Voting for Trump Was a Mistake. Its Time to Fix That Mistake!
Oct 30, 2020 13:54 · 252 words · 2 minute read
Well, my name is Richard Willis and I live in Florida. And, during Trump’s initial campaign, I was all for it. Honestly I think it was a lack of information. I really went on the basis of this false sense of him being a prominent businessman and thinking that the United States of a giant business. How could we not go wrong? Doing a lot of work at that time. Not really paying attention to much of what was going on. I made the wrong choice and I greatly, greatly regret that choice. Donald Trump is a bigot. He’s a racist. He’s an outspoken, absolute lunatic, and, I mean this in the most respectful way. He talks to people like you would be talking to your friend on the street. That is not how you carry yourself or speak as a leader of the free world.
01:20 - I mean, in my eyes, I just, I’m at a loss I’m clearly at a loss. He has made me completely reevaluate my thoughts on the Republican and Democratic party. I am pro second amendment. I’m very middle of the road. But I’m leaning more towards the Democratic party at this point because the racism and the division in this country has to stop. And the Republican party doesn’t seem to be wanting that to happen based on what I’ve seen. So that’s what I’ve got to say. And I’m, that’s my opinion, and I’m an American and I vote. You should too. .