What Russian men want and who they are | Relationship advice
Dec 16, 2020 14:45 · 1214 words · 6 minute read
People from all over the world adore Russian women. Yep, pretty much every second guy would like a Russian girlfriend. All the while Russian Men don’t get any credit at all. The Russian men you get to see are hot-tempered, vengeful and gloomy villains suffering from alcohol addiction. Even the idea of dating, loving or connecting your life with such a man sounds… like a radical decision.
00:24 - But give us a few minutes and we’ll tell you what Russian men are really like in a relationship. If you think that we will boldly advertise Russian men as the perfect deal… you’re wrong. We will tell you the grim truth to help you make a mindful decision, no romantic fluff or hormonal nonsense. Let’s start with the cons! Jealousy. Your Russian boyfriend will be extremely wary of all the men in your life. Your male colleagues, your new single neighbor, an old school friend… …everyone will fall under his scrutiny. Prepare yourself for questions like “Why are you wearing THAT to work?” “Which restaurant are you going to?” “Can you stop flaunting your cleavage in front of our neighbor?” Most women don’t even pay attention to this, and some even find it flattering. This is definitely an issue to discuss early into the relationship if you don’t want things to get ugly over time. In most cases Russian men are possessive and that’s because they are insecure and afraid to be betrayed. “The Second Shift” A Russian man will expect you to do housework.
01:52 - Cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, washing up, raising the kids, almost all of this will fall on your shoulders. And this isn’t just a Russian problem, it’s globally known as “the second shift” - - the free work you do as a woman after coming home from your paid job. But don’t rush to judge, there is a reason for this and it has something to do with traditional upbringing. Many Russian men grow up in single-sex families with a mom and a grandma but no father-figure in sight. They are used to being doted on. Moms and grandmothers rarely make boys clean anywhere other than their room and they don’t teach them basic home cooking. Boys grow up being served by women.
02:35 - And I get it, it’s easy to get used to the good stuff! So it’s no wonder men don’t want to teach themselves boring household chores as adults. Low emotional intelligence. According to a 2012 research by Gallup, a global analytics firm, Russia ranks 4th in a list of the least emotionally aware countries. The Russian man confirms this: he may love a good old philosophical heart-to-heart, but rarely knows how to really listen and empathize. Ladies and gentleman, allow me to present: “Man Not Caring” Empathy and the skill of really hearing what your partner has to say is all very new to Russians, especially to men. So in the end, Russian men are bad at understanding non-verbal signs and can sometimes completely miss noticing that you might need support. Don’t care about themselves.
03:29 - As much as Russian women love to take care of themselves, Russian men don’t. And while things have improved with haircuts and style thanks to numerous barbershops that are rapidly taking over the entire country. it is still difficult to get a Russian man to take care of his health. A Russian man will only see the doctor when things get really unbearable. On average Russian men live ten years less than women. And most die before reaching their pension. There is a special term for this in Russian - supermortality. And the leading cause of death among Russian men is cardiovascular disease. No sex ed. Russian men lack sexual education because sexual education for teenagers or even adults in Russia is non-existent. Magazines and friends will hardly provide the Russian man with decent answers to his sexual questions. Thus…
04:23 - Many Russian Men believe that “pulling out” is safe contraception. Others put two condoms at once for extra protection… and then there are those who consider oral sex shameful. If you are still here, let me assure you, things are not all that bad! Russian millennials are more emotionally aware, take care of themselves, and see nothing wrong in washing up after a dinner that they cooked themselves. There are other perks of dating Russian men that are rarely mentioned. To find out, stay with us. Jack of all trades. Russian men are great handymen.
05:02 - He’ll insert a light bulb, and do minor household repairs, including repairing the car, for example. There are thousands of blogs and channels on the Internet about how Russian craftsmen build ships, trains and cars in their backyards. Building an Iron Man suit out of nothing? Easy! If a Russian man isn’t very good at fixing things - - he’ll be aware of it. And he’s going to still try because in the back of his mind he thinks: “I should be able to do all of this”. Chivalry is not dead. Russian men are knights in shiny armor and romantics.
05:38 - He will hold the door for you, he’ll help with heavy bags and a stroller, he’ll give you flowers and he’ll pay for the date. Even if he can’t afford a dinner and a bouquet of a hundred roses, he will go out of his ways to charm you. Even if it looks like this. Sturdiness. Russian men are hard as nails. He can take it all: screaming children at 6 o’clock in the morning on a Sunday, your dad’s weird jokes, New Year’s eve shopping in a crowded mall… He won’t complain that he’s tired. He won’t complain that he’s exhausted. He’ll keep his appearance and endure it all with stoic courage. Because he is a Russian man and he will never ever show weakness. Less talk - more action.
06:24 - Russian men are religious about never appearing weak. He will not complain about missing you when you’re staying at your place, for example, because he’s just going to ask you to move in with him. He will not waste time on poems under the moon or endless love- talk… Instead, he will ask you to marry him. Old-school exclusivity. He’s not looking for a casual relationship. Seeing many people simultaneously is not a thing in Russia.
06:52 - If you’ve been on a few successful dates and you like each other - you’re together. And if you’re together, then you’re exclusive and monogamy is expected by default. It’s just the two of you in the relationship, there’s no one else. “And that kids is how I met your mother”. We are, of course, generalizing like there’s no tomorrow. We trust that in the end, we’re all unique, men or women.
07:18 - But culture and upbringing do leave a mark and we just wanted to highlight some of that for you albeit in a grotesque fashion. So use this knowledge wisely and don’t you let stereotypes mess with your head. While getting ready for this video we found some hilarious pictures of Russian Romance. Check these Romeos out. They might bed poor as mice, but they’ve got the moves. .