IASSIST GVC 2021: Navigating the Labyrinth: Cultivating & Sustaining Partnerships (2021-05-17)

Jun 18, 2021 21:00 · 11392 words · 54 minute read

Robin Rice: Okay, welcome to our session i’m Robin Rice, i’m just the chair of this session.

00:23 - Robin Rice: I’m from University of Edinburgh and i’ll introduce the speakers you’re in for a treat because, although they each have Robin Rice: A whole papers worth of information for you they’ve they’ve worked together to turn it into a holistic panel where they weave each other’s stories together and they’ll give you Robin Rice: A nice introduction to the themes and a closing at the end to stimulate all of your questions and they’ve worked really hard to keep it so that we have time for questions, so I won’t delay any further i’ll just introduce them and let them take it away.

01:04 - Robin Rice: So so we’ll have. Robin Rice: Well, Sophia will give the introduction, but the first speaker will be Susan Ivey, Director of research computing and data facilitation service from the University libraries at North Carolina state.

01:21 - Robin Rice: And then we’ll have Sophia Lafferty-Hess, Research data management consultant, Center for data and visualization sciences at Duke University libraries.

01:32 - Robin Rice: And then we’ll have Jake Carlson, director of deep blue repository and research data services University of Michigan and jake will sum things up for us at the end so.

01:43 - Robin Rice: take it away Sophia. Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Thanks Robin and Thank you everyone for joining us today for this panel on navigating the labyrinth, and this presentation will be discussing the importance of cultivating institutional partnerships to support effective data management and sharing.

02:01 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So to first say a little bit more about us and the lens we are bringing to this topic we all work at American universities that do rank as R1 which indicates a high level of research activity.

02:11 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Each of us also holds either a masters of library and information science degree and work within libraries that are institutions.

02:18 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And I think this is important because, when we think about partnerships and navigating our institutions are positioning necessarily impacts our perspective and our experiences.

02:28 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So to briefly frame the topic at hand, a recent OCLC report examined cross campus partnerships within the university enterprise and they begin with an analysis of universities as complex adaptive systems with the following characteristics.

02:44 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So i’m not actually going to parse each of these partially because we don’t we don’t really have the time but a general summary of these types of systems is that they contain many independent agents.

02:54 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: are often relatively decentralized with the diffusion of authority and can be highly heterogeneous, which may lead to conflicts and competition.

03:03 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Within the context of developing and cultivating research data support services within these types of systems.

03:09 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: We know that there are various units that are important stakeholders, the oclc report provides this conceptual model with six key stakeholders, including academic affairs.

03:19 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Research administration, the library information and communications technology faculty affairs and governance and communications.

03:29 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And due to the often decentralized nature of institutions, as well as the complexity in the service unit landscape collaboration and building partnerships or what they referred to as social interoperability becomes a key aspect of advancing data sharing and data services development.

03:49 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And today, now we are actually at another flash point for interest in data sharing within us institutions, so I would so similar to when the 2013 and SF data management policy was released.

04:01 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Right now to professional associations, the Association of American universities and the Association of public and land grant universities.

04:09 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: are trying to spark conversations and progress in this space, so a you a peel you have held a number of summit’s funded by nsf that specifically focused on how to accelerate public access to research data.

04:22 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Where they brought together stakeholders, including administrators to talk about what the institution itself can do to move this work forward.

04:30 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: They recently released a guide to help propel this work, with a focus on campus specific strategies they’re also right now currently holding a series of Community conversations on the topic.

04:43 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Oh sorry another piece of this renewed interest is being driven by another wave of federal agency initiatives and policies, particularly NIH in Sophia Lafferty-Hess: in November 2020 for any of you that didn’t see this release their new data management and sharing policy which I would say is much more robust and as a lot more clear guidance.

05:02 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: On elements of a dmp, expectations for data sharing, desirable characteristics for repositories and allowable costs.

05:11 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Well, what navigating institutional labyrinths looks like in practice across institutions can vary greatly, how do we effectively engage with these groups.

05:20 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: How do we build meaningful relationships, how do we communicate our value, how do we understand other groups values expertise pain points and really the conception of the topic of data sharing.

05:31 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So now we’re going to move on to presenting three illustrated case studies and again we’re going to end with a common few common themes and we want to try to leave plenty of time for Q and A open discussion so now i’m going to pass it over to Susan.

05:45 - Susan Ivey: Thanks Sophia good morning afternoon evening everyone again i’m Susan Ivey from North Carolina State University.

05:51 - Susan Ivey: And I’m going to spend my portion today talking with you all about some of the work that we’ve been doing within the libraries to collaborate closely with our central office of information technology, as well as more recently Susan Ivey: in collaboration with our office of research and innovation. next slide please.

06:09 - Susan Ivey: So in 2017 the position of research data and infrastructure library and was created at NC State.

06:16 - Susan Ivey: Our central IT unit Oh, it was creating the back end storage system for research data for a new research data storage service available to our campus researchers.

06:28 - Susan Ivey: And while they knew the back end and they were doing all of the technical work they came to the libraries.

06:33 - Susan Ivey: thinking that you know the libraries were in a better position to understand researchers needs and their behaviors.

06:39 - Susan Ivey: And so we created this shared position which I started in July 2017 and but the libraries and central Li T really envision this collaboration will lead to additional collaborations in order to either enhance existing data services and support or create new services next slide please.

06:59 - Susan Ivey: So there were a few few opportunities that we saw stray off.

07:04 - Susan Ivey: So, within the libraries, we really saw this as a way to improve some of the services around data support that we were currently offering One of those is.

07:13 - Susan Ivey: Related to data management plan, so we have an optional service for our campus researchers, where a team of Librarians will we will review your data management plan or your data sharing plan and provide feedback on ways to improve it.

07:26 - Susan Ivey: And we want obvious thing for us was with the connection to it a better understanding of what we’re doing in terms of data storage and data transfer what we’re providing our researchers.

07:36 - Susan Ivey: Really gave us an end to be able to to review those sections and those portions and offer some really good feedback.

07:42 - Susan Ivey: Central it also had an interest in seeing these data management plan so they would know better what researchers were expecting or were writing within these so that they could plan accordingly.

