Nov 7, 2020 17:39 · 309 words · 2 minute read become healthier today health

Please like and subscribe to our channel! Hello! 😃 Today we will eat shrimps with shrimp grapefruit salad Let’s start! We’ll definitely need some chili sauce It’s easy to separate the tails Wow, it’s so good! Because tailes are easy to separate it’s really comfortable to eat them I’ll eat two at the same time Normally shrimps are really difficult to eat But the ones we’ve got are pre-cooked and pealed already, so it’s not that hard We just have to get rid of the tails and eat 😄 As for the salad, it contains some balsamic sauce and shrimps fried in coconut powder Also, there are eggs and sliced grapefruit Coconut fried shrimps are already seasoned so they are delicious (chopsticks falling sound 😣) We keep eating and eating Today we both were very hungry before filming this We got home from work and couldn’t eat anything after lunch It’s almost 1AM now but we’re eating ha-ha They are so easy to eat, so I can’t stop myself 😆 I’ve read that shrimps have a lot of ingredients good for your health Astaxanthin, calcium, taurine, etc. I guess we’ll both become healthier ‘◡’ Today’s beverage is peach flavored sparkling drink It’s sweet and refreshing Can’t skip the egg We are both focused on eating It’s getting really cold these days Wear warm clothes and take good care of your health😊 And don’t forget about wearing masks Now we’ll both eat these cooked shrimps Today we are eating really fast (Waiting for Maksim) Maksim: “Come on!” Lee: “Thank you!” I gave him the last one Such a caring relationship 😄 Now going to take off our gloves to eat what’s left from the salad with chopsticks Lee: “I really like olives!” (Making the vegetables disappear) The shrimps were really good! Please like and subscribe to our channel! 😘 .