Бокс: упражнения для укрепления голеностопа/Boxing exercises for calves strengthening

Nov 8, 2020 06:35 · 1862 words · 9 minute read tip toes jump forward floor

How to strengthen your ankles? Rigid ankles equals tensed feet. How can you strengthen your ankles and calves? You jump forward for instance. Your heels should not touch the floor. Your feet have to be rigid. Jumping on the balls of your feet. I land after jumping forward I can jump backward at the same second. And I can punch during the jump. Ok? Look at me. I can use footwork for the punch. Look, I have pushed myself up. With my tip toes. There is the exercise that all guys do but today you will do it a bit differently. I will show you how. Give me the weights. Stand on the other side. Come here. Here is what you gonna do.

00:49 - This is so called “raznozhka” (different legs literally) which is acutally jumps with punches. [Time!] It consists of jumps and punches. Jumps are performed by pushing up with the lower foot. I push up with the lower foot and punch with the ipsilateral hand. Look here. See I push up as soon as the foot touches the floor. I try not to get down. I try not to bend my knees. Of course the knee wil bend a little to absorb the shock. But you must tense them. As soon as my foot touches the floor I am in the air again. And I throw my fist the next moment. One, one. It is very similar to the jumps on one foot that you did before. Do you understand? You will do it not for one minute but for 30 seconds. Ok? 30 seconds. Change these weights. Is it one kilo? Ok, one kilo. [Touch gloves.] Here you go. Go. Do not put down your foot. Try to jump higher. Watch, the foot should not go backwards, stay closer to the bench.

02:03 - You need to hang over the bench all the time. Stand closer to it. Look at yourself in the mirror. Why do you stop? Come on. Mishanya, no. Misha. Boys, look here. You do it a bit incorrectly. You push up with the upper foot. And you must push up with the lower foot. Ok, let’s do it a bit differently. Look at the mirror. Hop on the left foot and punch on my command. Fast, sharp punch. Say “one”. (One.) Boom! Now say “one, one.” (One, one.) Boo-boom. Clear? Ok, hop on the left foot. Straighten the leg, stand higher on the toes, shoulders are relaxed. One! One-one! Aha… See, how you hand did fire too early? Do not hurry to punch. Jump first. [Put your right foot more to the right, Zhara, corkscrew the fist.

] 03:13 - One! One! One-one-one! See, you bend backwards. Be here. Change feet. Stand higher on the tip toes. Your shoulders are relaxed and hanging. One. Straighten the knee. One! one-one. See, you punches push you backward. Wait. Stand higher on the toes. Yes, yes. Here is the correct foot position. Ok? Straighten your knee, stand on the toes. Put your shoulders down. This is your stance. Shoulders should hang. This is the position you should try to keep ideally. Of course you won’t be able to keep it all the time but you must try. Extend your arm with the punch. One. Your hand fires too early. Boom! Sharp, quick jump. Bend forward a bit. One-one. Stand higher on the toes, your leg is straight. Change feet. Faster. One. Misha, your hand fires too early.

04:21 - Faster jump, put more power into the jump. Emir, keep your fists wider. Hands are hanging freely. The shoulders are hanging. One! Emir, you fire too early. Your hand was like this. Jump first and then punch. Go up while the fist is still in the initial position. Rest a bit. One! Yes, yes. Do not lift up the shoulder. Just throw the fist forward. One! Why do you punch aiming down? Time. You will do it again. Is everything clear? Here is a simple exercise for the calves and ankles. Legs are straight, heels never touch the floor. Yes. Heels are always up, knees are straight.

05:02 - Find the posture so that the shoulders are hanging over toes. Ok, let’s try again on the bench. Come on. Feet should be shoulder-width apart. Stand closer to the bench, boys. Push up with this foot, go. Yes! Jump at once. No pause. At once! With which foot are you pushing up? With the one that is on the floor, and punch with the same hand. Feet more apart. Emir, you getting better. Straighten the knee. Up! Too early, Misha. Jump up. Higher. Yes. Stand closer to the bench. Push up with the lower foot. Well done, Mishanya. Come jump at once. One. One. At once. No pause. Stay over the bench. Misha, throw the fists. Give them to me. Punch without weights. Clench your fists. Punch. Longer punches. Feet more apart. At the shoulder span. Stay closer to the bench. Closer to the bench, Emir. You need to be above the bench on the top of your jump. Do not do this feet exchange. You need to jump up, push up. Jump up, the feet change each other in the air. Yes. Higher! Higher, Emir. This is what you need, good job. [Change opponents!] Higher, higher! Throw the fist, Misha. Punch longer, do not stop the fist. Throw it. Misha, you punch like this. Spread your fists. Rest now. Ok, well done.