07:54 - Susan Ivey: We also thought about ways that this might help us support access to to research data public access to research data, and so one thing.

08:04 - Susan Ivey: Just to lay the context is empty State does not have a local data repository that we maintain.

08:11 - Susan Ivey: There was a little bit of thought and consideration when I first began between the libraries and I T about would we be able to build some sort of solution that could integrate with our new active data.

08:22 - Susan Ivey: data storage system, what would that look like what How would the libraries be involved we’d be able to provide data curation around that.

08:30 - Susan Ivey: And that was something really interesting that we were really considering, but at the same time dry data repository announced their new membership shop sure.

08:40 - Susan Ivey: And we were really excited about their new approach, so we have a history with dryad we were on the first drive grants.

08:46 - Susan Ivey: So we already had that history we knew that some of our researchers were already using the dry data repository, and so we thought it would be really great if we became members in order to provide that free data publishing.

08:57 - Susan Ivey: For our researchers that needed a general data repository dryad was also really open with us and thinking about ways that we might be able to integrate our store active storage with their repository.

09:11 - Susan Ivey: They said, you know they would be happy to work with us on that so that was something really interesting to us as well.

09:17 - Susan Ivey: And then, lastly, speaking, one of the really big broad goals was just you know, increased collaboration and communication and relationship building, not only with it.

09:26 - Susan Ivey: but also with other units on campus, such as the office of research and innovation, and this is certainly happens so in 20 early.

09:35 - Susan Ivey: There was a bioinformatics need survey conducted on campus and it was.

09:39 - Susan Ivey: run by our office of research, our assistant Vice Chancellor for research John Horowitz and Eric Sales assistant Vice Chancellor and it that I work very closely with.

09:48 - Susan Ivey: And, given that my position was shared between his unit and it in the libraries, I was invited to participate in a conversation about those results.

09:57 - Susan Ivey: And when I look back, I realized this was probably it’s what I see, is where it all started, for us it was a series and we’re about 12 months of a lot of different conversations between it and research and the libraries about how we can better support our researchers.

10:14 - Susan Ivey: Next slide please. Susan Ivey: So in 2020 the research computing and data so support coordination Planning Team was charged and I co chaired that with my colleague that research data storage specialist Andy kurth i’ve listed are six members are where they came from campus.

10:34 - Susan Ivey: Next slide please. Susan Ivey: So we had a few goals number one we were asked.

10:40 - Susan Ivey: To catalog all the existing services on campus that fall under the umbrella of research.

10:44 - Susan Ivey: Competing and data, and so a lot of these are provided by our central it office, but we also have a lot of departmental it groups, a lot of consulting corps, a lot of core facilities and other units on campus.

10:56 - Susan Ivey: And so they’re kind of spread throughout so we wanted to catalog this we were asked to identify and prioritize gaps.

11:02 - Susan Ivey: And then we were also asked to develop a model for coordinated research competing and data services which we have named the research facilitation service for competing and data we shorten it to rfs right now, so if you hear me say that that’s what i’m referring to next slide please.

11:20 - Susan Ivey: So the the model strives to really meet one of our biggest current needs, which is better coordination and especially heightened awareness of services for our campus community.

11:30 - Susan Ivey: We also really want to provide a personal touch for researchers, so they can really spend their time and energy, focusing on their research, rather than trying to identify what technologies, they might need.

11:41 - Susan Ivey: Who they might need to contact which website to go to how they might access these things, how it all fits together.

11:47 - Susan Ivey: We want to expand communication channels between our service providers that are spread throughout campus so that they can better collaborate and communicate with one another, maybe have complementary.

11:58 - Susan Ivey: Have services that complement one another.

12:00 - Susan Ivey: And then, lastly, we envision that all of the information and feedback that the research facilitation service itself will get from both researchers it service providers campus administration.

12:13 - Susan Ivey: We pass that information up to our decision makers and be able to strategically plan for the growth of our research computing and data support in nc state, so we submitted our report, as well as our proposed rfs model in June 2020 next slide and then we wait it next slide.

12:32 - Susan Ivey: But we made progress in the interim, we really didn’t want to use our momentum we’ve had a lot of great feedback so far.

12:38 - Susan Ivey: And so we did two big projects last fall I were sort of waiting to hear about a decision about our proposed model so one thing that we did was we use the campus research.

12:48 - Susan Ivey: computing consortium known as karch.

12:51 - Susan Ivey: Their new assessment model to really assess our services and our ecosystem, it was really great to have something formal to us so three of us from the Planning Team lead this exercise, we had about 20 to 25 participants from across campus help us complete our assessment.

13:05 - Susan Ivey: we’ve also received benchmark results for the other participants in that completed the survey and we’re planning on using our.

13:13 - Susan Ivey: Our results to sort of try to prioritize where we really want to place emphasis and how we might also grow and align with our new university strategic plan.

13:23 - Susan Ivey: And then we also worked really closely with it, because one of the major gaps that we found was there’s no clear work.

13:29 - Susan Ivey: Like workflow between researchers and it providers when creating and proposing their research proposals or grant proposals.

13:37 - Susan Ivey: And this can be problematic if we have researchers that are going after in very big grants or grants that have a lot of computational or data intensive components to them.

13:48 - Susan Ivey: And so we’ve worked to kind of try to smooth that process, we made an intake form with our it service providers feedback and our research work with several grant teams to sort of smooth that out.

14:00 - Susan Ivey: And so we’re really pleased with those results next slide please, and then in January of this year, we learned that our proposal was approved, and so we got right back to work next slide.

14:12 - Susan Ivey: Earlier this year in 2021 we have a new research competing and data facilitation service design task force that was charged i’ve listed it slightly larger with nine members and i’ve listed the units from where our Members come from.

14:26 - Susan Ivey: We have been asked to operate over about a 12 month period, make recommendations on the initial scope of our research facilitation service.

14:35 - Susan Ivey: and create a roadmap for future growth we’re going to be working with communication experts to determine branding and a communication plan and a rollout plan.

14:44 - Susan Ivey: And we want to iterate on different user groups so that we can grow and scope and will also be advising on an advisory group or an IT governance type of board for the service once operational next slide please.

