Jun 6, 2020 09:00 · 2963 words · 14 minute read fevers high gonna end start

we are living through something that will have a generational impact it’s a virus that spread around the world it changed everyone’s ability to move around feel like free to do whatever they wanted I’m losing out all these amazing experiences that I wanted to have every day the same day no one really knew just the magnitude of how terrible is going to be by far the strangest event in my lifetime we will be talking about this for the rest of our lives it will be a reference point why don’t we start with how you’ve been it’s been very disorienting and isolating it’s kind of it feels weird to go outside which is very strange it feels I’m scared to go into a supermarket I thought I’m gonna get a dreaded disease if I touch the wrong thing feel us all getting kind of slower and a little bit I don’t know the word is sadder but I think you know I think we’re getting a little worn out from this even if you’re an introvert you crave social interaction to a certain extent so it’s really hard like this isn’t the same as us meeting up like at the cafeteria like at a party and talking to each other face-to-face it’s not the same and I want to go walk through the streets of Manhattan and like go in and out of shops and just like live life normally or what normally used to be I’ve been sick I I know what being sick is about I’ve had you know various other health issues over my life like everybody else most likely this is not like anything like that what everyone initially thought was like okay so two weeks or what was it one week like 11 days right 11 days were out of school we come back all replenished from our nice surprise break which surprise breaks are better than normal breaks I would say probably the first couple of weeks it felt kind of fun right like it’s an extended slumber party or something like the first week we had the best weather ever so everyone was just with their friends outside first two weeks I was sort of in a good spirit I was like wow I have so much stuff to do like I’m actually getting to sleep in I haven’t slept it in so long thought it was gonna end after that week and we’d go back to school so none of us really thought much about it so we all had the most friends that hang out with each other I was so happy people who tell you that like initially they were concerned and like whatever there’s no way that’s true like I know perfect everyone was so happy we thought I remember thinking like oh we’re gonna get like this we call of school which i thought was gonna be like crazy it’s basically being the hundred times more serious and everybody started with me and I don’t like it I know I would say the last couple of weeks have started to feel especially with trying to teach them I think the honeymoon a little bit is over for the online teaching as we kept extending school and it kept becoming more grave and yeah I understood the severity of it after that first week everything just completely shut down and it was like it was like having nothing to do and you couldn’t see anyone I think like earlier this week or like the this weekend I was like oh my god like the every day is the same day and that sort of when it hit me that like we’re gonna be here for a lot longer and it’s gonna be a lot more of the same it went from Oh tomorrow’s tryouts time oh you’re actually not gonna have like graduation or prom like in a matter of I don’t know very fast for whatever reason it feels stupid to say it now I don’t think on March 8th the totality of the situation was clear to me I didn’t think that we would still be closed on April 1st and I think as that we unfolded and as more and more things closed down the the significance of what was happening became clear to me begin tonight with the latest on the corona virus outbreak big story continues to be the looming threat of the corona virus China says the number of people infected by a mysterious respiratory virus has more than tripled bringing the confirmed number of people infected with corona virus in the u.s. to eight across five states Governor Cuomo just announced the first confirmed case in New York City Kovach 19 can be characterized as a pandemic no March Madness Major League Baseball suspends its opener NBA suspends its season along with the ATP tennis tour no major league soccer Olympic qualifying suspended NHL season suspended look at all the major sports on board yes suspended Westchester man tested positive for the disease the number of confirmed cases sorry to at least 89 statewide breaking news the Scarsdale Public School District just announced it is closing all of its seven schools from March 9th through the 18th please refer to your email for a message in regards to closure of Scarsdale public schools related to the corona virus outbreak I got an email that I was one of six urologists from my department that was going to be deployed to work in the hospital at Long Island Jewish and then starting Monday April 6 was my first day pretty much running the Kovach floor my wife and I were both showing signs for and we had been showing signs for a while you know by the time we got tested we had been showing signs for about a week I was certain when we got tested that we would be positive I didn’t sign up you know you sign up to be a doctor I was when they asked for volunteers they didn’t everybody volunteer everybody pretty much said I’m available if you need me nobody said picked me first nobody said I wanted I would be the first ones in that hospital we only the responsibility what you hear on news when you hear that what you read in the paper we are living every day God knows how many people are infected when I didn’t know that I had it or was asymptomatic but a second week I was completely useless and you know it was lying on the couch you know barely get from the couch to the to the to the bed to the bathroom and then it kicks into you know like third gear or fourth gear you know after that point my fever started spiked into really high levels of 103.5 you know for three straight days which is really high and really bad shaking a lot of the time because the fevers high and you’re you’re trying to your body’s trying to fight the fever and it’s not easy I mean the patients do suffer because breathing is an issue but they’re so so tired and so weakened from the virus that it’s not like they’re in pain once your oxygenation goes down your mental status is is very different so you’re not thinking clearly you’re you’re just gasping for air you know as my wife would say to me she’s like you’re not speaking clearly like I can’t understand and that’s because I couldn’t get enough breath out to actually speak there’s nothing about your life that’s normal there’s no everything the virus has taken over every facet of your being so when you’re sleeping you’re having nightmares you can’t sleep I couldn’t sleep for more than an hour at a time because you had to get up and and go to the bathroom or or something because the because you had just woken up from a nightmare my wife just looks at me and she says we’re going to Austin now mind you the families are not in the hospital at all the patients families are not there witnessing the suffering that they’re done um the Saturday that I checked into the hospital I you know you go you go in and they they take tests and they decide whether or not they want to admit you and they decided they wanted to admit me but they really didn’t have a place for me so I kind of wound up on a gurney in the hall and I was there for six hours what you need to know about managing patients with Kovac is as you’ve heard