a link to the video that we talk about it. So either the A3500 or the Certified Reconditioned V1200 is probably going to be what you want. Once you pick use one of our links from the description here in the video or on our web site. That will get you to the Mother’s Day Sale price, free shipping, and it will tell Vitamix that we sent you. So we’ll get credit for the referral.
You know this right? 01:35 - Then be sure to notify us of your order. You can fill this little form that says register VIP, notify us. That’s how we can track your order; make sure you’re well taken care of, and then send you are e-book, which has 50 recipes. We’ll also get you a few onboarding tips and tricks for getting started with your Vitamix. We want to make sure that you get the most out of this thing.
01:55 - All orders that come with 30 days of returns and then also the full warranty. A lot of warranties out there are kind of B.S. This one’s more like an insurance policy. Anything happens, they’ll sell you a shipping label, send it in for service, they’ll send it right back and you’ll be up and running in a few days. Guys, you might be thinking, which accessories do I need? We find people are most successful when they take a minimalist approach when getting started with Vitamix. Get the machine. Use what comes with it and then down the road you can decide.
02:27 - I want to get another container or some attachments. They go on sale periodically through the year. Take the minimalist approach and guys, subscribe our channel, if you haven’t already. Hit the bell to get notified. If you appreciate videos like this, hit the thumbs up. Thank you so much for watching. Happy Mother’s Day to the mothers out there. And we’ll see in the next one. Bye, guys. :) This is – I normally come to work – to my office with green juice. We’re living in quarantine life right now and we don’t happen to have most of the ingredients for green juice. We have some greens, but we’re missing apples and oranges and bananas. So I made a protein shake. And this is full of ingredients that we kind of just always have there in the freezer or in the cabinet. And it’s pink. And I like that for Mother’s Day. It makes me think of when baseball players wear pink gloves and the bats are pink and just kind of makes me happy to see and think of springtime and baseball season. So happy Mother’s Day. Happy spring time. Cheers and thanks again for watching. Bye, guys. :) .