#VimeCoMame - 1. díl: EGO Zlín
Oct 23, 2020 07:00 · 266 words · 2 minute read
CZECH INDUSTRY MODERN TECHNOLOGY SKILLED EXPERTS UNIQUE KNOWHOW CZECH DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic The Czech Republic is world renowned in CBRN defence, after all, the NATO JCBRN Centre of excellence is located here. The Czech company EGO Zlín has a large share in that. What I am standing in now is called an isolator. It is used for immediate isolation of patients with suspicion of a highly dangerous infection It works on the principle of negative pressure which secures that no harmful substances get out or in. It can protect our servicemen even in contaminated areas.
01:04 - Any transfer of contaminated persons takes place in a hermetic bio- bag so a person with Ebola, for example, can be carried without any threat to its surroundings. A part of such process is thorough decontamination which takes place in dedicated showers. A patient secured in this way can be transported to a specialised site equipped with a biobox. For instance here to this mobile hospital, or to the Infectious Diseases Clinic Na Bulovce. Luckily, no disease has been confirmed to me, so I can go on and ask you: What else does your company manufacture? Our company produces bio protection systems, but also equipment for urgent medicine and long term care.
01:44 - I came across the term “disaster medicine” here. What is it exactly? “Disaster medicine” deals with the consequences of extraordinary situations: Industrial and natural disasters, nuclear accidents, but also road accidents. And now I’m safe from all harm. Good thing they also produce a vacuum emergency system here! .