IIBA Geneva BA Congress 2019 - Short interview with Business Analyst Patrick Schneiter
Feb 21, 2020 14:39 · 188 words · 1 minute read
Patrick Schneider, manager of a small team in Lausanne in pension funds. What does digital transformation mean to you ? It is a challenge or a risk. We are in the midst of structural and organizational changes. We are in the phase of questionning and supporting collaborators in uncertainty. I try to understand a little better how it goes and what it is.
00:28 - What is the contribution of business analysis in digital transformation ? It’s very interesting. We are obesrving that the old methods of analysis are no more suited to the pace in which we are living and developing, so we try to go on with SCRUM which is a lot faster. It’s about mastering it everyday in our business. Your impressions of the 2019 business analysis congress ? It’s going to be harder since we did only half of the seminar, but on this first half is already a big opening, and great acquaintances. I am very surprised by the mix of philosophical with the practical aspect.
I find that the human aspect is well 01:15 - put forward so it’s very interesting. .