Good news in 2020? KAYA! Ryzen 4, NAVI2, Intel 10, NVIDIA 3000 and DDR5 are all coming this year.
Apr 23, 2020 13:15 · 2244 words · 11 minute read
All right, what’s up Internet, so we’re filming this during the time of Corona and that’s why I have a mask on. Focus on positive news especially for those who are into computers, gamers. There is actually good news coming. AMD is scheduled to release its fourth gen cpus and this is the Zen 3 architecture. It looks like AMD is still on a roll, the performance increases will be just as dramatic as those we saw from the Ryzen One, Ryzen 2 to Ryzen 3. So AMD is on track to deliver the same performance increases and considering a lot of people are quite happy with Ryzen 2, Ryzen 3, we expect to be happy as well when the Ryzen 4 comes out this year.
Rumor has it they will be announced officially September this year 00:59 - and then they will probably be released around October and because the Philippines is not a major market we might start seeing them locally around November or December. But definitely the Ryzen 4 will be faster and will supposedly consume less wattage as well. The bad news is they won’t support DDR5 so if you’re looking to upgrade to DDR5 you might need to wait for the motherboard manufacturers to come up with you know new boards because you will need new boards for DDR5. And the good news is it’s still AM4 so the socket is still an AM4 just as AMD promised. So it is backward compatible with the Ryzen 1 and onward motherboards.
Although they’re not all backwards compatible because some 01:51 - motherboard manufacturers are having a hard time fitting all of the instructions onto the BIOS itself, it’s a bit technical, but the socket itself, AM4, is backward compatible but some boards because of the limitations of storage won’t be backward compatible with the Ryzen 4s. But this is the last time we’re gonna be seeing an AMD releass with AM4 because they have confirmed that Ryzen 5 will be using a different socket, so this is the swansong of the AM4. But kudos to AMD that they have kept the same that they have kept it at AM4 for their entire run of Ryzen so far. Ryzen one all the way up to four have used a m4 socket and this is in contrast to intel which you know basically changes sockets a lot more and of course it is harder for people who want to upgrade just the cpu instead and of course every time a socket changes it’s that much harder to upgrade it gets more expensive so kudos really to AMD for getting for four months as well as managing to keep the same socket team red is on a roll and it looks like it will continue its impressive for four months later on in the year with Rison for still keeping with AMD news they are also scheduled to announce and release the update to the graphics card it’s called navi - or big navvy or RDMA - and just a side note on the naming conventions actually I think this is one area where MZ can improve because because they’re naming structure is really confusing it sounds like Nvidia and Vidya that’s a good job there’s the Nvidia 1000 line so that’s the 1660 1080 and 17 960 and things like that and you know what you’re getting in d4 graphics cards as a very convoluted naming system then you know again they can’t figure it out this the latest upcoming has caused big navvy not to unlike their CPU line which is super easy the horizon one bothered by the two three and four and I wish AMD would adopt something like that instead of flip-flopping with the names because the needs are important the lines or what you call the lines make it a lot easier for consumers to understand that yes I want this Navi to because it’s faster than Navi it’s not be too different from big Navi what’s our DNA to and the more terms you find on the consumer the harder it is for him to figure out that this is the car that I need don’t pick the consumer think anymore because if you have to think too much it’s just going to go to Russia and Vidya where everything is a lot more straightforward but that aside yes Navi 2 looks to be better for AMD finally Navi 2 will allow them to have 4k gaming which currently only Nvidia is capable of doing the performance as well is supposed to be a lot faster 50 to 75 percent is the leaks or the news of a circulating so at least and most importantly it will finally have rate tracing or basically RDX on something that Nvidia popularized and really jumped on with the 2009 the RCX 2000 line so finally AMD is catching playing catch-up yes but at least with the Navi - it looks like they will be apart with Nvidia but that won’t be for long because as I’ll talk about Nvidia 3000 line looks set to blow it looks set to surpass all of the performance specs now it’s gonna it’s gonna leave problem for everything else so empty my tie and India’s 2009 but when the ampere 3000 line Nvidia comes along that’s gonna be a different story and we’re gonna talk about that later Navi 2 is set to launch sometime around October so again maybe around December we can expect the cards to reach us here in the Philippines and interesting ly enough around October is when the PS file is coming out and the Xbox series X you know I again I don’t know how to make these names so complicated but looks nice about or what’s interesting about the next-gen consoles the PS 5 and the Xbox series X is that they also make use of the Navi tools for their graphics processing and if you know the architectures are basically the same then it might be easier for console games to be ported to the PC so we might be seeing a lot of a lot more of more thing from console exclusive items maybe they’ll make their way to the PC faster so you know me PS in particular has a lot of nice exclusives like rising zero dawn which only recently got ported to the PC and since now the next gen consoles will be sharing a lot of our graphical architecture with Nagi - but the easier for game makers support them to the PC assuming that you know a lot of