Indonesian Street Style Food | Best INDONESIAN FOOD in LA Reaction | Indonesia | MR Halal Reacts
Nov 14, 2020 11:00 · 1896 words · 9 minute read
asalam alykum wr wb hello halal family welcome to the channel i hope you guys are having yourself a wonderful day in today’s video we’ll be reacting to some indonesian food in los angeles uh california united states this video was suggested by easty eastern thank you very much for taking the time to send me a recommendation and suggestion stay tuned guys we’ll be right back with the video welcome back guys inshallah we’re gonna get started with the video momentarily and at the end of the video i’ll be sharing with you my observation and reaction so please make sure you stay until the end with that said we’re gonna get started with a video hey how’s it going everyone steve once again from rockstar eater here in culver city which is one of the cool spots in l.a to eat and today i’m once again on an adventure to try some of the best and most unique foods in the city and today i’m going to be trying indonesian food i mean indonesian food is something that i haven’t really had too much so i think this might be like the second time that i’m having it in my life here at this restaurant called simpang asia which is what a lot of people call possibly the best indonesian restaurant in la serving some of that authentic indonesian food which is pretty hard to find in a lot of cities because we’re very acquainted with uh like asian food like japanese food and chinese food and of course some pacific island food like filipino food so today i wanted to show you guys exactly like what indonesian food is like to show you what dishes you should try and to help you find of course some of the spot hot spots here in la if you like what i’m doing on this channel then please subscribe to rockstar eater and stick all the way to the end so that you can see what all this amazing indonesian cuisine is all about asia has a really cool history because apparently when this restaurant started it started in about 2002 as like a grocery store and it catered to mostly like students that are kind of like around the ucla area and keep in mind that this is one of very few indonesian restaurants on the west side of los angeles and then when this restaurant or this grocery store became really popular they quickly became a restaurant in no time like i think it’s in 2003 that this grocery store became a restaurant they expanded their seating so all of this in the back of me used to be part of the grocery store but now it’s no longer a grocery store now it’s a restaurant where they have pretty much seats and they have full-on menu and yeah so now it’s a bonafide indonesian restaurant i’m here in the kitchen of an indonesian restaurant here at simpang and this is such a big kitchen they have like so much going on here with like four different walks behind me and they have like a like a grill right over there and they have like a salad bar right here and another area that’s right in front of me of course so yeah i’m going to be showing you guys how they cook some of this food this indonesian food here at simpang what they’re cooking here now is called the meat tuk tuk which i hope i’m pronouncing that right it’s kind of like the indonesian version of chow mein but much tastier you know wok stirred and all that stuff so of course very asian influence so to give you a little bit of an overview about indonesian food apparently it’s uh it’s very similar to like malaysian and singaporean food like all within that southeastern region but it has a little bit of a different style of presentation and indonesian food if you look at it it really does look like there were a lot of different influences in it like you can see a little bit of the chinese influence you can see some of the indian influence you can see some of from what i heard like the dutch influence like from europe as well and all of that combines to make this really interesting exotic food that i’m about to eat right now well starting off there’s like a cool drink that i got today called the s sendol this is something i’ve never heard of before this is like a coconut milk with like sugar and pendant pandan jelly pandan jelly which is something that i don’t remember if i’ve ever had before but it does sound very appetizing yikes that’s great i love it it has like a coconut flavor to it milky sweet and then the jelly itself so this is the lumper i hope i’m pronouncing that right i’m going to be butchering everything lempere which is their sticky rice with the chicken inside this is not a dessert this is an appetizer which is popular in indonesia man this is nice it’s like shredded chicken that’s inside of it and sticky rice had it before of course in chinese cuisine and it’s kind of sweet too there’s like a little bit of a sweetness inside that i didn’t quite expect but it overall has a really nice flavor i really like the savoriness of this chicken that’s inside here the shredded chicken that comes along with this rice it’s like a really good combination so how this is it is eaten in indonesia is that they have like a huge like circular plate and this one is like the less like um epic version kind of like a scaled-down version so that could be a little bit more like uh restaurant friendly especially if you’re just eating it by yourself but if you’re going to go to indonesia it will like be huge it’ll be like a big big thing and where it will be served at festivals and people can eat like all around it which is really cool i mean that’s really uh it sounds really fun actually i’m gonna have a little festival myself just eating this right now in terms of the way that they presented here you see got this cylindrical turmeric coconut rice the tumeric coconut rice which is characteristic of this festival rice in indonesia and some of this chicken saute with some shredded eggs and we got the uh let’s see sambal egg which is something i’m going to be having for the first time and fried noodles which i think is pretty much like the meat the tech tag that i just had and some of that beef oh boy i don’t want to break this look how beautiful this thing looks isn’t it it’s like maybe just take it off the top like this maybe okay well there goes the cone right there what about some of that chicken saute right there delicious coconut flavor isn’t that so cool like a really nice coconut flavor to this so that means it’s kind of sweet okay and then the beef so this is like a big piece of beef stew this looks really delicious oh wow yeah this one’s pretty good it’s like it’s soft it’s flavorful it’s nicely stewed this is the nasi bunka so this thing right here which is like wrapped in this banana leaf supposed to have like eight different kinds of things in here so i’m gonna unwrap it so i can show you guys what’s in here it’s like uh you know what this is like it’s like you know the sticky rice in chinese dim sum it’s like that but bigger and it has like a lot more going on in there a lot more ingredients in there oh rice is pretty good let me try some of that chicken curry that piece of chicken it’s like a piece of chicken thigh in here wow nice very nice chicken curry very tasty and the rice has some of that rice um that flavor from that egg that i just had earlier this sem some ball egg oh man this is like such an interesting dish i mean i’ve never really had anything like it it’s like you open this banana leaf and you have like so many different kinds of foods and flavors in here everything from like the egg to the chicken to like the curry to the symbol taste and you got some of the vegetables i mean this right here is like a whole meal in of itself with so many different things going on and they all work together pretty beautifully as well so my overall impression is that first of all i’m really impressed with the food i like it a lot it’s very flavorful very nice spices and different flavors going on i would say it’s very close to like you know it’s kind of like thai food but with a lot more coconut and sweeter like more of that islander type of feel to it like maybe just kind of like some thai with some indian but mixed with a lot of uh like islander cuisine influences like what the the coconuts and you know the fruits and everything like that so i think that’s the best way that i can explain indonesian food which apparently is also very similar to malaysian and singaporean food but overall a rock and rocking experience here at simpang restaurant and one that i would definitely recommend if you are in the area this huge feast that i had oh man like there’s just so much good food that you can try from in indonesian cuisine and a sample of what you would find if you were to travel to indonesia and want to try some of that rocking food in that country anyways i hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of rockstar eater wow guys there was a lot of interesting uh food the one thing that i found unique was the sambal egg that probably would have been uh good chicken satay which was actually one of my favorite when we tried it and santa pen i believe and watching this video just made me hungry and reminded me that we do have that food truck here that i need to go to again and try some more or some different food items from their menu so i love the indonesian food especially nasi goreng and chicken satay would you know i can have it anytime anywhere you know multiple times a day and i wouldn’t get bored of it so this was really really interesting guys thank you very much for suggesting it i hope you guys liked it too if you did please don’t forget to like comment share and subscribe and if you’d like me to react to another video please put in the comment section below as always guys thank you very much for your love and support i hope you guys have yourself a wonderful day take care of yourself and your family and insha’allah i’ll see you guys in the next video take care and wassalam .