Adding an Individual Subscriber
Apr 28, 2020 21:44 · 151 words · 1 minute read
[MUSIC] >> To add a user select “Add” and choose individual subscriber from the drop-down. In the flyout Panel, you can fill out the fields manually or if your organization is using Azure Active Directory, you can simply choose them from your organization’s directory. Once you select the user, their name and sign in e-mail will automatically populate, along with an alternate e-mail in the notification e-mail field if one exists in the directory. If your organization isn’t using Azure AD but has a different address for receiving e-mails, you can enter it here. To restrict download access, simply switch the download toggle when assigning subscriptions.
00:46 - You can also choose the country and language for your subscriber. To make notes about a subscription assignment, just input details into the reference field. Lastly, click “Add” and you’ll see the page update with a subscription assigned to your user. [MUSIC] .