15:00 - Susan Ivey: And we’re also really excited we’re hiring so we’ve gotten support for two additional F T for this right now we’re looking for to research solutions consultants.

15:08 - Susan Ivey: These will be people that will support the research facilitation service.

15:12 - Susan Ivey: and also be able to act as a resource for researchers and our campus it experts to help analyze requirements make recommendations about technologies.

15:21 - Susan Ivey: And proposed design solutions for our researchers and i’ve also taken on the role as the director officially this year and in February, and so I am leading co leading with my my counterpart and earth and it the development and design of our research facilitation service and.

15:41 - Susan Ivey: yeah and once operational i’ll do the day to day operations and then Lastly, I just want to next slide please.

15:47 - Susan Ivey: I wanted to wrap on just a couple of other projects or initiatives that we have going on in the libraries this isn’t, the only thing we’re working on.

15:55 - Susan Ivey: So we also attended the AAU accelerating public access to research data summit series that Sophia mentioned.

16:03 - Susan Ivey: We were there in February in person in Washington DC and then we.

16:08 - Susan Ivey: attended virtually in March and April of this year.

16:11 - Susan Ivey: We also have a new director of research compliance at nc state and so we’re excited to work with her and see how we might implement some of the recommendations from the guide from AAU/APLU Susan Ivey: And sort out what plans we can have to better support data at public access to research data nc state and then lastly.

16:29 - Susan Ivey: OIT & ORI are leading a data research data security compliance project, and we have membership on steering team, as well as on some sub committees so we’re really excited to be included in that as well last slide.

16:42 - Susan Ivey: And that’s what I got for you, and so I think i’m passing it off to Sophia next.

16:53 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: i’m muted, of course, thanks Susan so now i’m excited to tell you all a little bit more about my experiences.

17:00 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: navigating the labyrinth at Duke so i’m going to start off with a little bit of context and history to give you the lay of the land. In 2016 Sophia Lafferty-Hess: a faculty working group was convened to provide recommendations to the provost on how the university should support research data needs.

17:16 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And they suggested an increase in both staffing and infrastructure, which resulted in for new library positions to data management consultants and to digital repository services analyst.

17:26 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: I was one of the RCM consultants and actually Susan was one of the analysts so she knows this part of the story rather well.

17:33 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Together we all work collaboratively to develop various aspects of our data management program which we see as having three key areas.

17:40 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Building knowledge and skills through education, providing consultations across the research lifecycle and curating and preserving database for institutional data repository.

17:50 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And foundational to establishing a successful program is obviously building relationships across campus.

17:57 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: it’s not I do want to talk a little bit about one key partnership that we began to cultivate in 2017 which was with the advancing scientific integrity services and training office or the assist office.

18:08 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So this was also a newly formed office that function at that time just within the school of medicine with a support with the mission to support scientific integrity responsible conduct of research and data management obviously as a part of that.

18:24 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And I would say the way that we really effectively built this relationship was by working closely on a number of projects.

18:31 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: First we work together to produce an Oxford press online course on research, quality and reproducibility.

18:36 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And next on a project to develop a Duke data management guidance document.

18:40 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And both of these were a year or longer projects and through that those projects we came to build a shared understanding of the data management space and some of the challenges each other’s expertise we also really did establish trust and a strong synergistic relationship.

18:59 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And then in. Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Unfortunately, do cut a large payout to NIH from a high profile misconduct case, which was a big deal to us because NIH is a big funder one of our.

19:10 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Top funders for research at at Duke so organizationally a new university wide centralized office of research was created.

19:20 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: To provide oversight and accountability across the campus the school of medicine and the health system which prior to this, they were relatively decentralized.

19:30 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And this office really had a focus on research, integrity and responsible conduct research.

19:36 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And at this time, the assist Office also became a centralized research under our centralized resource under the office of scientific integrity, which then was under the office of research which is now called the.

19:48 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: The office of research and innovation.

19:50 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And, as I thought about all these changes and the complexity of our organizational structures, I think it really demonstrates why we decided to use a labyrinth, as our metaphor for this panel and next time we will definitely include David Bowie in some way as well.

20:05 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: um so Sophia really wanted to do a deeper analysis of these types of relationships, you know what can I learn from our experience with the assist Office, how can those lessons be applied to other areas of campus partnerships.

20:19 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: But then 2020 happened we all didn’t get to go to Sweden, it was sad lots of other sad things happened in 2020.

20:27 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: But something really exciting also happened at Duke and that was a new research data policy initiative was launched.

20:33 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So now, I want to share a little bit more about this initiative which be which has been led by the office of research and innovation, because it’s really now a key way we are engaging with the campus community and can have a really significant impact on our institutional landscape.

20:50 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So it’s being called the research data policy initiative has a stated mission to facilitate efficient and quality research ensure data quality and foster a culture of data sharing.

21:01 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And this has been accomplished through a collaborative policy development structure so at the top, there is a steering committee made up primarily a faculty and high level administrators, including our associate university librarian for digital strategies and technology to macquarie.

21:17 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And then they have charged five working groups one focused on data management and analysis, one on data ownership and access one on data retention and transfer, which is what i’m on open science and training engagement.

21:31 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: The top three thus far have been meeting with the other two supposedly going to start in this summer.

21:38 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So the membership of the working groups includes a very broad array of campus service units within the libraries, we do have representation on all the groups, except for training engagement.

21:49 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And there is faculty representation on many of the groups as well, but I will know there is a lean towards higher representation from the medical side.

21:59 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So to briefly give you a little background on our timeline and where we’re going.

22:04 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So our current policy on sharing and ownership of research records was actually first developed in the mid 1990s and was last revised in 2007 so before any of the nsf and NIH policies and that policy currently lives in an appendix of the Faculty handbook.

22:23 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Then, in April, then in April 2020 that’s when the Steering Committee was convened.

22:30 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: November 2020 the NIH policy was released, which I said, is going to be a big deal at Duke.

22:36 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Then over the fall of 2020 in the spring of 2021 working groups began meeting and policy drafts have already been taking form.

22:45 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Last month we had our first research town hall focused on the data policy initiative, which included a panel with faculty members and presentations by service units.

