Secret Encoding of Letters in Holy Quran

Dec 23, 2020 06:45 · 2952 words · 14 minute read give feed nurul anwar wa

We left “Taa-Seeen; tilka Aayaatul Qur-aan wa Kitaabil Mubeen.” In that month of ta-seen was the ta and purified secret Allah’s (AJ) most purified secret that He’s taking our souls into that journey of that reality. Time is not left, there’s no time left. This is a journey into the heart and into the reality and haqqaiq (realities) of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. And tahir al hadi (purified guide) from “Ta-Ha” the purified secret, most purified nothing can be more purified as a result Allah (AJ), ‘It’s so pure it is haq (truth) and as a result of its haq My holy words can move through its reality.’ Seen, it’s the immense secret the secret of every light and the light of every secret.

01:15 - Every reality will be emanating from that reality. Then we entered into the month of Suratul Ya-seen ﷺ where again Allah (AJ) is now giving the secrets of that reality that you entered that cave and the Kingdom of 27, in the reality of 36 you entered into the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ where this fire is flowing out of Divine presence of which Allah (AJ) for our adab (manners) “Taa-Seeen, Aayaatil Qur-aan.” Aayaatil Qur-aan, you can’t even say it’s Qur’an because Allah (AJ) there is no sharik (partner), it’s not created; Allah’s (AJ) Qur’an. Allah’s (AJ) Divinely speech is not created so Allah (AJ) gives us the adab of, ‘It’s Aayaatil Qur-aan.’ “Ayatun min ayati Allah.” These are the signs of Allah (AJ), it’s a sign you can’t say it’s the Qur’an.

02:19 - It’s a sign, the fire that you’re witnessing with your soul on this mi’raj (ascension) into the heart of Prophet ﷺ is a fire of Divine realities. That is the fire of the presence of hu. This is the fire of the presence that Sayyidina Musa (as), it saw its reflection on earth when Allah (AJ) describe ‘Come, come forward take your shoes off this is a holy prescient. Those whom are around it and whom are in it are blessed.’ That was for Bani Israel (children of Israel), for Ummat e Muhammad ﷺ (Nation of Prophet ﷺ) they’re in, not in a reflection, they’re in the haqqaiq and the reality of the soul of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and they manifest on this world from that reality. They are the walking burning bushes upon this earth their heart carry the flame of that reality not the mi’raj.

03:24 - Nabi Musa (as) witnessed the mi’raj of that reality. But they carry that reality on this earth and this is the rahmah and the mercy of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. So what Allah (AJ) now describes from the 36, “Ya-seen.” Allah (AJ) now swearing by the ya that all uloom all knowledges are in the kalam (words), in the alphabet in huroof (Arabic Alphabets). All the way from alif all the way to the letter ya, twenty-eight letters comprise the entire alphabet, the Arabic alphabet.

04:10 - And Allah (AJ) giving a gift that, ‘How can I describe to you I want to give you every knowledge.’ So it means that every letter because every, nurul anwar wa sirratal asrar (light of every secret and secret of every light). Every secret of light and every light of every secret, another way of saying that every knowledge is with letters. So if I give you the secret of these letters you’ll have the secret of all knowledges. Whatever will comprise and conform itself into a word you’ve been already given the secret of every single one of these huroof and their infinite capacity will be dressed upon your heart and your soul.

04:53 - When Allah (AJ) is swearing by the ya that, ‘All My uloom all My secrets every reality,’ and how this knowledge of ya how it manifests on the seen that every knowledge of ilm ul yaqeen (knowledge of certainty) every knowledge of ayn ul yaqeen (vision of certainty) every knowledge of haqq ul yaqeen (certainty of truth) is the secret of this seen. That the knowledges of certainty, the vision and spiritual reality of every certainty and how it will manifest for you as a haq of certainty, Allah (AJ) swears by that reality as you’re in now the fire of the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. This is a journey to the Lord of power, that this fire you’re in Allah (AJ) is describing, “Ayatul Qur’an.” These are the signs of Qur’an now that you’re inside the sign of Qur’an inside the heart that’s why ya-seen is love and habib (beloved). Ya-seen HabibAllah, you’re now in the flame of Divinely love Allah (AJ) created this reality out of the love to be known. Said, ‘Every uloom is in this ya.

06:16 - Every knowledge from alif to ya I will be dressing you as a result it becomes yaa.’ Because if you go from alif all the way to ya, what’s left is the ya comes under the alif and becomes yaa. So all knowledge is thrown into the heart. The seen becomes it’s manifesting reality. The seen and the secret that Allah (AJ) begin to open for that servant will take all these knowledges and begin to give them all their alim, ilm ul yaqeen all the knowledges of certainty.

