Como proteger el mundo en 5 segundos
Apr 12, 2020 11:40 · 156 words · 1 minute read
Nowadays, we consume much more resources and energy than we need, but do we have time to solve it? Every day, over 75% of unnecessary energy is consumed by not taking advantage of natural light, use sunlight instead of light bulbs. 90% of office waste is paper and cardboard, check documents with a computer and use paper and pen only when necessary Coffee is used primarily by students and office workers, and 600 billion disposable cups are consumed annually, use a thermos, and bring coffee from home. One of the components of a computer that consumes the most is the screen, lower the brightness whenever you don’t need it. A suspended computer continues to consume over 10% of normal consumption, reduce that consumption to zero by turning it off when not in use As you can see, it is not a matter of effort, but a matter of wanting to contribute, be a responsible consumer. .