Fly Fishing New Zealands BIGGEST Backcountry Trout - North Island

Nov 19, 2020 02:54 · 1485 words · 7 minute read water column get coincidence rock

here we are being a while between videos but we uh eventually as promised a while ago into the back country i was getting sick of it i’m pretty sure you guys may have been getting sick of just together video after tomorrow video and maybe a bit the odd bit of henny meyer here and there so i really thought i’d wait until i um got a chance to really do it properly get into the back country like i am today so hopefully we can sight for some big browns big rainbows and i’ve got two rods set up here i’ve got a dry fly rod set up and i’ve got an empty setup so we’ll cover all bases and hopefully crack into some good fish this right here looks beautiful i’ve pushed above it quite far a bit further up but i haven’t quite hit this spot here and it looks like some quite nice slow dry dropper he took the nymph pretty sure he’s a rainbow oh no i think it’s a big brand big fish whatever he is it’s quite hard to tell his size from his jumps i got a good view of his gut and he looked pretty bloody chunky come on come on don’t want to lose this fish this is a really nice fish come on as soon as he gets close to me he wants to just turn and go oh he looks beautiful there we go there we go that is a beautiful brown got the nymph set up out now i’m just going to work up this piece here there we go seasons putting on a bit of a show fairly small rainbow it’s got a little a lot of fighting i think i’m going to make a change in terms of my fly because that took a bit longer than i would have liked to hook not that i’m expecting to hook every car so i just i fished this spot with this setup and it was a bit better so i thought i might might make some change oh you poor there we go real nice condition though there we go that looks like a pretty solid rainbow this really solid i bought a friend to this spot a couple days back i caught one really nice rainbow it could be the same one even but straight away after making that change to just something a little bit more natural than what i had on he was first or second cast i hook up so jesus it looks like a good fish from here hard to say fully but doesn’t want to badge this fish is a beast of a rainbow got him right in the corner of the mouth absolutely hey come on he wants to go for another run oh no almost tangled me up on a rock there not quite there definitely not wrapped up i’ve only got two on i can see the other one from here just strong beautiful oh this could be the biggest rainbow i’ve ever caught just gonna weigh him now seven just over seven pound rainbow which i think nudges on the biggest rainbow so i’ve just moved up to the next pool i’ve gone back to my dry dropper rig i’m just walking up the edge here i’m looking to see if i can sort of see anything in close good [ __ ] jesus fish swam towards me i had to grab the main main line with my hand to keep it tight we go beautiful fish there we go quite similar to the first fish and i’m really stoked for that check out the colors that is an awesome fish and we’ll get them back so there you go oh dry dropper fishing really tests your eyesight here we go i’m guessing rainbow of the way this thing’s nipping around for a fairly small fish he had some fight they had some fight beautiful colors swim swim swim so i’m gonna run through where i’ve just gone through with the dry dropper now with the indicator them set up i’ll just early i’m going to get a bit closer on the bottom in and sort of the roughest stuff out there where either it’s really hard to see my dry or it would get sucked under if i was out there jesus that shot under that was aggressive how beautiful is this spot though look at that view just downstream there so good oh that’s a big boy that is a big boy that is a tank this day is really coming together and if you’re wondering about the indicator i’m using i can i adjusted up and down like when i got to this spot here i needed it to be a wee bit shallower a wee bit shorter than where i was before so i was able to just slide it down and i’m selling these indicators now so you should be able to find them at the creole or barry griggs from turangi and hopefully in further places soon there’s my little plug there turn your head he’s really not giving in to the side hall that i’m trying to put on him here i’m trying to try to give him a bit of side hall turn his head so he’s fighting against the current i’m pretty sure he’s just pretty solid fish because he doesn’t want to play that game i really want to get him in that softer water and one to go by yet oh gotcha the size of these fish are incredible look at that absolute beautiful fish heavy and that there is what he did to my hook just completely straightened it amazing he actually stayed on with the hook that bloody bent going through the same order with two different methods kind of goes to show one of my methods i’m fishing a lot shallower and one of them a lot deeper and on days like this you definitely do get both you get fish feeding at different levels get some still pretty stubborn stuck down hard on the bottom that you got to present to right in front of their face and then you get some that will check out a little bit higher in the water column and the nymph under are dry so those nums under dryers are very rarely going right along the bottom they’re just sort of hanging around mid-water column up it’s a mid-water column and interestingly both the browns have been on the both the browns have been on that system and the two rainbows were two solid rainbows have been on the indicator nymph so they’re just hugging the bottom a bit more maybe or maybe it’s just coincidence i think i’ll go one more fish and then call it a day i didn’t expect today to be so full on i didn’t think i’d be walking i was more really just thinking i was going for a look when i left the door this morning and now it’s turning to full-on video day expedition without lunch in my bag which is not very good planning i’ve just hooked one here jesus just as my nymphs were swinging at the bottom of my drift this is one thing i’ve been doing quite a bit they also just didn’t swing and the way they come around up off the bottom looks really natural i didn’t expect it there though usually when i wasn’t even really thinking of doing it on this fish just feels like another good fish i think it’s a brown this one i haven’t seen it but it’s acting like a brown or it’s foul hooked [ __ ] you lost it had to happen at some point of the day i did lose one really small one but it’s the first one that hasn’t really stuck i can’t complain too much so i think we’re gonna leave it at that call that a day i am starving i came really unprepared today i really just thought i was going for a drive having a look but it turned into a bit more than having a look and i’m glad i had more than a look because i’m super stoked with some of the quality of those fish that we caught so anyway i’m gonna start making my way back to the vehicle yeah that was unreal a little space of time there seven or eight fish and some really awesome ones amongst them so i’m definitely going to get back out here over the next few over the next month or so and probably do some more backcountry stuff around this area as well so stay tuned like and subscribe and i’ll see in the next video cheers .