2 minute Structured No-Sew Paper Towel Face Mask Tutorial #Masks4all
Apr 4, 2020 02:25 · 1003 words · 5 minute read
Hi this is Dr. Yang in this video I will show you how to make a structured disposable facemask using materials you already have at home if you’re able to make a classic paper airplane like this one you should be able to make this non-medical face covering that were being told to wear in both California and New York so what you’ll need is a paper towel this one’s pre-folded this is a piece of printer paper after this quick assembly I’m going to have an overhead instructional video which will go in more detail but I just wanted to give you guys some confidence that you’ll be able to do this at home the ones that you so look complicated and many Americans no longer have sewing machines at home so that makes it very hard what you’ll need is a ruler a strip of printer paper seven inch wide paper towel two rubber bands and a stapler to make this strip of printer paper measure 1 and 3⁄8 inch and draw a straight line can cut it with scissors or crease it and tear it that’s demonstrated next take a the 7 inch wide paper towel fold it in half from top to bottom next take the ruler Center it on the paper towel fold the top flap down and the bottom flap up crease those to form a u-shape next get the printer paper strip which is 8 and 1⁄2 inches wide Seren it center it on the paper towel now you’re going to take the upper half of the paper towel fold it so that the crease is centered on the mask now we’re pretty much done just take the two tabs and fold it towards the front of the mask now we’re going to hook the rubber band over the tab fold the flap down hold it down and flip the mass so we’re looking at the inside of the mask Center the stapler across the middle of the seam and place a single staple through it repeat on the second side with that staple the mask is completed to give it a cleaner look you can fold each corner 45 degrees the open side of the mask is the bottom the folded side is the top where your nose goes when the mask is fully popped open it creates a dome that’s hexagon shaped when you look at the top of the mask you can see it is preformed to fit the shape of her nose I wanted to go over my thought process when I was designing this particular mask it comes from both myself being a surgeon as well as a doctor so we really need to put a mask in your hand today paper towels are everywhere and as well as printer paper so that’s number one we need to get it in your hand number two we need to teach you how to wear it properly in order to wear a mask properly you need to cover both the nose in the mouth anything that expels out of your nose and mouth has to be covered so with a structured facemask notice it sort of has a hexagon shape and it’s it sort of holds this dome shape that creates a little cup over your nose and mouth so yet you know how do you turn a flat paper towel into a bowl you need some kind of structure so that’s where the paper comes in so the proper way to wear this facemask and I’ll show you is it’s laying flat you have the two ends the the folded end is on the inside and this strip is on the outside you know hold it up against your lips okay we put over your ears okay but the key part is yet that top open this falls right here in the bottom okay when you do that this area gets longer and this area shorter so it creates this sort of bowl shape I’ll take my glasses off over here this flat area you press it up against your nose and it just kind of form fits right here this strip right here actually press up against your chin doesn’t have to wrap under the chin but if there’s a little bit of compression here it’s not a perfect seal but it very you know it definitely covers the nose and mouth well so this should be enough as a non-medical face covering in order to catch any accidental sprays from puffs droplets from a cough or a sneeze or if you happen to touch a doorknob or or shake someone’s hand which you shouldn’t do which has droplets if you know you’re not supposed to touch your nose and mouth but you just that 1% you just you know forgot and you just quickly rub your nose this essentially blocked you it’s not a N95 mask it won’t stop aerosols but essentially we you know in our culture we must we’re just touching our faces too much some studies say that we touch our face between five up to 28 times an hour so imagine all those times that you potentially put yourself at risk you may not have droplets with coronavirus every time but you know one of those times that one out of those 28 times that you touch your face and nose in mouth area that might be the one so this is why wearing something is better than nothing okay so I think that’s all for this video I hope you found it helpful please like and subscribe turn on your alerts if you if you want to be updated with some newer versions of this mask my original version did not have the paper printer paper and I do have a couple more ideas to sort of supe up this mask so it looks even better and maybe works fits on your face even better.