[Vlog] OnlyOneOf DAY&NINE #3

Jan 25, 2021 15:00 · 1320 words · 7 minute read

From day to night, you and me ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ [Snow is falling from the sky - playing with snow] I got what I need in my hand.

00:16 - I’m gonna go make a snow man. Let’s go! [Your eyes are precious. ] [stomping] [stomping] [You can even tell from the stomping of Nine (who’s from the southern region) that he’s so excited to play with snow. ] [stomping] [You can even tell from the stomping of Nine (who’s from the southern region) that he’s so excited to play with snow. ] Whoaaaaa Prettay prettay! Whoa. It really snowed a lot.

00:43 - Ah. [replay] [There’s snow being thrown from somewhere. . !] [replay] [trying to figure out what just happened] What… I just got hit by snow.

01:01 - [looking for who did it] [looking for who did it] Who threw it? [thud] What was that? [lumps of snow falling] [The snow just fell from up there. . !] [The piles of snow on the roof fell on me. ] I gotta be careful.

01:21 - From the building, the snow came falling down~ Will the snow stick together? [I thought snow that just fell on the ground won’t stick together for some reason… ] I don’t think the snow is gonna stick.

01:42 - [Since the angle isn’t adjusted right and you can’t see the snow… I’m replacing this scene with this subtitle. Thank you for your understanding. ] [Camera adjusted. :)] If it wasn’t for my mighty hoodie, I wouldn’t have made it in this freezing cold.

01:59 - [looks like I’m being electrocuted or something] [truly happy] I’m from the southern region (where it doesn’t snow much).

02:03 - So I’m not used to snow. So I just really like it when it snows!! I simply just like it so much!! My hands are freezing… T. T [barrier] I just did that while wearing a mask.

02:25 - I’m gonna make one more and take it inside.

02:28 - I’m gonna take it inside. This snow…

02:33 - I’m going to put a lot of them here. [SNOW] Ahhh… my hands are so freezing they hurt…

03:00 - I… I must part soon… [like a line from a historical TV drama] I do not have much time left to live… [like a line from a historical TV drama] [Snow is getting piled up. ] I think I’ve had it.

03:20 - Here’s a cup of snow. Here’s another one.

03:25 - I’m gonna take these with me inside… Nine: This is killing me. Love: What is that? Love: What is that? Did you get snow from outside? Yes. My hands are freezing.

03:32 - Nine: Love hyung (older brother) Love: Yes? Do you want some shaved ice? Nine: Shaved ice. We have shaved ice. Love: No. That’s not it.

03:40 - Nine: You know, all we need is chocolate syrup to make it. Love: Wha? With that, Nine: then it becomes chocolate shaved ice. Love: Excuse me, sir. Love: Please don’t give me that shaved ice crap.

03:47 - Don’t talk like that. Oh, the camera is on right now? Yep. I’m going to use this footage as it is.

03:51 - Love: No… that wasn’t it. Love: I meant that you should not talk about shaved ice. [“Mr. Love Ice” is trying very hard to come up with excuses. ] Love: Because you know… I don’t want to eat it right now…

03:54 - Oh really? You should be careful. It’s fluffy.

03:59 - My goal is to make it really round. Love: You know, at a glance…

04:09 - it looks like a Styrofoam ball from a stationary store…

04:13 - [checking out how I look] Not bad. I’m joined here with the mighty hoodie! [Nine Jeong is melting the snowball with his breath to make it look pretty while Galbi Park(Love) is talking with this personal trainer, who is enjoying a chicken breast hotdog after a break from it. ] Love hyung, you know what the most important thing is. Right? It’s disinfecting! Nine: Disinfecting! Love: What? Really?…

04:35 - [not poison] [LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL] Love: That’s what I’m talking about. (saying it twice) That’s what I’m talking about. (saying it for the 3rd time) Love: That’s the scene for the vlog that I’m talking about. (for the 4th time) Nine: Where did it go? [redo, fail] What the! Why does it keep spraying upward? [sniffles] [It’s ruined… ] [It’s ruined… ] [It’s ruined… ] Man… I just came back from working out.

04:54 - Now I’m pumped up and ended up breaking the snowball.

04:57 - Love: That was some strong southern accent, man.

05:01 - Aw the snowball fell apart. (talking in Seoul accent) [Love: lol] Love: Is the snowball that’s weak, or is it you who is strong? [Of course it’s because I’m strong. lol] [Nine, the symbol of power (Korean age 23)] Ahhhhhh. What am I gonna do with this? I don’t know what to do man… (doesn’t know what to do with his own charm) Oh. Look. It’s snow with a hat.

05:14 - It’s wearing a hat. Ah. I’m gonna need to combine these two.

05:24 - This is bad. I’m gonna need to clean it all up later.

05:29 - Whoa jjan wooo!! (What does that mean. lol) [the personal trainer who was watching the whole time] You gotta start over.

05:33 - Personal trainer: You gotta do it again. It’s already frozen.

05:36 - Siri: Yes? What’s up with you? He just said “it’s already frozen. ” [the confusing world of Siri] Personal trainer: She’s saying “Yes”. Love: She’s agreeing.

05:44 - Dude… imagine being hit in the head by this.

05:46 - It’s just going to knock you out. Why are you looking at me while saying that? Why are you looking at me while saying that? Okay, you guys. Today… ! Look! It’s falling apart like this all of sudden. [I AM speaking Korean. I know I have a strong southern accent here… ] I really can’t work with this… (excuse) (The truth is) I can’t do this any longer because my hands are freezing… T. T I’m just gonna end it here after putting a hat on it.

06:07 - Tada~ It’s a snowman with a hat! You guys. Isn’t this cute? Love: It’s like from “Minions”! That’s what I was going for. How did you figure it out right away? Minions snowman. Complete! Love: Excuse me.

06:24 - Yes. Love: You know that’s not it. Nine: Yes it is. Love: Nuh uh.

06:27 - The downside of making a snowman… is that there’s a lot of cleaning to do afterward…

06:33 - This is gonna be a lot of work… When it comes to playing with snow, snow fight is the best.

06:39 - Anyone wanna get into a snow fight with me? Ick! (like an ending credit to a TV drama show) [Love holding the camera} Is this your own personal space or something? You have no manners.

06:50 - Nine: I didn’t know it’d make this much mess. Love: Please don’t miss a spot. I use this space too.

06:55 - Love: That’s my favorite spot. How can you make such a mess like that.

06:58 - [I thought he’s rapping… lol] Love: That’s my favorite spot. How can you make such a mess like that.

06:59 - - What exactly do you do here(on the floor)? - What? Love: Sir, just clean off the floor please. Nine: I’m with my mighty hoodie right now. Love: Yeah yeah yeah…

07:06 - Love Park is the best. Love: I agree.

07:11 - Nine: Man… when you play with snow… Love: You gotta do it outside.

07:15 - Love: You’re supposed to do it outside. Nine: Yeah. You shouldn’t bring it home.

07:18 - [Today’s lesson learned: Play with snow outside!].