22:57 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And then looking towards the horizon at Duke, as I said, it’s very important that our local policies in place prior to the NIH policy, taking effect so i’ve heard a general goal of having everything rolled out by the summer of 2022.

23:14 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So between then and now we will be refining the policies gathering feedback assessing resources for implementation and seeking Community input.

23:24 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: The lead of the initiative john donahoe and he’s the assistant Vice President for research within the office of research and innovation.

23:30 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Recently did an interview, where he noted that it is really vital that we obtained buy in from the Community, and support for this initiative because he goes on to say we are trying to affect the cultural change here and there is an anticipation of some resistance, so I think.

23:47 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: As I look at these quotes taken together they really hinted the challenges of implementing new policies around data management and sharing.

23:55 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: When we’re dealing with faculty who often do consider themselves independent actors using that kind of complex adaptive systems for you so.

24:04 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: it’s really nice to see that the groups are already considering how can we put this policy into effect in a way that actually leads to changes and research practices.

24:12 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And i’m i’m not sure we have the answers to that right now I think if we did we’d be way ahead of the game, but it’s a big topic of conversation and for future planning.

24:24 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So what are some of the next steps for the library specifically well obviously one of the big ones is for us to continue to meaningfully collaborate with our partners on the research side of policy initiative.

24:35 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: myself and my colleague, Jim Dora are also part of a campus sub team that has been formed to focus even more specifically on data management planning.

24:45 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: we’re also planning on working with the assist office to draft a new do guidance and I each policy explainer names still to be determined we’re still very early in that work.

24:55 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And will be focusing on education and training, so we already held a faculty and staff responsible responsible conduct of research, training on the NIH policy with this this office again and collaboration and plan to continue these in the fall spring really for the foreseeable future.

25:12 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So really we’re thinking about you know what are those incremental things we can do in parallel with the broader university policy initiative.

25:21 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: To support this work, and we really are thinking a lot about how can we be prepared within the libraries for both when the do policy in the NIH policy goes into effect.

25:33 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So that’s all for me as well, thank you for your attention.

25:36 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: We are holding questions, then, but if you ever wanted to talk about this, if you have similar initiatives on your campus i’m always happy to talk to colleagues about this so feel free to reach out and now we’re going to pass it over to Jake.

25:48 - Jake Carlson: Thanks Sophia I’m Jake Carlson i’m the director of deep blue repository research data services at the University of Michigan and i’m here to talk about our experience of looking at the issues of supporting data sharing from institutional perspective next slide please.

26:03 - Jake Carlson: Okay, so you know, like NC state and Duke there’s a whole history of backstory which i’m not going to cover right now, in the interest of time.

26:10 - Jake Carlson: But I will say really the catalyst event was the 2018 data summit held by the AAU and APLU and it wasn’t so much for the content of the summit.

26:21 - Jake Carlson: It was for the audience, this is the first time really that our provost and our VPR’s office really took notice at sort of the institutional level, of the importance of providing support for data sharing.

26:33 - Jake Carlson: So this really sort of catalyzed our event going forward and really we invited a number of different folks to attend the summit, they got to talking people who didn’t necessarily talk about this by themselves on a regular basis, and so from that we decided to.

26:53 - Jake Carlson: petition the provost and the VPR, the Vice President for Research to hold a working group.

26:58 - Jake Carlson: exploring the issues of support and services for data sharing at the University of Michigan and membership included folks from across campus the usual that the alphabet soup of acronyms.

27:10 - Jake Carlson: were all included here, I think that again getting people together, who don’t necessarily interact on a regular ongoing basis to focus just on data sharing really was was the important act next slide please.

27:23 - Jake Carlson: So for the working group we were charged with looking at the current state of things at the University of Michigan what service and support were available and then what recommendations would we make to improve those are to.

27:36 - Jake Carlson: To expand and to make this process a bit more easy and efficient to do.

27:43 - Jake Carlson: And so, in sitting down and thinking about this it’s really easy from the institutional perspective to think about data sharing, as another cost drain.

27:52 - Jake Carlson: Right so it’s it’s one more unfunded mandate put out by funding agencies that we’re now settled with with taking care of.

27:58 - Jake Carlson: And we really recognize, we wanted to reframe the issue and acknowledge it, yes, in fact, this would require money and investment of time, energy and Labor but there’s also I think some positive aspects of this and the opportunities for the institution as well.

28:11 - Jake Carlson: First, we really wanted to frame this in the context of our mission, so the Michigan universe at the mission of the university Michigan is there.

28:17 - Jake Carlson: And you’ll see that we really do focus on creating communicating preserving applying knowledge it’s not that hard of the leap to say that data is really a part of that mission and should be acknowledged as such.

28:28 - Jake Carlson: And second we really see this as a potential strategic advantage, you know we’re all our way we’re all yo very.

28:34 - Jake Carlson: Research intensive universities there’s a lot of competition for grants dollars and for attention if we’re able to do this, and to do this right, this could serve as a strategic advantage for a university next slide please.

28:48 - Jake Carlson: So you know, as we all know, there’s a myriad of challenges for developing effective services and support for for sharing research data.

28:56 - Jake Carlson: And we realized that could really overwhelm our institution pretty quickly we’re trying to capture all of that, so we tried to focus on three particular interrelated challenges.

29:07 - Jake Carlson: One really there’s a lack of incentive for researchers to do this work so researchers at any given time have 47 different things on their plates.

29:15 - Jake Carlson: What what’s the investment or what’s what’s the incentive really to spend time and energy and diligence, not just putting data out there, but putting data out there in meaningful ways that others can use and benefit from.

29:27 - Jake Carlson: And so, really, what are the, what are the incentives that are needed for really to have researchers invest the time the effort to do this.

29:34 - Jake Carlson: Second, we really saw the scale and heterogeneity of research data generated at the mercy of Michigan as being an impediment so.

29:41 - Jake Carlson: The University of Michigan has 19 different colleges and a number of different departments within those colleges.

29:46 - Jake Carlson: at any given time that you’re entering different types of data about different things for different reasons.

29:51 - Jake Carlson: How do we wrap our heads around this and really ensure that we’re providing services and support on a fairly equal measure, particularly in a sense that really does convey equity to the to the to the folks who need the services and support we can provide.

