Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45. Panzerfaust Proficiency

Jan 16, 2021 12:34 · 1016 words · 5 minute read

Clown car incoming. Moving to the right, yeah. Nope.

00:10 - The clown car’s fucked. The armored car just broke through to the cap. I see it. I don’t have another Faust, unfortunately.

00:17 - Why can’t I get this role? And I got teamswitched! Fucking unbelievable! Did it drive into a minefield? Yeah, it was our spawn. We need support here. There you go. Oh, thanks! There’s someone in the cap, but where? I don’t know. Not here.

00:39 - Looking for him. Maybe behind us? Behind us where? I’m in the cap. Could he be by that SU-76? I’ll go and have a look.

00:53 - Yeah, appears to be the case. Fine, I’ll take it.

01:04 - Who the fuck is shooting at me? From respawn. Well then! Nice.

01:10 - Across the entire map. The guy just went behind the sandbags on the right. Who the fuck is crawling out there? They’re capping. The tank’s back here.

01:35 - There’s nothing I can do against tanks. I’d be lucky to get away from it alive. Before the fucking shells start flying my way. That’s one down.

01:47 - Another one is still there. Aw shit… Where did that come from? I killed him.

01:58 - Oh. In the sniper’s nest, top floor.

02:02 - You can see him quite well… There. On the right by the destroyed tank.

02:08 - I don’t know, I’m looking at it, but the nickname doesn’t pop up. Another guy up there, third floor. He’s gone prone. In the sniper’s nest again! OK, got it.

02:25 - No, no… There he is! Right in the middle! Poked his head out right in the middle. I took too long.

02:31 - Let me try and send him a little gift. Provided I can hit, of course.

02:34 - Try it. Unless Kerr kills you first. Yeah, right in there! That’s great! There were two of ’em in there! Nice throw. On the left.

02:49 - You’ve basically killed half their team. Now it’s definitely more than a half.

03:00 - Another tank incoming. Watch out. Damn it, I thought it was… Why wouldn’t this tank just get over here and kill everyone? Must be afraid of Panzerfausts.

03:13 - We have Panzerfausts? Why wouldn’t anyone get rid of this tank then? There, I just did.

03:19 - Did Kolya just kill himself with a tank? What happened there? You were just a split second too late… He did hit me through the crack after all. I’d better take a rifle then. Great! This must be the first tank you’ve got this entire match. Oh please! Frontovik’s still there.

I’ve got five or six tanks already.

03:45 - Really? Might as well take some pot shots. Shit, there’s another one! But I only had one Faust.

04:02 - On the right, sniper’s nest! Yeah. Frontovik’s in there. There’s two: one on the right, one on the left.

04:09 - They got me. He figured it out after all, huh? 24 kills already.

04:32 - Most of them tanks. We’re on our way there. Yeah, I got that guy already. Fuck me! There’s a tank! It startled me. Oh, and that’s a bad miss.

04:50 - I’d better stand back. Come on, then! Well those were kinda underwhelming.

04:53 - Fuck, I don’t know… Maybe you gotta hold it for longer.

04:56 - I’m just weak. Shit, mine didn’t go in either.

05:04 - This one went in, I think. Frontovik just went behind the sandbags up front. You mean on the left? On the right, behind the sandbags. He naded me from there. What happened? Where is he? He’s going around on the right, watch out! Yeah, he got me from the hip.

05:34 - 5050 at the Square, guys! On my way.

05:42 - OK, I’m prone in the cap. God damn it, I hit the pole again! The clown car’s empty, I think. It’s not. Got killed at the square on the left.

05:58 - It was Frontovik. At the square on the left? Holy fuck! Yeah, that’s the guy.

06:05 - That was fucking amazing! I fired the sniper rifle from the hip. Frontovik jumped in the air and caught the bullet with his fucking face! Another one just went into the smoke. He killed a friendly. Some sniper they’ve got! No, he killed the sniper. I’ve just accidentally overcooked the grenade.

06:29 - Well that a fucking cheeky reload. And Hun just did exactly the same thing.

06:34 - Oh, it’s you firing! I almost hit you. Fuck! He fucking keeps popping up! Yeah, that’s the thing! Frontovik’s fucking toying with me here. Yeah, just like when he popped up into my shot! He could have survived otherwise.

By the way, what did you vote for? Personally, I forgot. I didn’t vote for anything. I’ve stopped voting. Well there’s your problem.

07:03 - If everyone were to vote for something else… Shit, I fucking survived! Frontovik’s there! No, you didn’t.

07:11 - The motherfucker… OK, he‘s at… Son of a bitch! Anyway, he’s prone right up front. I’ll try and get rid of the SU-76… Fuck me! Oh, sorry. Too late. That shell went right between my eyes! Right here! No retreat! Fuck… Oh, we got each other! We both peeked out of the cover at the same fucking time… But you only get to have one Panzerfaust.

08:00 - Yeah, just one. Lots in the cap! Right, on my way.

08:16 - I’ve no idea how I managed to kill Strannik just now. I’ll try and flank on the right to get to the tank.

08:25 - Got each other… There’s more! Shit! Again with the fucking grenades, Yoko! Fucking demoman! I’m sick of this shit! Oh, that was a good one. You’re not so bad yourself. That’s because I’m here at the… Lots incoming.

09:07 - How the fuck did he survive? Fucking Yoko the Fucking Demoman! Incoming! I see him. Oh, great.

09:53 - That was a blind shot! Whoa! Nice. .