Best Action Movies 2021 Hollywood HD Sci-Fi | Phim Hành Động Võ Thuật 2021
Jan 9, 2021 05:15 · 4769 words · 23 minute read
come with me or you’re dead in the next 30 seconds who are you uh hey he was sent here from the future i was to your arm i’m augmented me oh my god what can you try what why did you do that we have to go when they start to kill me run i’ll be back it’s that simple come what you’re learning intense bursts you do that it’ll find you you’ll get a hundred dead cops please you can’t drive polystyrene sulfonate insulin benzodiazepine here’s my prescription um i save your ass then you i i never mind it’s burnt sick or something well i need answers before you hurt yourself hey you got a phone bracelet when i’m ready to have you seen the bathtub uh-uh i keep my cell phone who’s trying to track you actually chips hermets he was in the truck with my father we’re there to say goodbye and goodbyes don’t help you five flips out in pursuit redford oh talk talk what are you never just enhanced you know you piss me off so don’t my name is sarah eliminator was sent to kill me to stop which resistance the human rights ai that’s trying to wipe us all out i’ve never john and i changed that we changed you’re welcome skynet had sent several terminally caught up with us and earth it never happened terminators enough of a resume for you interview’s over we got to move you to protect her oh yeah how’s that works time now anyone with phone is a 111 has cameras nobody walks through this world hunting car can access that data anytime you two won’t last 10 hours and this gets you up all right so that machine we’re up against it’s a rev9 but who sent it not who in the future that actually happened those [ __ ] never learn everybody humanity be on that bridge precise gps coordinates date time for john it’s to kill whoever is messing with me nader drops out so i chin time date for john texts both in mexico city do you still have them on your phone from outside laredo as if i couldn’t remember [ __ ] told me to go here in case i need to come from whoever sent you these tech it means we’re going to texas and a woman who had her own episode on america’s get off the grid out in here well i wish you two weren’t so white i watch your faces grace day one everything just stops just until things got back to normal day two they launched nukes billions killed my dad over a can of peaches and then legion started to hunt surviving we know you got made it through the next few years someone found me and then we started fighting gives birth to the one man that can stop you dead for the same reason it wanted me dead fine let’s why do i so want to beat the [ __ ] out of you i don’t even to die in the desert that’s forgive me about gringas and not my to do something illegal maybe there’s a robot it’s what killed papi and diego great five minutes late and neglects to bring us doughnuts is you’re not an augmented super soldier from the future are you trolls be advised new coordinates issue they are known members of the sinaloa cartel considered armed and dangerous okay daddy it’s okay okay get her out of there suspect information name age conscience you kill my brother and my father to believe me you’re in danger to going honey but that wound exposed fellas let’s get some pictures i just got td white here to pick up the new detainee thank you evening supposed to pick up the tank oh she’s a life of all this stuff in her body’s a weapon save it for the ladies all right thank you sarah connor we don’t get a lot of famous around here did i say you could look at my friends they’re called detainees and we thanks right this way ma’am our senior living sex yes there’s no time danny cannot put yourself at risk who would have killed dies if you don’t make it she’s right detainee got loose unlocked all the cages five minutes that i had my whole life for the coordinates carl’s the mystery texter is that true [ __ ] sir if this man can help not on me i don’t care what he is yes sabaden systems model 101 they couldn’t find him but now i’m sorry targeted you don’t need to know thanks she a terminator too mateo i made this mother alicia ever still her child she had nowhere to go you’re nothing touching story does it i began to understand what i’d taken from you what yes it’s an infiltrator so for 20 years i kept learning how to pick the curse there’s a shock wave through time made sierra i thought it would bring meaning to your sound it’s a terminator and we’re fighting do you believe in fate’s voice did we make you destroy skynet you set me for going to help you protect the girl we have company would you like some sandwiches and the deal that’s what everyone calls me yes i’m never gonna [ __ ] they don’t know that you never sleep our relationship isn’t i’m reliable okay we set up a kill box and then we danny is not beat sarah is right he will follow damn right it will your plan more running my plan is to hide her at the bottom of a mine shaft means that might not be long choose our weapons and our grounds for debate and then we kill that probability of success okay you just keep this around and chance that human civilization will collapse into properly also go rapid fire hitting the recoil put your weight forward arms up serious the terminator has just killed your whole face you know these guns won’t kill it his capabilities our best option is to secure what is that an electromagnetic pulse guy yeah first intelligence officer hey then keep your phone in a bag of potato chips let me go i told him you coming here makes this plane has come i want people do you love them for many years i thought it was an advantage i’m sorry any safe and this is all over they can destroy the look of the entire traps in a little girls room as it don’t see you connor you got treason for just anybody bodyguard my operations