06:54 - Allah (AJ) will begin to train them on how to open the eyes of certainty, they become from ahlul basirah (the people whose hearts are opened). That your secret is in the unseen not the seen of your physical eyes. How you meditate how you contemplate how you make your connection by the knowledges they feed you by the connection they teach you of muraqabah (spiritual connection) and muhasabah (accounting), muhabbat (lover) and tafakkur (contemplation). All of that will build a haqq ul yaqeen so that you are a person who’s been taught. You saw it and you understood the truth and nobody can tell you otherwise and you’re solid and yaqeen (certainty) and firm in your belief, not from philosophy.

07:40 - Not from somebody’s book and not from dreams. Don’t talk about dream world, now half the world will be psychotic and crazy thinking what they saw in dreams. That’s television land we’re talking about in reality where in your wakeful state in your meditation and contemplation to witness realities. Many crazy people will still contacting, ‘I saw this I’m this I’m that.’ No no no no shaitan (satan) is playing with all your signals, if you’re not seeing it in real time meditating contemplating through this channel and connection that they describe they don’t care to hear about it.

08:21 - If you’re not able to connect with these awliya (saints), receive the transmission understand their knowledges and begin to connect real time into the understanding. They’re not waiting for dreams where people have fantasies they’re this they saw this they saw this unfold they saw this unfold, that can become complete fantasy. So then this reality of ya-seen Allah (AJ) swears by ya-seen. “Ya-Seen. Wal Qur’anil Hakeem.” What can you swear by higher than Qur’an? Allah (AJ) is saying, ‘Now that you’ve entered in , Ya-seen. I Swearing by Ya-seen, wal, Qur’an, al hakeem,’ because we said all the uloom.

09:13 - So, ‘All this hikmah (wisdom) and knowledge, I swear by what is holiest that you can’t even understand.’ What can you understand is holiest of creation? Allah’s (AJ) uncreated speech. Allah (AJ) swears by the Qur’an on these realities. He’s testifying to the ya and the seen Wal Qur’anil Hakeem and every hikmah and knowledge they’re going to be coming to you of the reality of Holy Qur’an is in this fire of this heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. What’s the next verse? Audience recites : “Innaka laminal Mursaleen Alaa Siraatim Mustaqeem.

” 09:51 - Describing Prophet ﷺ, that this is an honoured messenger and he’s on a straight path. He’s Sayyidina ‘Siratil Mustaqim’ (The straight path) ﷺ. If your feet, that’s why we said the najat and salvation is that if our feet are not on anyone else’s foot. Not follow this and follow that but my feet have to be on the feet and the love and the muhabbat of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. If I’m following Prophet ﷺ do I have love? Do I have compassion do I have all the good characteristics and I feel that Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is happy with my character, happy with my actions known and unknown? Not the actions known to people and to present yourself as good and clean to people but doing unclean things behind, but is Prophet ﷺ happy with me? If so’ my feet on the feet of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, Sayyidina Siratul Mustaqim ﷺ.

10:59 - And all this coming not from rahman but from Siffat ar-Raheem (attribute of the Most Merciful). From the inner reality of the world of light “Tanzilul ‘Azizur Raheem.” It’s not coming from the world of form, this isharat (sign) and this command is coming from the inner reality of the world of light. That Allah (AJ) says, ‘That which commands even your physicality this command is coming from the world of light, your inner molecular reality.’ That Allah (AJ) will send the command from your inner reality that your insides will change and begin to manifest the outside, this is not an outside change.

11:41 - That’s why the tariqah (spiritual path) doesn’t need your outside to be changed and walk and talk a certain way, they need you to be cooked inside, why? Because ayatal kareem, “Tanzilul ‘Azizur Raheem.” Raheem, from siffat al, “Wa salamun qawlam mir Rabbir Raheem.” Siffat ar-Raheem controls siffat ar-Rahman (attribute of the Most Compassionate). The inside controls the outside if the inside is good and powerful it will fix everything on the outside but we live in a world that’s called Facebook, everything is looking good from the outside, inside maybe rotten because you can’t see. They found all these people on Instagram they were all fake they go infront of a car that’s not theirs.

12:35 - They eat in a restaurant that they didn’t even eat from that food, maybe they took a picture of somebody else’s dish. There was a famous Chinese one famous for posting food and they had her on like an investigative report, she was photoshopping food from other Google ads. She never even been to that restaurant. So we live in now the dajjal (man/system of deception) time of complete deceit and this “Tanzilul ‘Azizur Raheem” means what’s coming to you is from the inner works of your soul. If Allah (AJ) gives His rida and satisfaction and stamps its reality means your inner works will be all being perfected and your inner light perfected your inner reality perfected your inner connection perfected not the outer. The outer is of no need. The people whom focus only on the outer maybe their insides are rotten and maybe they attract a lot of people by that and that becomes the Facebook of spirituality. But this way, no.

