Congrès de la Business Analyse 2019 - Interview avec le Business Analyste Donat Magnin

Jan 24, 2020 21:48 · 640 words · 4 minute read terms giving advice need within

I am Yves Donat Magnin. I’m from Isobar. I am an upset skier on break. I decided to stop the season more early. I also came to participate in the business congress analysis today with several people on my team. What does digital transformation represent for you? Digital transformation is a word that is difficult to appropriate for many people because we can put in it lots of things. I like the idea to start from a very IT world where everybody uses IT tools. What are we going to give as value added from a business point of view, services, customer experience. There is a lot about it but there is a real change, a real revolution and that’s why we use it and you hear it a lot.

00:49 - What is the contribution of business analysis in digital transformation? I have two ways of answering, it’s our job. We provide business analysis services. We have a team of business analysts and then we work a lot and we provide this service, this expertise with clients. We’re supposed to be experts in the field with the digital transformation and provide advice and experience with customers. And then it applies to us. I also work within a company with several people and we also ask these questions there. We have expert business people capable of giving advice but internally we we are not always champions, we do not have always the time to apply what we explain to others.

01:35 - There is always this ambiguity there which is interesting. The workshops and conferences today allow us (I have a manager role) to have a critical eye. We may also have things to do before we go watch what we were going to push within others companies. This revolution it is something important. There is a real change of mentality from what we expect from us in terms of services and accompaniment. We are no longer here just to set up developers technical expertise. There is a whole business competence that we are asked, an advisory role in what we are going to produce. Employees, teams, young generations like the older ones (I don’t want to oppose them), everyone asks for this support in their experience on a daily basis too, with what they experience outside the workplace, are also service seekers, internal teams, management, sourcing, personal teams that we provide with services and digital transformation: a support in a general sense around this. Your impressions of the business analysis congress? It’s not the first time we’ve come and that we participate and support as much as possible. We want it to get bigger. We have been doing business analysis for a long time.

03:05 - When we first talked to our customers, even to our own colleagues not everyone understood what it meant, what did that represent, what did it bring. We had to do an ambassador work. To have a organization like IIBA next door this is very useful for us. We have people participating in training and sessions (workshops). It allows me to give to our business analysts additional experience and know-how. Share with other colleagues companies and businesses, it’s very useful. And then it shines. What it finally brings is to publicize the business analysis first. It’s very useful. Having seen that two years ago and seeing it now, it’s a real difference with a lot of people who are business analysts, who advertise themselves as business analysts in many companies. It was not the case two years ago, there was a real transformation. It is interesting and motivating for us to continue in this area and to see that it was understood, that the people recognize this need within different companies since there are now business analysts everywhere. It is a recognized profession! .