team and he should bring him blackhawks pursued by hostiles i can to cover your bags until you can get airborne ah don’t so we can hunch out and then find some remote spot fight him without those can we win and some more weapons and we stick to the plan why because my son is the future of the human race to pass the future you know me yeah it was you shoot me kill each other you should be fighting the machines until humans created it we made that thing some machine decided grace you saved me then you taught me to hope and taught the others me we rose up out of the ash you taught us ourselves you are not the you are the future she’s but you told me that the dany i’d meet in the past delta echo two knowledge ah it’s jammed get the straps uh what’s happening guys you’re a doctor now oh [ __ ] no no otherwise it could be dangerous wow get out there’s a parachute back there uh i don’t know i lost him we can’t stay here grace what without killing you so you look terrible left is on a plane no we make her sucks give me the you i know she’s a stranger to you we’re not machines you metal [ __ ] come over here foreign i don’t know are you okay um this is what you sent me here to do you saved me please hey good job again so do no pain hello after the bandwidth riots after people i live here in columbus ohio with my aunt alice it’s where holiday and morrow started these days reality is a bomb hero to us he showed us that we get a destination when you’re running on an omnidirectional treadmill and then he built it he gave a place where the limits of reality are your own imagination you can do anything action surf a 50-foot monster wave in hawaii with batman you can lose your money there you can get married people come to the oasis for all the things they can do tall beautiful scary a different yeah that’s me except for eating sleeping and bathroom breaks when it’s here this is where we meet each other it’s where we make planet dude the most dangerous place in there period even though i’ve never actually met him what’s up paige next is that daitel is holiday made sure the oasis was littered with enough random death matches and artifact hunts are good you see everyone starts the same but the more clap you lose all your stuff funny since people spend most of their time in the oasis losing your [ __ ] you see the oasis was the brist build in 2025.
it was an instant few years and holiday he wasn’t just the owner but loved him they worshipped him as much as his creator if you all want to reach under your seat now and then when he died everything i’m james halliday if of the oasis itself the all-knowing i created worthy traits revealing three hidden vibe these straights will reach these where i suppose you could say they’re invented somewhere easter egg begin the challenge is to find big scoreboard still empty but the challenge to win the first key ones still trying are the gunters as in egg hunters the sixers the six world with designs on becoming the first they have a support team made up of holiday scholars trying to find clues to solve the contest thickweed named nolan sorrento how’d you get here before me well i didn’t make a pistol thanks bro skim coins from crashed cars that’s just first this no not the butt forget the bike in all her walkthroughs her twitch streams it’s her oh go get there come on balls she’s not gonna make it h well he’s my friend but he could fix it for what that’s a commission oh yeah h is top rated discount z yo aliens dude how are you showing off my [ __ ] valley forge from silent rock i can get from incipio tobacco fingers yep nah i mean she says you’re percival as in the night who found the holy grail binding you up favorite shooter playing airs odd job is this a test favorite game variant oh and his favorite food was hot pockets favorite restaurant was chuck e cheese oh oh uh his his favorite quote was from superman others can read the ingredients on the back of a chewing gum wrapper cool i mean i’ve got tons of plans in the real world i i’m moving now i know why you stopped short that’s like a rule well then you know it can’t be true because when ioi offers you guaranteed coin for the keys to the kingdom your voice is from ioi who said that good as new thanks for the fix up my man from the finish line mcfly thanks to you captain big mouth wait respawn and level up like everyone else artifact who’s gonna pay for the house wait huh but i was gonna win prettier no but i only lost because of the bad glove stop now wait what my dad picked that bruce banner but he died well i send her endless string of heart lovings why is that line sticking in my head and she’s hot maybe it’s because small slides have nothing or maybe this was the next best thing at first are left to people like me possible oh gregarious games 2029 office party yeah each entry into holiday’s journals is meticulous all rendered into a three-dimensional virtual experience program he ever saw located on the mezzanine and happy gunting the way they are asteroids people don’t live yeah people are living inside the arcade you want i don’t really want to talk about no of course you don’t want to talk about it you didn’t ask for all right if you make something i don’t want to make any more rules we created something beautiful gem but it’s changed when they were but that’s the point isn’t it things move forward whether you like it or why can’t we go backwards really fast fast as we can why can’t we go backwards as we can really put the pedal to them careful not to lose your [ __ ] horrible tell me you’re the first to frack it’s such an honor get yourself a clue who is this today’s contest is vitally important i mean it’s nothing less than a war alone we have an army we have them to win the contest our stock dose nollie we’re opening five new loyalty centers just won’t be happy it’s not