Flutter: Build A Chat Application from Scratch (Part-3) | Connect to Firebase (In Bahasa)
Apr 13, 2020 00:56 · 489 words · 3 minute read
hello friends, hope you doing well in this video, we will connect our Chat Application to Firebase and also I will explain what are the features we use for our Chat Application In the previous video, we had created a design for chat view and also chat item view If you haven’t watched the previous video, you may find a link in the description alright here, I already opened firebase console we will start to create a new project we will give the name of the project App Chat and click continue and I need you to know that in this video we will not make any changes to the code that we had created before. we only do a connection from our chat app to firebase and also it only limited to android application next, we will register our chat application into firebase here, it will ask you to input the package name of the application If you forget, you may find it inside Android folder and inside the file called AndroidManifest.xml next, we will download the config file that already provided and we will move into android/app folder click next next step, we will do some setting in build.gradle file first build.gradle can find in android folder they ask to add google repository by default, it already added by flutter next for the dependencies, we have to add google service next, inside the project/app-module/build.gradle folder we will add a plugin at the last line next step, we will add firebase-analytic implementation inside dependencies you may skip this step or reinstall the application to make sure the configuration works well I will try to reinstall the application I will stop and I will start again after the application successfully installed, we will back to console alright, now firebase said that we already success to connect.
05:03 - and we will continue to console in console page, we can see that our application already registered to this project if you want to add new application click add app and choose the type of the application, ios, android, web or unity alright, now I will explain what are the features that we use in our chat application first is authentication we will google and facebook sign-in method for authentication next is the database, that we use to store contact, messages, and chat history next storage that we use if we will send a message in picture next feature is we will use cloud messaging we will try to set up for the initial database click create database for now, we will use test mode next next, we will add new collection first for contact next for chat next, we will add some plugins based on the feature that we use in firebase first is firebase_auth for authentication next is firebaase_mesaging firebase_storage and cloud_firestore for database I think that’s all for now, thanks for watching and see you in next video.