30:06 - Jake Carlson: And then finally there’s a lack of common understanding and connection between they’re good at supporting support for research data services so.

30:13 - Jake Carlson: Again, university Michigan isn’t just big it’s vast and trying to understand.

30:19 - Jake Carlson: The terrain that’s out there and to connect different people doing perhaps similar things but maybe not aware of each other or coordinating with each other in the way that we should is is quite a challenge for us next slide please.

30:33 - Jake Carlson: So we came up with two recommendations from this working group, first, that we really needed this not just to be a blip right the working group we were charged for six months, but at the end of the six months we didn’t want this to dissipate and just you know.

30:47 - Jake Carlson: You know not not to go anywhere to have any impact, so we felt we really needed.

30:51 - Jake Carlson: An ongoing faculty Committee who are knowledgeable about the challenges of sharing research data and to charge them.

30:57 - Jake Carlson: With acting on the issues that we identified law report really this should be something that the Faculty own and Dr going forward at the University of Michigan.

31:06 - Jake Carlson: We saw a couple different areas of potential responsibility for them, at least initially.

31:09 - Jake Carlson: One to develop an understanding of the researcher experience in navigating through these particular channel these particular requirements from funding agencies and from publishers.

31:18 - Jake Carlson: However, researchers, actually doing this work on a day to day basis and where are they stymied or Where do they see gaps in terms of what we provide a support.

31:26 - Jake Carlson: Second, we really wanted to spend some time and effort, developing a set of institutional values and norms around data sharing so again.

31:34 - Jake Carlson: If we are saying that this is something that that we really value at the University of Michigan We really should be doing, how do we actually articulate those values in a way that that.

31:42 - Jake Carlson: folks can can rally around and see benefit from and then finally.

31:47 - Jake Carlson: Can we look at the policies that we have with regards to data and really look at where do they fall short to where i’m at to to improve them.

31:55 - Jake Carlson: I think, like most universities, we do have policies with with data, but they tend to be more focused or more written from the administrative perspective.

32:02 - Jake Carlson: Rather than from the research perspective and so really taking some time to address and think about.

32:07 - Jake Carlson: informed by values and informed by daily day to day experiences What should our policies be and how to implement those next slide please.

32:16 - Jake Carlson: So our second recommendation was to form a parallel group comprised of folks who provide services and support for data sharing at the University of Michigan.

32:24 - Jake Carlson: And, here again, really, that the idea is to get people together and more ongoing basis to coordinate and collaborate with each other.

32:31 - Jake Carlson: And here to we put for some areas of responsibility so first getting an inventory of services, what is it that’s available to researchers and when, at the University of Michigan and how do we connect researchers with those services more effectively.

32:43 - Jake Carlson: Second, can we do some inventory of what we’re producing at the University of Michigan in terms of the research data again 19 different colleges very vast terrain, how do we understand what it is that we’re actually generating and.

32:56 - Jake Carlson: How do we need to provide support for what we’re what we’re doing.

33:00 - Jake Carlson: Then we also thought that developing machine actionable data management plans, was a really good idea, so we can gather information from researchers about what they plan to do with data.

33:10 - Jake Carlson: But it’s locked away in you know, a two page virtual document somewhere it’s really hard to make use of what they’re actually telling us.

33:17 - Jake Carlson: And so there’s there’s lots of you know that there’s there’s I think some efforts.

33:20 - Jake Carlson: Nationally internationally to look at machine actual data manager plans, can we start to look at what that might mean locally what information might want to capture from researchers.

33:28 - Jake Carlson: In to incorporate in our systems so that they, in turn, can get referred to services support, we also thought about storage needs.

33:36 - Jake Carlson: A lot of attention is given to active data storage needs so when that data is being developed.

33:41 - Jake Carlson: But we also saw a need to encourage people to think about what happens after the data developed, what about support for short with sharing and preserving data.

33:49 - Jake Carlson: And then, finally, we offer educational programming.

33:52 - Jake Carlson: Across campus but we don’t do it really in a connected or coordinated fashion and can we do more of that in order to again ensure more cohesiveness and collaboration and the services and support we provide next slide please.

34:05 - Jake Carlson: So we submitted a report and number 2019 felt great about it next slide please, but then of course 2020 happened and suck all the oxygen out of the room so coven obviously was was a big.

34:18 - Jake Carlson: Big hit for us that was really hard to talk about anything else during the covert pandemic The other thing for us in 2020 is that the provost and the Vice President, Vice President for research, who charged are working group.

34:29 - Jake Carlson: Both no longer are at the University of Michigan so we had to reestablish reconnect to the folks who hold those positions now next slide place.

34:38 - Jake Carlson: But we’re not done right, so we we didn’t get our recommendations approved, I must admit i’m jealous of Sophia and Susan for seeing that process through.

34:47 - Jake Carlson: we’re still very confident we can make progress here, and at the the larger institutional level.

34:53 - Jake Carlson: The release of the a you appeal, your report has really renewed interest and spark additional conversations, but we’re not we’re not relying solely on that on solely institutional approval.

35:03 - Jake Carlson: We are doing a number of side projects to help sort of keep momentum going on the areas of need that we identified we’ve also released our report.

35:14 - Jake Carlson: Publicly so that we can stimulate conversation, not just again with the provost or with the vr but with other folks across the university next slide please.

35:23 - Jake Carlson: So one of the projects that we’re working on now is analyzing data mantra plans from institutional perspective i’ve been able to negotiate access to.

35:31 - Jake Carlson: Data management plans from the University, as part of the work that I do as a repository manager.

35:37 - Jake Carlson: we’re looking at them collectively for the past year or so, to see what information is in those plans with regards to the the bullet points that I have listed there and what can we learn from that.

35:50 - Jake Carlson: As well as what gaps and our information are there, what we need to try to gather outside of a data management plan again to fully inform the institution about providing support and services next slide place.

36:02 - Jake Carlson: we’re also looking at exploring more about the fact of the experience with with sharing data you selected three departments to work with.

36:09 - Jake Carlson: Our earth and a man with a scientist departments are cardiology department and the University of Michigan transportation research institute we’re interested in learning about.