and read there’s not many treatments out there a lot of it is just supportive care I didn’t see that many people but most of the people I did see were sicker than I was so that made me feel a little bit better like I was in you know better shape than than a lot of people who were there what has been you think the hardest part of this experience is a lot see her I guess seeing people die is something you never get used to in urology we don’t see people that we help people it’s rare that we see people die under our watch whereas here we are seeing people die under our watch you can go in tomorrow see a person that’s relatively sick and in the course of the day or the 12 hours a year there they get increasingly worse and they pass away I think absolutely every business is affected by this in fact you know even as a private college counselor I’ve had three families actually get in touch with me to tell me that they’ve been dramatically hit financially and they’re not sure they’re gonna be able to continue paying for an independent advisor it’s obviously new scary monotonous lots of different levels of you know feelings that you go through here you obviously worry about your health and your family first then you worry about the economic ramifications of all this and it went all that’s gonna add so much unknown and everybody’s going through it we’re all we’re all going through it so it’s impacted me on multiple levels not being able to help people as much but I’ve been as Moberly Mobley active as I can be but not just not being able to help people it’s the financial side of things it’s terrible it’s impossible to operate in this type of environment what ways has the virus affected business and how things changed we actually closed right now we were open for a little bit due to the restrictions of people dining in and we were just doing you know deliveries and pickups and and take-out but we didn’t have enough business to sustain the operating loss it’s very very tough I had a head of let go all of my employees to have you know an eight a six and a three-year-old so it’s been a really long time since I made breakfast for them or you know you know help them with some schoolwork and stuff like that so on that side that’s been wonderful that’s been a very unique time for me but um besides getting to spend that time I feel like you know I need to provide for them so there’s that constant struggle to balance you know enjoying the time with them and then trying to figure out what’s gonna happen for their future my company’s future and our family’s future you know what I mean like when the state passed the mandate saying all gyms are closed that was like um I would kind of I I don’t even know what to compare that to I guess you could compare that to some other really crazy times we’ve had in the past um defining moments in life where I’ve had you know ten employees and you had to let these guys go and they don’t know what was going on and in the long term none when we have over 20 percent unemployed in this country so people will be more cautious for spending people will do more savings than before so my biggest concerns to say how will we come back to normal and how will the demand from customers looks like in the fall what’s been keeping you hopeful honestly like I’m in a stage in my life where like I don’t have a lot of choices about hope I got kids so like just not having you know a choice like I got to take care of my kids I got to take care of my family so hope is just a byproduct the economy scares a lot of people obviously and it is one of the things that’s very scary but to be honest with you is just not knowing yesterday I was driving through White Plains and there was a school on the right when you’re coming through White Plains Road and the line must have been close to a mile long of people waiting for food I mean that was pretty surreal to see you always are going to have that subconscious fear am I gonna catch this speaking about starting things up again will our society how will our society be different when we open up again I suspect that it may be different for everybody I I think maybe some students who it will take much longer for them to feel safe and return to some sense of normalcy some may want to you know continue with some of the practices about keeping their distance or wearing masks probably in the last week or two I’ve known quite a few members of the Scarsdale community who have lost their parents or grandparents and so I think it’s a little bit different now than it was in the beginning this is a defining moment in your in your life this is a defining moment in the world I mean it will probably transform life as we know it into something different I think we’re raising the stress levels on so many people and also taking away some of the resources that we generally you know suggest you know human contact or you know being outside or going places or whatever it might be so I think we’re really challenging people’s mental health there will be a new normal and it’s not as they all say it’s not on and off switch even when we return to school students you know may still feel unsafe or anxious or just have some adverse affects the comfort and willingness to be physically close to other people will show in American society that willingness to go in for a hug or going for a handshake at least for you know the next few years people are going to be less likely to do that this is a situation that we don’t have any control over and I think when you know we’re dealing with a situation that we’re being impacted to this degree and you don’t have any control we might often feel very helpless you know in so many ways this is gonna change people’s lives forever I would say that we we miss we miss you we and you know my experience is the best part of teaching was being with students the energy of youth is for me cool thing and what I love about teaching is your present in the moment with the students and you guys are you know together and we’re working towards something together and so I think I think in general it’s been really hard for my students at least that’s that’s the sense I’ve gotten I just want to see my class you know just smile and see just greet them at the door I’m going to go to the cafeteria and be with all the students it’s a place that I normally don’t want to spend time there screaming you know teenagers having lunch is not any principals idea of a good time but I would love to be standing there watching 400 kids be kids and be together and be happy I think so much of school and so much about the way I am as a teacher is about establishing a personal connection with my students and using that personal connection to help drive classroom experience and I feel that’s been lost you’ve been robbed of one of the really it doesn’t feel like it normally but one of the joys of childhood of youth which is you know being with your friends and a shared experience every day in school and learning together you just do the best you can every day to have the most fruitful life that you can really about how we came together even though we were apart you know we were very restricted in terms of our movements in who we are with but that didn’t stop us from coming together keeping me hopeful is humor and seeing some of the outpouring of support and creativity grandmother used to tell me that if I was born it was my own fault because the world is full of fascinating things and it was my job to sort of figure out what those were I’ve always had a keyboard in my house so I’ve been trying to learn how to play that so I don’t think of like you know how much left you .