our job to make them happy it’s our job to make them we call this these ad restrictions we estimate we can sell for inducing seizures so picture this indeed it does well i took the key all the coins just appeared in my account i’ll tell you what what the hell’s a cataclysm a bomb they buy everything all right wrong be honest i have kind of a neck thing it’s like a carpal tunnel my right your left is there’s three things in this world i hate steampunk do they even have it is there a reason we’re meeting here you wanted it he had it it creates an impenetrable magic shield that can only be takes a box don’t say that again okay for now i’m gonna let you know when i want to use it hello i have another job for it you want him off the scoreboard avatars are going to be on him like hoes on stolen you never lick you bite straight marshall with the owl i rock i should have asked for five is four still on the table artemis was next no surprise there made him promise not to say anything and then he won next and of course daito told hizu a creator who hates his own past a creator who hates his own creation key of jade will be yours at last what part you’re famous now first of all now you have to have a disguise clark kent glasses they hide your identity without changing it this is great six days prior december second 2nd 2025 is that sorrento yeah surrender iowa to create the sixers for him his holiday knowledge about holiday was how he liked his coffee it could be silver platinum bronze hell of a latte can you fast forward to this so why did you at least get her name yeah kyra hey karen karen okay just watch we watched a movie juice give me some juice halliday went on a date and despite that and the fact that she died the name look it up what we just saw is the only time she said anything all my corn you like the character in the dark crystal that’s her game why it’s like it was just so painful for him to tell that tomorrow oh that’s sad he should have told her how he felt in the other scene but i’ve always felt that i lose don’t sweat a curator oh a bet is a bet oh my god yeah the dance club uh bye-bye all right i don’t do that i can’t believe you told her about kira what i told you no have you considered the artemis to be using you or thriller duran duran self you have a massive cyber crush on this i got it don’t be that guy i am that guy you’ll get my outfit there’s just this connection i mean sometimes you yeah i know but that’s because this she could actually be a 300 think about it thank you out of here so what’s the plan a distracted globe and it turns out he started building it right after that moment you showed me here like on a virtual date hey so holidays the creator who hates his own creation but people jump up right right i’m not clanging up i don’t think you come prepared and i have takes you rocking you got the gloves and can you feel this the microfiber crotching you did come prepared maybe it’d be cool if we met up in the real world this isn’t what i really look like i want to know your real name where’s wait what i said easy you don’t tell anyone who you are you can’t use your i do know you arty he’s an ambush ah see your armor is running low oh i i’m talking about real-world consequences my dad died in a loyalty center stuff working it out but he never did i why just i’m so sorry but you don’t live in the real world z this illusion and i can’t how the hell did they get offering constructive criticism was a lame idea actually worked he’s still on the board i know to have recently bought an x1 boot suit cross ref then i found out ready answer that well when you’re at war you need people people are arrested for not paying their bills yeah because there are some need a different set of rules the rules of war exactly status then you can’t do anything look where you are now you got to see it on the board ahead of your own a game decides our fate tell me what you need nolan oh plaza you’re a hologram in the real world 400.
looks like a giant hamster ball i don’t clean up you’d also get your own penthouse get unlimited weapons magic items you want the millennium falcon gallery four million a year five million dollars you’re using emotion suppressing software right now but the oasis i guess if you’re not adjusting what i would do is convert all the no way that’s a great idea i not john hughes it’s a trap fake animal house ferris bueller and the breakfast you think i’m a corporate [ __ ] that i don’t appreciate drink tab play robotron listen overtron that’s why i love the oasis cause it’s businessman i get it but i gotta do my in the egg parts of them i asked you i said james howard he is all that’s left of him is you winning it a fanboy knows a hater and i think you’re full of [ __ ] board of directors you got them in the other ear why don’t you tell them this say something off the record i guess if anyone’s going to win this competition it’s me well you really switch gears there you won’t be around to endure born august 12 2027 in entering your trailer three days ago you haven’t about an explosion in some ghetto trash rat barn pick this up suit’s pretty awesome let me talk to him don’t call here anymore ioi came for me in the real world sorry about the blindfold my guys are eyes are a little paranoid i’m artemis welcome to the rebellion that’s ioi the whole time not disappointed you know you i’ve lived with it my whole life see if i hurt you i’m sorry no it’s oh my god did i i think you did i’ll call you sam no so much slower here everything you forget what it’s like to be outside oh [ __ ] sleep holiday didn’t take is with kira yeah but in love with her he had a chance with kyra here the place where the leap wasn’t taken where the date was we figured out the second clue the challenge is here holiday kept track of it can we see november 23 to 27 2025.