36:18 - Jake Carlson: we’ve already done some work about actually determining where they publish and where their funding sources are and then, what are the policies attached to each excuse me.

36:27 - Jake Carlson: That that talk about data sharing requirements, and then we hope to interview researchers over the summer.

36:33 - Jake Carlson: From these departments to learn more about their experiences and navigating through these policies again to get a sense of their day to day work and whether they’re feeling challenged for feeling Stein next slide please.

36:44 - Jake Carlson: And then, finally, we want to do a little bit more connecting of service support units from across campus so our office of.

36:53 - Jake Carlson: sponsored projects as a really nice sort of project lifecycle model and their website is organized in which you can you can find resources and support for, where you are at at the project lifecycle.

37:04 - Jake Carlson: And so we thought well what if we did something similar, but had research data as the Center of that what might that that research data life cycle look like across the University of Michigan.

37:14 - Jake Carlson: So what we’re doing now is reaching out to different units that provide support or in university administration.

37:19 - Jake Carlson: And to present them with sort of a generic research data life cycle model and then to ask them what activities should happen at each stage of that model.

37:27 - Jake Carlson: And then, which unit your unit or another unit has responsibility for fulfilling those particular activities what we’re hoping to do is get a sense of how much commonality and and.

37:38 - Jake Carlson: uniformity, there is across people’s responses, or where there’s significant differences that we might need to account for again to start you know, developing a clear picture as to the current state of support and where we might look to work more closely together next slide please.

37:55 - Jake Carlson: Okay, so that wraps up the University of Michigan.

37:59 - Jake Carlson: portion of this presentation, as I mentioned our working group report on data sharing is available on our deeply repository the URL is there and I can throw that into chat if people are interested.

38:10 - Jake Carlson: But I want to go through and get quickly to some of the themes that we noticed just in putting this presentation together and then turn it over to you for your questions.

38:19 - Jake Carlson: So we came up with sort of three large themes and certainly there’s there’s more than that, but these are the ones, just to focus on initially.

38:28 - Jake Carlson: First, we really see an opportunity to increase visibility and opportunities for for data sharing and data sharing support.

38:34 - Jake Carlson: So, if he had mentioned in the introduction, the new NIH policy really is getting people talking.

38:39 - Jake Carlson: To a new API these efforts, really is involving an audience in ways and new audience in ways that I have not heard before so that’s that’s been a big deal for us at the University of Michigan and for for Duke and nc state as well.

38:52 - Jake Carlson: we’ve also seen an uptick in campus working groups and shared initiatives like the ones that we’re presenting here and i’m sure that many of you are also been a part of those initiatives and are hoping that that will come up in the Q amp a session.

39:04 - Jake Carlson: But really relationship building is at the heart of these efforts, building familiarity understanding the work that that’s being done by the different units and and learning to trust.

39:14 - Jake Carlson: each other as we get to know each other and build confidence in the connections that we have.

39:20 - Jake Carlson: Sharing information really is an initial activity getting to know each other and and figuring each other out.

39:25 - Jake Carlson: But as you heard from from hopefully from the three of us really building up to get into port where we’re sharing resources in ways that we haven’t before and even you know, an nc state’s case staff being supported by by multiple agencies across campus which is really cool.

39:41 - Jake Carlson: And we’re seeing a trajectory towards going from personal relationships so me knowing somebody in the VP ours office or.

39:48 - Jake Carlson: or somebody higher up and it to the point where we’re starting to have organizationally based relationships.

39:54 - Jake Carlson: The challenge with personal relationships is if somebody leaves then you’re kind of out of luck so we’re trying to really to get to the point where we have organization relationships that will stand the test of time and endure beyond.

40:05 - Jake Carlson: position and staff change and then, finally, really.

40:08 - Jake Carlson: University policies as a central issue in all of this, and having them based on universities values and culture really having them reflect what it is that that is done on the ground and where.

40:22 - Jake Carlson: Our values lie but but policies alone are not enough right, so I doubt that faculty at the University of Michigan really read through our policies.

40:32 - Jake Carlson: You know, on a regular basis, and have a clear understanding of them.

40:35 - Jake Carlson: The question really is how do we put our policies into practice and again with the initiatives that we’re talking about here, I think that really is a part of it so policies sort of set the stage, but then, how do we implement them and go forward, I think, with that we’re ready for QA.

40:56 - Robin Rice: Okay Thank you everyone that was fantastic, and as I, as I promised the audience, there was a great intro and some up to bring the themes together.

41:08 - Robin Rice: So we’ve had a bunch of questions come in and some people who can.

41:15 - Robin Rice: multitask and tape, as well as be a presenter.

41:20 - Robin Rice: Sophia wasn’t able to get to hers yet, because she has she has been managing the slides.

41:26 - Robin Rice: I know that Susan has been able to already answer some in the chat.

41:31 - Robin Rice: And there’s some specific ones for jake I noticed at the bottom so maybe he’ll be able to do the same for some of those so i’ll go to the first general question.

41:40 - Robin Rice: Which is for all the panelists when staffing is too low to give ongoing personalized consultation do the panelists have suggestions for alternatives from in Glasgow.

41:54 - Jake Carlson: yeah I think our strategy, the University of Michigan has can we can we recruit more folks to be a part of the work.

42:00 - Jake Carlson: Right, so we have Mike my department is a staff of four and we oversee to repositories as well as doing research data services.

42:09 - Jake Carlson: The intent is can we we bring in you know, working with library liaisons are working with it folks in the departments that we’re we’re servicing can we help them.

42:20 - Jake Carlson: You know, look for particular aspects that that they can do, or they can take on so it’s not just one person or one department shouldering the load but we’ve got a distributed.

42:31 - Jake Carlson: Work and that you know it works better, in some cases than others and there’s a lot of lifting in terms of how do we get to the point where we all have a shared understanding of what the work is and how can we do it together so it’s not an easy situation.

42:46 - Susan Ivey: yeah Drake that’s been our approach nc state to in terms of data support within the libraries, we have a research data committee that was put together and back in 2012 2013 and it’s just.

42:57 - Susan Ivey: rotating membership, we just tried to sort of train everybody on on the data support that we provide and i’m just best practices for data within the libraries in terms of what we’re working on with.

