Rust or Go?
Mar 6, 2020 08:00 · 284 words · 2 minute read
Hi! If you follow my GitHub account you might note that I’m interested in Rust. Once I was asked, but why not Go? Let’s clear it up. [Music playing] Rust has been Stack Overflow’s most loved language for four years in a row. That was a start point on my journey. I needed a programming language to master the fourth element of the Web, namely WebAssembly. So what is Rust, and why I chose it? Rust is a fast, secure, and reliable programming language.
00:34 - Rust compiles a program into machine code with minimal overhead, so it’s as fast as C or C++. Go has an efficient garbage collector, but Rust has static memory management. Therefore a compiled program consumes less memory. I love Rust because of its verbose compiler because it describes in detail using plain English every error I made. Despite static memory management Rust has the perfect compiler that guarantees memory safe and takes care of app security.
01:07 - People say that Go has great concurrency support, but Rust has provably-correct concurrency. Rust has the exciting package manager, namely “cargo” and the excellent central packages repository titled “crate.” Speaking of WebAssembly, Rust has the best in the city tool-chain for WASM. Without any doubts. And last but not least. Rayan Dahl has done with Node in 2012. He went to Go Lang world, but then created Deno. Deno is a safe and secure alternative to Node, and it has been written in Rust too. To sum it up.
01:45 - My point is: there is no such thing as a good or a bad programming language, but Rust programming language satisfies my needs better. That’s it. Stay curious. .