Beck Oliver Gives Relationship Advice šŸ’Œ Relation-Tips | Victorious

Nov 6, 2020 17:00 Ā· 621 words Ā· 3 minute read represent moments ... lot dating

I just think I like dating a girl who, you know, fights back. Heā€™s so handsome, like a pretty pony. Why can’t my son be handsome like you? - Hi. - You are wearing this to the cow wow. Okay. What, you don’t like it? - I said okay. - You barely even looked at it. - I just, I donā€™tā€¦ - This is the first social event at the school weā€™re going to since we got back together. - Okay. - You want to know what Iā€™m gonna wear? - Ahā€¦ - Iā€™m gonna wear a Hawaiian skirt, a black western top, and a cowboy hat. That sounds great.

00:34 - Will you just look at that boyā€™s hair? Look at his hair! How you make your hair soā€¦ fluffy? Tell us! Ju-jus-just tell them what they want to know! Okay, well, it all starts with a quality shampoo and conditioner. - Oh, conditioner. - Shampoo. He has a girlfriend. - If you were my girlfriendā€¦ - Oh, great way to start the question. So, then I realized, acting. Itā€™s really about not acting. It’s about letting the emotions inside of you come out and represent moments… Are you dating anyone? Katie. I just think we should know if he has a girlfriend. Do you? Yeah, I do. Dang it! I want coffee. What’s the magic word? Get me some coffee. - Please. - Actually, the magic word was lotion.

01:39 - But Iā€™ll accept your please because you got a boo-boo eye. - Two sugars. - I know what to do. - Iā€™m done talking about it! - No, weā€™re not. He’s kidnapping me. You all see a kidnapper! Kidnapper! Let go! Kidnapper! Iā€™ve missed you. So, What you gonna do about it? Yeah! Go, Beck! Get it, baby! Shoot me from that angle. - You look great. - I know. Ali, this is my girlfriend, Jade. Nice to meet you. Hello, Ali. Thanks for taking care of sparkles. Anytime, kiddo. Your girlfriendā€™s pretty. I know. Bye. Youā€™re being ridiculous! What do you care? I’m not your girlfriend anymore! It was kind of my idea, but I, I didnā€™t think the dog would bug out like that. I just wanted you to have a dog.

Because I know you’ve talked about getting one 03:00 - ever since I met you and I thought that maybeā€¦ - You love me again. - Who said I stopped? - Iā€™ll call your mom. - She doesnā€™t need her mom. - Don’t bother her, Mom. - I gotta call her mom. Okay. Somethingā€™s dripping on me. Somethingā€™s dripping on me! No-nothingā€™s dripping. Yes, look on my arm. See? And on my forehead. Whatā€™s going on? Whatā€™s happening?! You’re sweating. No! No Iā€™m not. I donā€™t sweat. I am not sweating! - Look at me. - No! - Look at me. - No! - Look at me! - What?! Youā€™re sweating.

03:47 - [squealing] - You want to see pain? - Hey, why donā€™t you go sit over there? Thank you, Andre and Beck for handcuffing Jade to the table. No Problem. [screaming] - Iā€™ve never seen any pink lemons. - There are no pink lemons. So, what makes it pink? When you get old… your buttā€¦ sags. And you canā€™t find your pants. ā™Ŗ I canā€™t convince you You donā€™t know me ā™Ŗ A lot of great singers here tonight, huh? But I think two girls really stood out. So tonightā€™s winners areā€¦ Haleigh and Tara! Yay! Hey, are you wazing me? - Rex.

- Those scrungers canā€™t sing! 04:51 - Come on, man! These girls got ten times more applause than them. - Just sit down! - I’ll sit you down. .