43:09 - Susan Ivey: A shared collaborative new service i’m not quite sure.

43:14 - Susan Ivey: I answer one of the questions about how we’re trying to be really thoughtful about how we.

43:19 - Susan Ivey: will become operational and how we will grow in order to scale for that, because you know the one of the main things here is a personal touch and a.

43:27 - Susan Ivey: Personal person, and not just the ticketing system, so we need to start small enough where we’re not overwhelmed where we can give that kind of support that we’re envisioning and then grow from there.

43:40 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: I think those answers were amazing so i’m not going to add up anymore Besides the fact that I do want to recognize a Duke we knew how lucky we were to get the funding for the support and positions that we did and.

43:52 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: we’re very thankful for that, and I think the collaborative model, though, and being able to.

43:57 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: harness the network of folks across the university that may be able to help with these types of consultations and not just looking at it as a like the library’s role to.

44:07 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: You know fill that space can also be an effective mechanism for you know, making sure that we can provide that personalized consultation at scale, even when it may be very difficult, with our current resources, particularly within libraries.

44:25 - Robin Rice: Thanks everyone to Sophia there is a very quick one there for you about.

44:30 - Robin Rice: Whether the reproducibility course materials are available.

44:34 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: They are, and I can get the i’ll grab the link.

44:37 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Later i’ll grab it and just to send second they are sadly not open access which pains me pains me to say that, but if your University has a.

44:47 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Membership with Oxford presses through EPA GM so I can I can grab that link in a moment.

44:53 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: It was that was one of the things just as an aside that did pay me, but there was such a payoff of collaborating with the assist office that for our office you know.

45:02 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: it’s it’s also something that was very much a do resource, it was already being subscribed to there, so we saw it as an institutional resource, but I do believe strongly in open access so apologize for that.

45:15 - Robin Rice: don’t apologize for publishing.

45:19 - Robin Rice: So. Robin Rice: amber the lady has a question, are you collaborating across campus and storage.

45:26 - Robin Rice: Active repository long term sensitive and what are the pain points great question.

45:35 - Susan Ivey: I can answer for nc state. Susan Ivey: Right now, I mentioned my.

45:39 - Susan Ivey: First position at nc state was with the unit within our central it that was developing a research data storage system.

45:48 - Susan Ivey: Basically, for all of campus, and this is just basically what we think of as active storage.

45:55 - Susan Ivey: It was brand new at the time it was it was developed actually only for funded projects we’ve moved away from that model.

46:02 - Susan Ivey: it’s it’s available to anyone who who needs it now, as well as additional extra space for project funded projects up to a certain amount for free.

46:12 - Susan Ivey: I think it’s right now around to we usually can give like 10 to 20 terabytes before we start charging on those but anyhow um and so that’s just active, but in terms of secure research.

46:24 - Susan Ivey: storage, we have a group also within our central it that’s developed a secure university research environment for do D amp D funding only have a lot of that nc state.

46:35 - Susan Ivey: And so they really handle that and security and compliance the SI unit, but we’re trying to build those relationships, so we you know talk about workflows with them office of research and the libraries about how to support all of that.

46:47 - Susan Ivey: Like I said we don’t have a data repository, and so the library is is really interested in working with others to think about public access to research data but we’re just in a unique position, I think.

46:57 - Susan Ivey: Well, in terms of the other two panelists at least that we don’t have a data repository that we maintain and solid the others talk.

47:08 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Well, I can answer for Duke I think one of the yes, we do have our own institutional data repository some of the funding for that storage is coming from the University and also supported by the school of medicine so.

47:20 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So our funding lines are not just from like a library allocation which is nice and for sensitive data, we also have a protected research data network that is now been centralized under our office of research.

47:33 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And then there’s a protected analytic computing environment for the medical side so for active research for sensitive data that storage is.

47:41 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: Relatively covered right now by active by by service our service profile at the university.

47:46 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: I think the main pain point is more, how do we retain data pass that active stages, especially if it is restricted or sensitive and how do we do that effectively so there’s been conversations around.

47:58 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: You know, dark archiving dark archiving for sensitive data, and I think that’s an area where we’re still looking for that definitely seen our campus partners and thinking strategically about how we might partner to address those needs.

48:16 - Jake Carlson: yeah I think similar to Sofia, you know we have a good a good allocation of storage to support our repository and we’ve been able to.

48:25 - Jake Carlson: ramp up where we’ve needed to we’re able to take in some some large data sets I think we have roughly 20 terabytes worth of data right now in our repository and we’ve had to negotiate.

48:34 - Jake Carlson: You know, getting getting that that access and that’s that’s going fairly well overall I did, that the larger question for us is how do we connect with active storage.

48:42 - Jake Carlson: Storage to our repository effectively we’re very fortunate to have a data workflow specialist is one of the positions in the library to really look at can we move data over from point A word activity to being developed to Point B or repository with losing as little as possible.

49:02 - Robin Rice: Thank you i’m just going around different.

49:09 - Robin Rice: different questions here. Robin Rice: It was one more recent one, I was going to grow.

49:19 - Robin Rice: So. Robin Rice: What are some trends or lessons you found in working with researchers when reviewing data management.

49:31 - Robin Rice: Does anybody have experienced to share with that.

49:37 - Jake Carlson: I think data management lines for me, are a little frustrating because they’re they’re written.

49:41 - Jake Carlson: The ring for a purpose that makes them less useful than they ought to be right, so that the purpose of a data management plan is to include it as part of a.

49:48 - Jake Carlson: grant proposal somebody at the nsf and NIH or wherever, is going to go through it and say yep I think you did a good job here or no, you didn’t.

49:58 - Jake Carlson: that the challenges for me as the repository manager i’m ultimately to be the one responsible for accepting that data and for making it the best gosh darn possible data set it can be.

50:08 - Jake Carlson: In terms of turning it loose for for the use, so I when I talk to faculty i’m consciously aware that they’re doing this because they have to do this, most of the time, not because they want to.

50:19 - Jake Carlson: But I really encourage them to try to make this as authentic to their practice and authentic to their needs, as as possible.

50:26 - Jake Carlson: That you know recognize that we do have to get over the hurdle of of compliance, but if it’s not really true to what they actually do it isn’t ultimately going to mean anything.

