🌐¿Qué es la RED 5G Y (como FUNCIONA)🚀

May 13, 2020 17:00 · 726 words · 4 minute read subscribe comment increase games millions

when we talk about connecting to the internet is surely a very common among humans today since from a simple phone we have access to millions of data on the network to The speed of light surely 5g is that speed technology that will change the world in very little time and today we are going to see what this is I am lightning we invite you to subscribe if you haven’t and without roll the more we start THUNDER TECH the 5g right now is the most popular thing speaking if there will be more radiation in the antennas that if bill gates is going to dominate the world with him but that is in yes 5g is basically in the new mobile network that will increase our connection speed to shapes unimaginable and to minimize latency which is the response time between the web and the user who uses the connection that is it will be very fast and it is that if in the beginning we had the old g2g that emerged in the 80s and they took that first step so that we communicate every time we evolve much faster and we got to 3g to beginning of this century with a internet connection and coverage a lot bigger the 4g was also a authentic revolution brought the band wide to augmented reality and it is also with which they can be used streaming services like netflix oh I see but now we have the 5 g in a nutshell with this we will be connected like zombies to all all the day by the hour and in the shortest time possible but it will not only be telephones this technology will allow us let’s connect between everyday objects like buildings fridges robots your bathroom though I don’t really know what you will need connect to your bathroom but well there it is and also with the cars since the autopilot will be much more smart and efficient in roads is pretty much everything what has cables and shapes can connect and on top of that it will multiply the number of connected devices in the planet if we talk about phones now who have this connection we we can find with the huawei made x the last two series of the one plus and the well-known mixes of xavi in ​​addition to other companies like apple will start use on the new iphone 12 the future that by the way if you want to know a little bit more of these phones let’s have this video here so what you look and really every day is technology is becoming more common between us something very incredible is that if already with the 4 we had speed of fairly high connection from 150 to megabytes per second with the 5 g we are going to to be able to download up to grab from the chair downloads up subscribe to this channel I say sorry load up to 10 gigabytes per second a real madness with what we can download large movies and games in seconds practically but not only that the latency will be 5 milliseconds that is to say something imperceptible to human beings and now that we connect with everyone in real time but it’s dangerous 5 is good because according to world health organization no there is evidence that using cell phones generate radiation or cancer but there is certain telephone waves that it implants this 5g that can generate one or the other little problem although nothing serious several studies point out more good things than bad at this amazing technology and in addition this 5g would also help the robot medicine remotely what which is a spectacular advance because As I say, you can connect everything you can imagine without a doubt 5g is one of the best advances created by the man and really with this technology brutal things can be accomplished in a future that is not very far from our actually but hey this has been all the 5g and remember to subscribe to this channel activating the bell and also check this single video leaves a comment with your opinion of this technology and follow us on our networks they are in the comments always remember that sometimes legends are real .