Kitchen Organization Tips | New Kitchen Tour | Kitchen Organization Ideas in Tamil with English Subs
Nov 7, 2020 01:04 · 2082 words · 10 minute read
If you are new to my channel, please subscribe and enable notifications Today you are going to watch a much anticipated video !!! that’s my kitchen tour !!! I’m going you show you around my whole kitchen I think you may get some decor and organization ideas from the tour I hope it will be useful to you First I will show a overview of my entire kitchen, then let’s decide from where to start Let’s start from my most favourite part of the kitchen This is my most favoutite place and you can always see me here more than any other place in this house so you can see this subtle and pretty wallpaper here This wallpaper was already installed by previous owners This wallpaper has neutral colours like black and grey Our floor is also has black floor titles installed The floor glitters like this during night times So in order to break the neutral colours of both the wallpaper and floor, I had to add something in contrast At the same time the element should go well with the wallpaper So I thought white is the only colour that ticks all the criteria Hence I added this 2 seater white couch So as you can see, the couch matches the colour theme of this place But everything is in the same colour palette like black, white and grey So it needed that pop up colour somewhere Hence I added this green cushions also I have kept that artificial bamboo plant So the plant and cushions are matched and added a pop up colour together So I bought that plant from Ikea and this couch was ordered from Argos So another white element I added here is this book shelf So I’m using this book shelf to display all my croceries These are like luxury items in my house and we use it occasionally so these will find a place in the table on special occasions or when we serve our guests I got this from Ikea and we had to assemble this I have also added this shelf liners to protect from any stains My favourite thing in this kitchen is our dining table I searched through so many stores to get this one Usually we will have chairs for dining tables But these kind of benches are famous nowadays and many online designers are suggesting this So this bench is called as Amsterdam bench The top is made of solid wood and the legs are made of steel I bought this from Next Home which I showed you in one of my previous videos (furniture shopping video) Next this beautiful flowers in this vase are peonies Sometimes I switch this for natural flowers Next thing I like is this glass water bottles I bought this from pound land I saw this in one of the restaurants in India and I instantly liked it very much so when I saw this in poundland, I bought it at once Now it’s time to quench my thirst, as I have spoken a lot :p So here to add an element to this plain white wall I hanged these wall posters These posters are bought as a set from Ikea, the first one is my favourite avocado Next one has the herb names The 3rd one has artichoke and lemons I must say that I have never tasted an artichoke the second favourite place in my kitchen is this display racks/shelf Previous occupier of this house used to display glasses and bottles here But I thought to do something different with this So I placed all these filled jars here you can see how colourful it looks with different textures You can also follow this, if you like So in the top rack you can see a hanging plant, I bought it from Next home I think it’s better not to keep natural plants in the kitchen because of heat I bought the one on the other side from pound land the animal next to it is a handcrafted one which I bought from my highlands tour It looks like the cow is grazing on that plant and I think it’s cute And this one ‘Enjoy Every Moment’, I feel happy whenever I see it And I also have an Amazon assistant I bought this on offer which was just 99 pence which is approx less than 100 INR You can also look for such offers in amazon It’s very handy and useful You can use it as timer while cooking, also you can listen to some music You won’t feel bored anymore You can call this as my breakfast area I keep my oats, protein powder and nuts here I also keep a fruit basket here, it’s used to be full most of times but now everything is over I have to fill it again tomorrow So if we keep fruits visible on the kitchen counter, there are more chances that we eat them So it’s a good tip to follow in every households this one is a cute mug holder It’s made of marbles and I bought this from amazon as well so in this draw, I have kept all the tea bags and coffee I also kept some snacks and protein bars these boxes are cute, I store all the tea bags in this trinket box I bought this one from poundland, trinket boxes are used to store jewellery, but I use it for tea bags And I bought this cute jar from Ikea In the next draw, I keep the supplies which I don’t use often I have arranged it as neat as possible On the other side, I have kept my blender and food processor The bottom one is sort of a junk drawer where I have kept all the storage containers, lunch boxes and bottles So here in this area, we have conventional oven and microwave oven the top and bottom ones are some more storage cupboards the top one has all the baking trays and supplies Mostly I don’t bake, I