Buy a car & Driving dutch road【#1 European Voyage of Street Pianist by Caravan】
Nov 29, 2020 08:00 · 1183 words · 6 minute read
We arrived on time for the bus departing for the Haneda Airport We barely made it on time The bus departed 1 minute after we arrived We’re starting this trip with a very close call I’ll make sure we’ll have a GREAT trip We’re at the airport Today is May 23rd I will be leaving for a 4 months tour visiting all European countries I will be coming back on September 25th It will take me 18 hours to get to Netherlands then I’m taking a flight to Kiev on the next day then the next day again, I have a concert at a place called Zhytomyr then the next again AGAIN, I’ll go back to Netherlands from Kiev and get myself organized by applying for visas It will be very busy from the start But I’m excited to make this a success! I’m off! I’m at the gate now, waiting for departure soon A flight to start my journey, see you later ~ Arrived at Doha ! It’s super hot outside, espcially when you compare it to the cabin This is what it looks like at Doha It feels very dry out here After spending around 12-13 hours on a flight we are now in Doha! I have to now take a flight to Amsterdam Doha is.. pretty elegant ? It feels Middle East I will now be flying to Netherlands, probably around 4-5 hours In Doha, it’s so hot that you don’t need any jacket We are finally at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam! This whole trip took me around 22 hours starting from the airport in Japan but it was around 25 hours in total, door to door This airport is international and it’s very lively they even have rifles I actually go to many airports but this one is one of my favorites! And this is the start of our journey in Europe! Meeting up with Doi-san who supported us with car and trailer related affairs! We bought an European model of the Mitsubishi Outlander! Ah! It’s this one! Mitsubishi’s Outlander Europe exclusive model ~ so cool! So nice… nice to meet you! By putting my dream and hope towards it, we’ll name it Odyssey ONE! Ah, they have a trailer hitch So we’ll be connecting this hitch to the trailer to pull it But in Japan, Outlanders’ don’t have this hitch Did you prepare this for us, Doi-san? No, no, this was from the dealer Wow this is Netherlands? I received flowers as a present :) A flower for a guy like me… thank you very much This is the inside… it’s emptier than expected Should we do the setup? Let’s do it in Japanese… we’re Japanese after all Ah it works like this? Wow (Figuring out how it works) We’re finally there…
04:11 - How much was your flight passing by from Qatar? Yeah, it was around 100k¥ (1000 USD) Concert in 2 days, then I’m coming back the next day I’m planning to park the car on the side of the road to sleep People who come from Japan often feel super helped by this I see! Because you drive on the right side Someone like you who just arrived would want to turn like this… but careful! You have to be aware of this In front, you see this sign with a car stuck Yeah… what does it mean? Only buses can pass here There’s a gap on the road and small cars, this one should be fine though, would get Do you see that upside down triangle sign? That means there’s some triangles painted on the ground Theses paintings are called shark’s teeth and it tells who has the priority on the road Earlier we passed next to a yellow rectangular sign and that meant we had the priority but here we need to let everyone including the bikers go you can see the red zone which is a cycling path but sometimes the teeth are on the other side, in that case the cars have priority over the bikers We would then not stop for the bikers since we’re the ones with priority So here, it’s currently red light for the pedestrians But it’s fine for the cyclists to cross? Yes, there’s actually different lights for the cyclists And they were actually green Where exactly are they? Over there, there are 3 lights only for the bikers Ahh, on the other side You can maybe see the green light on the bottom We can’t really see it from this side That may be dangerous Do you see the intersection right in ahead of us? And there is no yellow rectangular signs nor shark’s teeth In these situations, you need to be careful with cars coming from the right Oh great timing, you need to let that car pass Oh really? Isn’t it weird? It is weird But because that’s the rule, people can’t really speed It would be dangerous So pretty much anywhere the priority is held for people on the right? Actually there’s a condition to it For places where there are no signs and the altitude of the road is the same, you can apply that rule So same thing here with that car Yes, and here we at Mitsubishi’s dealer After picking up Doi-san’s car, Tempei is finally driving his Odyssey ONE This is my first time driving in Europe in 2019 It’s been so long since the last time I drove a car with the handle on the left side so it feels very weird Let’s make this trip super safe! The first night will be at this hotel 28 hours have passed since I have departed from Japan Despite being able to get a bit of sleep on the plane I still feel pretty tired but we will drive for a bit to get to a place to practice piano This is the Europe exclusive model of the Outlander, so cool! This is how it looks like Let’s get going I’m being nervous driving in Netherlands for the first time The intersections are confusing… Especially when there are no traffic lights, we saw it with the cyclists You get confused with the traffic priorities I’m still not quite sure… I’m exhausted! I want some sleep… it’s tiring…
09:30 - I have to practice though! We’re actually in Europe! So exciting! I’m actually driving in Netherlands that I loved so much This is crazy! This is too fun Going to a foreign country, getting a car and driving there for the first time with it and getting a visa and living on a trailer When you think about it, it seems complicated but when you actually do it, it’s really not that bad the process is complicated, though… By the way, there are very few mountains in Netherlands There are even places that are lower than the sea level Piano training at Kawai-san’s house It is currently 8pm in Netherlands but it’s still very bright outside Apparently, the sunset is around 10-11pm This is something fabulous about Europe .