Jakarta, Indonesia 🇮🇩 - by drone [4K] | Indonesia Reaction | MR Halal Reacts
Oct 24, 2020 05:54 · 415 words · 2 minute read
asalam alykum wr wb hello halal family welcome to the channel i hope you guys are having yourself a wonderful day in today’s video we’ll be reacting to jakarta indonesia by drone 4k this video was suggested by x i x i x i thank you very much for taking the time to send me your recommendation and suggestion stay tuned guys we’ll be right back with the video welcome back guys inshallah we’re gonna get started with the video momentarily and at the end of the video i’ll be sharing with you my observation and reaction so please make sure you stay until the end with that said we’re going to get start with our video mashAllah guys jakarta is beautiful that center like highway system that is there and the loops and whatnot looks super beautiful and especially at nighttime i just realized that i think on the sides it has lights subhanAllah its super beautiful and the buildings i just love it because they’re all glass and at night times you know you see the the lights bouncing off of them it just makes it look like you’re looking at the stars there’s lots of helipads on top of the building i guess for people that need to move a little bit faster and uh jakarta mashallah is beautiful i love the fact that there’s so many trees uh it just makes it look like you know um rainforest and then you see these buildings and the roads coming through the trees it makes it look really nice i love them mashAllah super nice and clean and beautiful love to inshallah check it out pray guys that we hit 1 million subs soon so we can check out the the country if you haven’t please consider subscribing the goal is to insha Allah by the end of next year uh hit a million subscribers alhamdulillah we’re working towards that goal thank you very much guys for suggesting this video i hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i did if you did please don’t forget to like comment share and subscribe and if you like me too check out another video please put the comment section below as always guys thank you very much for all your love and support i hope you guys have yourself a wonderful day take care of yourself and your family and insha’allah i’ll see you guys in the next video take care and wassalam .