DIY Easy tyre seat
Mar 18, 2020 12:07 · 192 words · 1 minute read
We start with a painted car tyre. Now we drill holes, 24 to be exact. Drill holes big enough so that the rope easily passes through. Will be using the other tyre painted yellow for further demo. Starting from the inside, pass rope from one of the holes to the opposite hole. Then pass it from the top of the opposite side hole, under it and then take the rope out of the to the adjacent hole. Pass the rope back to hole opposite side and repeat for six holes.
00:50 - After this we need to continue the same process for remaining holes. We will change our direction from the next adjacent hole and take our rope to the opposite empty hole. Note our direction has now turned by 90 degrees. Also while passing the rope, make sure you pass it over one and under the next existing rope lines. Finish the whole process for the remaining holes. Now pass the rope on the outer most edge of each rope, loop it once. Complete the process for each one of them. Finally tie off the rope inside the tyre. Enjoy!!!! .