people do by Navi to GPUs so you know those will be they were supported ok shifting over to the Intel side of things Intel is set to release the temp gen combat late desktop CPUs we’ve already seen some of them in laptops so there are 10 Jan Intel CPUs and laptops already this is stated the desktop CPUs are stated to be on hand around second quarter so we’re thinking actually next month may perhaps instantly start releasing them as I mentioned Intel exchanging the socket so this is not LGA 1151 it’s mg a1200 and the motherboards that you need will be the z4 90 line actually the motherboard manufacturers have been all set to go based on the news they’ve been they’ve been ready with the z4 90 Lions however Intel has held back this particular chip set the test gen because they have been trying to get better performance with less power because all of the early reports have indicated that the 10th Gen Intel generate a lot of heat and they use a lot of power and so intel has been trying to cut that down but apparently they’ve been unsuccessful because now what we’re hearing is that they are just simply going to release the 10th gen CPUs very soon and just to put it in perspective the in delta gen are supposedly used as much power as an RT next 2018 so that’s around 220 watts and you know that’s a lot of power and assuming you’re gonna have 10 gen and then you’re gonna have a 20 80 that’s basically you know 440 or 80 watts or so and so you’re gonna need a good PSU and you’re gonna need a good cooler if you’re gonna be upgrading to the 10th jet Intel disappointingly performance is sort of lackluster some early spec we’ve seen some early leaks and again you know this is all rumored it’s not official but it seems to dive into what everybody else is saying they had an i-9 then hundred K versus versus risin nine three nine hundred X so they are nine three nine hundred X is available now it’s from the current line of rising so third gender aizen’s it’s not the first generation that I talked about earlier so a cpu that AMD has available now stocked up versus of future Intel CPU the AMD actually one it’s actually seven percent faster or you know roughly than the Intel 10 gen so the comet Lake can’t Gen Intel looks to be a bit disappointing and yes there are people who super love Intel and they might you know that might be a recent upgrade to it but on its own all things considered the 10th gen line will not be the one to convince people to go back to Intel so Intel is still playing catch-up with a comet late night someone not playing catch-up though is nvidia and they are set to release their third or their 3000 series it’s a new graphics architecture they call it a beer versus occurring architecture of the 2009 but basically what it promises is much much faster graphics at the lower much much faster graphics for less power the rumor is or the early numbers are showing that we would get a 50 to 75 percent increase in performance with a decrease in power consumption of around 50 percent so that’s really across the board those are great numbers and you really might want to wait if you’re looking to upgrade your graphics card you might want to wait for the Nvidia 3009 the numbers really are looking quite good how long will you have to wait the rumor is that they will be officially announced in August and then they will be available commercially sometime around the end of the year and Anna Faris NVIDIA they really do take care of the gamer segment you know there is pushing deeper for months if you’re curious the gaming segment makes up 50 percent of India’s revenue so they know who butters their toast and you know they really actively try to be to push the envelope when it comes to graphics card so kudos to Nvidia and you might want to wait for their 2000 series if you’re thinking of upgrading lastly we’re going to end with memory with RAM ddr5 we’ve been hearing about it for a long time you know around 2018 that’s what people started saying that ddr5 is actually a reality 2019 bit of news and finally in 2020 there has been news that it will be finally in 2020 it has been announced that yes in the r5 will be mass manufactured this year so that’s gonna so slowly start rolling out the server side builds and then more slowly to consumer and PCs and ddr5 will require you to buy a new motherboard current motherboards do not support EDR 5 but what do you get basically ddr5 is offering double the speed so roughly ddr4 around 3200 megahertz yes there are faster but you know on the average three thousand two hundred megahertz ddr5 is promising six thousand four hundred megahertz and that’s not yet overclock so there are significant performance gains associated with the ddr5 but you will need to upgrade your motherboard and no word yet as to pricing this should benefit AMD builds because their rise in architecture has taken advantage of faster rams and ram size so generally the faster your RAM the better your rise and build and so that can only get better with the upcoming vdr file so that is a lot of interesting things coming for PCs later on in the year we just need to get through the first part of 2020 and you know a lot of people are suffering health-wise a lot of people are suffering economic wise this is twice so the best thing we can do is to follow health protocol we will beat this thing and hopefully once they come out on the other side there are a lot of interesting hardware to splurge on or that we can experiment with or that we can have fun with so in the meantime everyone stay safe and things to look forward later on and these were the things for the forward to after we get out of lockdown so I hope that these basic tips helped you if you found this video helpful please drop a like and hit the subscribe button for your PC needs consider buying from us Hardware sugar at lazada or on our website you can find links in the description below and thank you for watching see you next video .