13:46 - This way is that’s why they’re teaching you have to make your connection with the shaykhs, ‘Helpme@nurmuhammad.’ Learn how to make your meditation it’s the only source of power they’re accepting. If you say oh you’ve been chosen I have an email now coming saying he’s been chosen he sees this he sees that so rubbish. All rubbish. Nobody been chosen for anything, the only chosen one is Sayyidina Mahdi (as). If you think you’re having experiences stand in line everybody’s having experiences but are you connecting correctly that’s all they are interested in.

14:20 - Because dajjal having experiences too and he’s sending all his people to have experiences. I’m sure the people in the White House are having experiences but this is not the experience we’re interested in. Experience is what? You connect your heart. You say, ‘ana abdukal ‘ajeez, wa dayeef, wa miskin, I’m a zhalim and I’m an oppressor. I don’t know myself, how I know my lord?’ Soon as you tell us that you think you know something, tell me your seven names? You don’t know yourself and you wanna claim to know Allah (AJ)? No.

14:56 - So the path is what, I have to know myself. I know my first self is definitely an oppressor and I’m going to work on crushing myself to be nothing to be nothing to be nothing then I take a way of how to meditate and contemplate. When I meditate and contemplate I have to focus on the shaykh that’s teaching me. I wanna text 10 different shaykhs and read 10 different shaykh books and read this and read that and ask you about him and ask him about you and.. You’re lost. You’re all over the place. The one who is talking to you now you better have a good connection, if not tune into somebody else’s channel and make your connection with them.

15:40 - How can you read 10 different professors and then hope to be tested by a different one? You didn’t do that at school you never did that anywhere in your life, make sure that your connection is clear, ‘I’m hearing your talks I’m communicating with you I’m trying to learn how to make my connection.’ It’s all clean it’s all oneness. When you start to bounce around then nobody knows what your coordinates are. How can you go to another shaykh and ask about us? And how can you come to us an ask about another shaykh? What do I know what he’s doing, are you connecting, what you’re doing I don’t know what you’re doing. So means you’re ‘firm’ on how you interact. Make your connection, you build the connection and begin to build the faiz (downpouring blessings) that comes into your heart and that heart begins to feel a light and feel an energy and give your support; support that which you believe in, nothing you have now is going to save you from what’s coming except your connection, your relationship, your amount of your commitment.

16:47 - We said before you go to an attorney you go to a doctor you do everything you give every fee. You come to a shaykh and you.. it’s free. No it’s not free. The shaykh didn’t get anything he has by being free he gave his life his blood his sweat and his tears for his path. He gave everything to achieve that path. He made himself to be faqir in the way of Allah (AJ) now if Allah (AJ) enriched him that because Allah (AJ) cleaned it. Took his dirty and gave him all heavenly blessings upon him. There’s not a Naqshbandi awliya that is in poverty is not the way of tariqah it’s the Kingdom of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, nor are any of their students in that type of difficulty but the way is based on active living it.

17:41 - You can’t say you love something when you give nothing to it you don’t support it you don’t want to sacrifice for it. Our life is to make our love to be real, we are real people. When we say we love Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ then you see it. You see anybody with more mawlids (celebration of the birthday of Prophet ﷺ) than what we’re doing? Are we a people that only we say, ‘Yeah we love mawlid e nabi ﷺ (celebration of the birthday of Prophet ﷺ).’ Three days a week we have mawlid nabi ﷺ. We have to be real and that’s a part of the whole thing.

18:14 - So all of these are step by step, step by step. So whenever you email us, you’ll get the appropriate response. One, this is the way this is the foundation this is the tariqah. These are the initial teachings. Make yourself to be firm with these teachings so that these realities they describe that the students are being dressed with. Now you say ‘I can’t feel this energy you’re talking about,’ make your connection.

18:39 - All these knowledges they are taking us on this journey whether you feel it or not doesn’t matter the fact that the shaykh is describing it is a glad tidings because you’re on his tour bus. Wherever he’s going whatever he’s witnessing whatever Allah (AJ) dressing upon they’re dressing upon the students to understand. This tour bus isn’t just going in a closet, you may be in a closet they’re not. Some of these people think that nothing’s happening, nothing happening for you but not for the shaykhs. The knowledges that they’re speaking the reality they’re speaking is from the deep depth of the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

19:22 - And al these faiz and all these realities dressing their soul and they give glad tidings that, ‘Come onboard. Participate, partake in these ni’mat and these blessings and see if it doesn’t change your life entirely within a short period of time and put a little bit of your effort and love into it so that you can receive its faiz receive its blessings and its bounties inshaAllah. We pray that Allah (AJ) dress us and bless us with the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and make us to run to that holy presence to ask for forgiveness from every type of difficulty and that ourselves our family and our communities to be safe from every difficulty that’s coming Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen. Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha. Click the link now to subscribe. .