Shohini Ghose - Physicist
Feb 7, 2020 20:52 · 145 words · 1 minute read
- [Shohini] Growing up in India, I always loved puzzles and mysteries and solving things, and that’s what led me eventually to a career in science. (upbeat music) Being a woman and a person of color and an immigrant, in physics, means that my perspective is pretty unique, and that’s important in physics and in science in general. I explore how we can use the laws of quantum physics to do cool things like better computing or communicating with people across the planet, or even doing new things like teleportation. All new physics actually comes from old physics that failed in explaining some new observation. So failure is not a bad thing in physics, and therefore, it shouldn’t be bad in your own career as well. So embrace your failures.
00:53 - My name is Shohini Ghose, and I am a physicist in Waterloo, Ontario. .