just use the oven to roast vegetables and chicken Because I’m not that great with baking The bottom one is again a junk drawer where I kept all the carry bags Just like in everyone else’s house Next I have my fridge and freezer here Some of you have asked me to upload a video on fridge organization But if you look inside my fridge, you will never ask me about fridge organization Because I never use to store much in my fridge I always buy less but frequently So I don’t have much inside it, most of it are leftover foods Then we have a space next to the kitchen island and the wall so I kept my kitchen bin here Next I have a 5 burner stove, but I mostly use these 2 the other one’s are just for name sake Next I have my butcher’s block/chopping board here It got yellow stain from turmeric or something And I couldn’t remove the stain Next you can see a bar stool here, It’s very useful to sit and rest my legs while cooking I bought this from a thrift shop just for 5 pounds, when I came to Glasgow So I didn’t feel like discarding it I thought of repainting it in the future May be with a golden colour furniture paint But for now it’s more practical and functional The only things left in the kitchen is the storage space under this island and the cupboards on my left side Let’s have a look at them too this island has pull out draws like on either side If you are designing a kitchen now or in the future, you can add something like this Usually we store the cutleries in a draw, but I kept it in an organizer here I bought this organizer from amazon and it looks really cute In the bottom I kept all the oil cans On the other side, I keep all these cute mason jars and I filled it with whole spices In the bottom, I keep the spices which I use rarely, also the pepper and salt mills so the next useful thing I have in my kitchen is this spoon rest this is made of silicone, so it won’t break if we drop it It’s also dishwasher safe I keep all my kitchen tools in this top drawer this one is my favourite mortar and pestle I bought this 3 years back from amazon and it’s made of marble stone So these are hot kitchen gloves made of silicone basically we can use this instead of kitchen cloth If we use cloth, there are changes that it catches fire It happens for me very often, so I bought these So these are silicone closing lids and we can use it to close any bowls or containers It’s very flexible and washable It’s also dishwasher safe Here I keep all my cookwares and mixing bowls But most of them are in dishwasher to be washed, hence this draw is almost empty Finally the bottome drawer where I keep some more cookwares Here I organized all the lids using this plate organizer It’s useful and so you can stack all the casseroles to save space We don’t have much to see in this area, so I will quickly show you some of the useful items so in this cupboard, I have only a small space to store rice so I bought this storage container in a rectangle shape this has a capacity of 10 kgs It’s made of food grade plastic It has this sliding small lid on top which is very handy to measure and take rice I bought it from amazon and I will leave the link, if I find it This one is a straw basket I bought from Ikea Once it was very common in Indian villages, but now Ikea is selling it fro high price So I use this basket to store any partially emptied grocery supply packs It looks nice at the same time, it will be easy to take and fill the containers. So I hope you have seen all these items in my amazon haul video Here I have the two in one knife holder and spoon/laddle holders I also have a basket for onions and garlic just like my fruit basket Here I have my dishwasher and it’s fully loaded now so here under the sink, I keep many cleaners and stuffs, so I’m not going to show it to you Here we have washing machine and dryer And near the sink I keep the washing liquid and hand wash in dispenser pump bottles It’s save lots of product and also looks nice So I forget to show you 2 things in this area First these curtains can be closed and opened using a remote Basically this is the back door and we have another door to the back side on the other side Let’s open and see how it looks outside It’s darker outside so I’m closing it now the final thing I’m going to show you are these lights These are smart LED lights and we can chnage the colour of these lights We can connect it to our smart phones and operate it, but currently I’m shooting the video on the phone So let’s try with Alexa See the colour changed to blue We can change it to any colour in the spectrum So we can chnage the colour of the light according to our mood But these lights look ordinary, so I’m looking for a nice lamp shades I will update you again, once I get it That’s all, I showed you all the things in my kitchen I hope you found this video interesting I must tell you that everything you saw in my kitchen are heartly handpicked after so many researches So I feel happy to share this video with you you can also take some decor and organization ideas from my kitchen Also if you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comment section To watch more videos like this, please subscribe to my channel and enable notifications Also don’t forget to follow me on other social media I will leave the links in my description box See you all in my next video, until then bye!!! .