4x6 Bandsaw Review- Worth $250?

Oct 9, 2020 13:30 · 614 words · 3 minute read better blade jlc clean cut

Hey everyone! You’ve all seen me setting up my CNC machine, but before I can start making chips, I need to cut the metal into manageable pieces that will fit in the mill. So I’ve bought something called a 4x6 bandsaw, a few companies sell this model with their name on it depends on what country you are in. But they are mostly the same. It’s pretty inexpensive for what it is- about $200, so I’m a bit worried if it will be any good. only way to find out is to unbox it, and take a look! Yes, I got a little sloppy and am using the electric driver with my hair down- will do better in the future. Ok, so yesterday I got the saw all put together.

02:36 - As a few people warned me it is very top-heavy. I just don’t feel it’s safe for me to use like this, so I’m going to bolt it down. And I am just going to put these T-nuts in from the other side. And that’s stable, I can trust that. Let’s fire it up, let’s cut some metal. This video is made possible by the generous support of JLCPCB, China’s largest PCB manufacturer. With JLC, you can have your PCB manufactured in under 24 hours all while you track the process in real-time.

04:34 - Prototype boards start at just 2 dollars in any colors. Check the description box for more info. One of the best ways to support me is to support the companies that fund this channel. Actually, I have a better blade but I was using the blade that comes with the machine. It was doing fine. I don’t see a reason to change it and it is cheap. I think I am going to keep using it. Why waste it? This dodgy end stop comes with the bandsaw and it is not very good so I am going to upgrade it with the smooth rod I just cut.

06:46 - I use these huge filament reels for my 3DPrintMill. But they are very hard to handle so I am going to make something better to hold them. Voilà, like butter! Not a big deal but it works a lot better and it’s about a dollar on Taobao. Okay, that’s the vertical bandsaw It’s a little bit awkward but I think I am going to get used to it and it’s certainly a clean cut. Ok, the saw is well built for light work. I’d say it should hold up for a long time if I use it a few times a week.

09:58 - I would not put this to work all day, everyday cutting heavy stock. If you are cutting long stock in the horizontal position without support it could cause the saw to tip over, if you push hard in the vertical position, it could also cause the saw to tip over. The saw is just much, much safer, and more useful bolted down. I didn’t even put the wheels on. You’re going to need to do a little bit of Googling for the right bi- metal saw blade to suit your needs, but the cheap ones I got are ok for now. There are a few forums dedicated to modifying these, just search 4x6 bandsaw mods.

10:42 - I like my little end stop extension but there are lots of options. Overall- thumbs up for a maker space, garage workshop, or small commercial shop. That’s it for today- please subscribe and click the bell icon so you are notified of new videos. Until next time- if I can do it, anyone day do it. .