07:02 - Do you understand why we do it? You exercised your calves and ankles. Your ankles are your speed. Ok? Of course you can move on flat feet. Step, step. But then… Boom! Quick movement. Not like this. But step-step with the rigid foot. Or I can step for some time, then slip and boom-boom. Aha! Your ankles and footwork allow you to change directions. Get in or get out. Weak, soft ankles, they shake and unsteady. And your body becomes unsteady as well. Soft feet cannot keep your balance.

07:45 - Do you get it? Next one. You will stand on the edge. Climb up. You will get calf pump. Stand on the front half of the foot. Do you remeber how to do it? Eh? Stand on the half of your feet. Spread your feet. No, no. Not like this. Here you go. Stand a bit more forward. Do not hurry. Spread your feet. [Time!] Look. Now you will… Put your hands down, Emir. Hold here. Yes. Now you will do three explosive push ups. One-one-one. Ok? Knees are straight. go. Emir, no. Push up higher. You do it well but push up higher. Here you go. Do not straighten your back. When you heels go down, the knees do not bend. Go. Make pause on the top, not when you are down. Higher, higher. See, the gravity pull your backwards again. Go. Knees should be straight. Go.

08:55 - Jump down and jump up next second after the landing. And throw the punch. Push yourself up. Clear? Go. Boom. More power in the push ups. [Change!] Faster Legs are straight. Do not bend your knees. Spread your feet, Misha. Yes. [Change!] Quicker. Go-go. Two, three punches. Your punch too early.Emir. Do not hurry. Yes. If the hand fires too early this will happen. Jump first and then punch. Listen. When you land on the floor your shoulder should drop down. Because your shoulder should be relaxed. Keep your fists wider. [Change!] Step up on the bench. Yes! Was it comfortable this time, Misha? Come on. Just throw forward. Long punch. Emir, forget about your shoulder.

10:13 - Just send forward your fist, the shoulder will work automatically. got it? You used to start your punches with your shoulder. Long punches. Jump higher. Yes, Mishanya. Jump right after the landing. Punch longer. Come on, Misha. Your punches should not pull you forward. Yes! You hands are positioned too narrow. The fist should hang. Do not keep them close to each other. Ok, Misha it is better now. Yes, Emir. Let the hands hang. [Change.] [Faster!] Two punches on the toes. Look. Boom-boom-boom. At once. Spread your feet. Straight knees. Try to keep your knees straight, of course they will bend a little absorbing the shock. Faster.

11:10 - Where is your second jump? Keep your fist wider. Head up. One more time, Emir. Step up. That is what we need, my friend. Yes. Not like this. Boom, jump and punch. Faster. Yes, yes. Where is your butt? Aha! See you have overlordosed your pelvis. Come on, jump down. Punch over my hand. [Change. No - time!] Yes. Ok, time. Well done, boys. Emir, here you go again. You jump like this. And we need a jump with the straight knees. When you were pumping your calves how did you stand? Yes! See, you must stand on the toes. Put down your fists. See, you can keep your balance. See? The shoulders are hanging over your toes. Ok. Now you need to jump from this position. Yes. Mishanya, well done. This time I liked it.

12:13 - Emir, do not hesitate, punch over my hand. That is ok. Yes. Emir, do not lift up your shoulders. You jump up, but do not send up you shoulders. Upward movement is only done by the foot. Push up and send the fist forward. Do not lift up your shoulder, forget about… Yes! Come on! Keep the fist at the shoulder level. Punch. Straighten your knees. Straighten your knees, do not hurry to punch. Ok, jump forward three times. One-one-one. Forward.

12:49 - See? You could not do it. I told you to straighten your knees. Straighten your knees. Look. You cannot straighten the knees, Emir, my friend, not because you are not trying. You are doing well. [Guys, one round of heavy bags. Well done.] [Touch gloves, thank each other.] Show me. Look at him. Yes, yes. It is all the same. Put your feet wider. See. it is all the same. Both of you, boys, you hurry to throw the fist. That is why you knees do not have time to straighten. I suggest you to do this. Look. I jump up first and then punch. I punch when I start to descend. Do not hurry to punch. Yes. Yes, yes. Longer. Over my hand. Bend over my hand with your shoulder. Well done. Longer, over my hand. As if you are trying to jump over it. [No, I do not have mitts today.] Over there. Punch with both hands at once. Like this.

14:00 - Straighten your knees, my friend. Yes. Yes. Ok, well done, both of you. Are you tired? Take the bench back to it’s place. Well done. Let’s go. All these exercise are for one purpose. To train the algorythm, the timing of of foot and hand. So, that the hand won’t fire before the foot movement. So, that the elbow won’t extend before the shoulder rotates. The boys tried to train it today.

14:38 - And of course, exercise the ankles and the calves. Ok, hugs to everybody. .