50:36 - Susan Ivey: Okay, I completely agree with you, and I think at one point on there.

50:39 - Susan Ivey: You know that a researcher is never ever think of them as living documents and that’s one thing that we try to stress it’s like we know you’re doing this because you’re being asked to do it, but.

50:50 - Susan Ivey: We really want you to think like about how this plan needs to actually be implemented and when it changes like updating that, and so I don’t think researchers ever really make that connection in their brain.

51:05 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: yeah in a way that we’re trying to think about that in the sub team, though we’re working on thinking specifically about data management planning is, you know how can we get those.

51:13 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: consultants to talk to faculty earlier to provide that insight because a lot of times, I think we see.

51:19 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: they’re not necessarily coming to us about data management plans, a lot of the times, you know because it’s very much it’s not it’s not compliance Vegas based at our institution that they need to talk to somebody or need to have that dmp reviewed.

51:30 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: So it’s often the people that are out already writing pretty good data management plans, I feel like are the ones that are coming to us and showing us their data management plan so.

51:39 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: How can we get earlier in that life cycle and I saw on the chat somebody said they were jealous of jake getting access to data management plans of his institutions and.

51:47 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: I were actually hoping to have that, as part of our data management plan initiative.

51:53 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: And kind of Sub project at Duke so that we can understand you know what do most of these what does a lot of these data management plans look like and then how can we be more strategic and connecting researchers to a person to talk about how to implement earlier in the life cycle.

52:11 - Robin Rice: Okay, good, so we have five minutes left looks like we won’t get through all the questions, but I understand there’s a way to put it in over and look at it later, but.

52:22 - Robin Rice: A popular question here have any of you in from Joyce Thomas Thompson say, have any of you encountered specific resistance to the notion that Librarians have a role to play in the IBM lifecycle.

52:36 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: I, I would say yes, I think that the honest answer here is that sometimes there is a view of libraries, as we do, books, we do journals there’s kind of a traditional view and I think that.

52:48 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: We have to continue to show our expertise and so how we have people that understand data and understand these emerging areas and.

53:00 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: I don’t know if it’s been like direct resistance, but there’s a part where people just seem to forget that you’re providing this service, and you have to remind them a lot of the times and so.

53:10 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: yeah I have experienced that and I think that we have a role to play, just within our our space to advocate for the role of the libraries in this space.

53:24 - Robin Rice: Thanks oh go ahead Susan if you have anyone you don’t all three have to answer this one, but if you have someone else do it.

53:32 - Susan Ivey: Well, I just wanted to say that nc state I haven’t really felt.

53:35 - Susan Ivey: Any resistance on that I think part of it might be that my first position was that shared position between it in the library, so there was an understanding when I got there.

53:46 - Susan Ivey: That the libraries had an important role to play and we’ve been making that connection with the office of research as well, so I don’t know if that’s it.

53:54 - Susan Ivey: But you know I haven’t had as much resistance, as it sounds like Sofia might be describing or even you know we just we get invited to a lot of the conversations and very fortunate for that.

54:06 - Jake Carlson: yeah I think we get a little bit, but mostly on an individual level it just it really depends on personality of.

54:12 - Jake Carlson: The researcher or the research team, I think, mostly it’s researchers are happy to have whatever help they can get in making these things happen, particularly in satisfying compliance.

54:23 - Jake Carlson: And so, by and large, we haven’t had a large amount of resistance, I think we’ve had actually had sort of the opposite problem of there’s too much expectation that will be able to do everything, or you know.

54:35 - Jake Carlson: Particular things only for them and, again, you know we’re a mighty team of four and we have a lot of responsibilities to cover so.

54:42 - Jake Carlson: I don’t think we want to get into a situation where we’re we’re taking on too much of a burden or taking too much ownership of the process, because we don’t have the capacity to follow through as the library itself.

54:55 - Robin Rice: Thanks so there’s a popular question here for jake but you’re all welcome to take a crack at it.

55:03 - Robin Rice: about the data inventory, so how is that inventory of UN data sets going or how do you plan to coordinate it when it does start.

55:11 - Jake Carlson: yeah well that was one of the part of the recommendations that we had with regards to the.

55:19 - Jake Carlson: The group of service providers getting together, so if that hasn’t started and, yes, that would be it’s going to be a very large undertaking.

55:28 - Jake Carlson: When and if it does happen, and I don’t think we’ll try to take it all at once i’d imagine we’ll probably try to work with a particular college who’s sympathetic or eager to to connect with us, but again, it hasn’t happened yet, so I can’t answer that question directly.

55:48 - Robin Rice: Okay. Robin Rice: So two minutes left.

55:53 - Robin Rice: here’s one. Robin Rice: For all of you from Karen Hoganblum for any all of you, how do you identify stakeholders on campus, particularly on a large complex campus, how do you keep up with services being offered at other places on campus? Susan Ivey: it’s hard.

56:14 - Susan Ivey: I don’t know I know we don’t have much time, but it’s one of the hardest things that we’ve just sort of tried to tackle it’s one of the first things we had to do when we were Susan Ivey: formed last year and it continues to be a challenge, but you know just it takes time, a lot of time and a lot of effort, others? Jake Carlson: yeah I would agree it’s it’s really hard to do and i’m sure we’re not doing a great job of it right now so.

56:39 - Jake Carlson: One of the reasons we made the recommendation that we did for sort of a group of servicing it’s getting together on a regular basis is for that very reason, right to keep each other appraised as to Jake Carlson: What do you things look like from your vantage point other new services that you’re spinning up or the new resources available that we all ought to be aware of so again that’s that’s our hope that we’ll get to that point where we have better communication and better coordination.

57:02 - Sophia Lafferty-Hess: yeah I know where it that time it’s hard.

57:08 - Robin Rice: well. Robin Rice: Thank you, everybody.

57:11 - Robin Rice: it says I’m muted but I don’t look muted thank you, everybody for Robin Rice: So many great questions, thanks to the Panel for so many great answers and we’ll see you at other parts of the Conference, so thanks for coming.

57:27 - Jake Carlson: Thanks everyone. Susan Ivey: Thank you. .