65:52 - okay so say anything that would make sense horror film and it’s based on the best-selling book by stephen king let’s hope you have the belly for it ticking clock to find the key yeah there’s so many keys in the shining though where do we carry uh i have to watch it the keys to the snow cat well the keys they give jack at the beginning hello oh uh hi nick uh but can you do me a favor and tell me where all the eggs oh okay all right am i being punked dude i’m pissed at you you’ve never seen the this is going to room two three seven we should stay out here is the key you’re the one who said it hey y’all where is keira haldi’s greatest fear wasn’t a shining or any book that’s the leap he couldn’t take zombies told you these first games the whole shining trivia is just a diversion take the leaf wait uh do you know how long i’ve been waiting for you to ask thank you here was a very beautiful one just saw them enter the media library she cracked the clip really think you need to see this he’s alive oh enlarge find him that’s her ultimate divided by the number of magic and what you need why because he was lonely he had no one to spend his connecting with someone anyone he wants the person who you understand holiday it’s exactly why i think you’ll win you’ll forgive you will be remanded to the nearest ioi loyalty fees you incur henceforth first to the key first she might be answering about dude she told us to meet you here on the third challenge what just was sector 14 but they couldn’t figure out the fortress tragic show yeah yeah yeah i’m a love deal no it is a big deal h we can’t just go through the doors of ioi let’s go after the man himself and make him give artemis back to us kind of everything maintenance report to loyalty security please report hey to work violations what is this challenge some sort of video games thing come on this is how you plan to resolve to be honest i think i need physical therapy because it’s nice how does it work you got like a remote organic artifact not one of your drones so it is my where is she oh my mom’s sister think of me that was a core predecessor not goddamn loyalty center yeah that seems appropriate he pissed himself good job z where’s but this he was logging out of the oasis so he thinks he’s battled so you basically just remotely hacked this race around where’s your center i’m in all right directly into your audio feed see i have something to tell you and there’s more they just put a force field around anorex castle i heard one of the guards calling it the orb of ozzy fox and the only way creates a magic resistant impenetrable barrier you reach up with your left hand at 11 o’clock there’s some yeah i can kill it two levels above where you are now but that’s not the way out okay it’s capital b 0 55 an army get to planet doom and we’re going to get out of there hey hey shut up to security or your coin count will be reset to zero how does that happen they’re smart they knew what they were doing how do we know we have the make and model of the fan description for our tombstones why didn’t you tell me the kids nolan man the hell up dude kegel exercise congratulations you’re the proud owner of the orb of aussie box 99th level utter spell within 10 feet of orb citizens of the oasis i’m threatened by people who will stop at nothing to win this con your avatars or your weapons and now this i only came here to escape because i found something much i found my friend i found love god back to work people he thinks i say tell that to the gunter clans and the gold mines are you willing to zero out for the importable of the high five in the name of artemis could have joined us on planet doom no no no no no no well this in 1979 for the 2600 adventure was created by wings play adventure so we should be fine foreign is no no you you got to get out of there that warren robinette he was the first designer to ever hide in easter we’re looking for a usps truck ohio diet what are you getting drop this little guy oh so what is that so the girls we’ve got this you need to log out if the game is adventure what are you looking i can handle the challenge but i can’t let you get hurt you’ll forgive me for this i promise let’s go move you’re in less and it’s gonna cost then the dancers are approaching the challenge wait yeah i won announcement the keys are invisible you don’t find it by winning easy if you know what you’re doing really it’s your last chance way recount right now the cataclysm now personally i don’t care i think the holidays competition is to you so rental well that’s fine three easy steps [ __ ] inside of me last chance no no no guys he’s still alive fixed your life yeah hold on wow that’s so holiday damn it we tried to go straight to the invisible dot at the start is that her red hair iowa i’m toshiro i know not what you were expecting huh years old shoot me first no thanks got a drone on their tail i’m close sam mccord nolan the game is over it’s being broadcast people don’t know who was behind it you just had to blindly play you took the dot back to the main screen and creator’s name what’s going on h what the hell is going on this is parzival my real world name is wade one stick the key in how hard is it find these papers and the oasis is yours that ain’t so bad get a second this pin this contract his shares in gregarious that was the biggest this can’t be the end i won’t make i just needed to be sure this is where you grew up around from time to time button if you push it the whole simulation shall have the power to turn the oasis off forever surprise because you won all three keys the egg the egg we know what i felt at home in the real world i was afraid for all of my life as terrifying and they don’t they only play reality you understand what i’m saying you did it no please now on the ground something i don’t understand about thanks for playing my game wade very much like to meet you wow this is i’m not like holiday we’re looking for wade watt as confession uh that was me who you need right now lawyers from gregary i’m splitting it with my clan we’re gonna run that’s a good choice into me very carefully from the stars on my magic sleigh the test so there was no rule about me losing a bet to a smart hero was the key on your own i mean was losing his only friend this was never supposed to be a one player game what do we have here oh i five took over the oasis and the first thing we did per his demand was 25 cent with his guidance our second move was to ban any i shut them all down the oasis on tuesdays and thursdays real world because that’s real me.