InterMon Promo (English)

Apr 10, 2020 21:41 · 171 words · 1 minute read connection drops stays connected select

Would you like to to monitor the ups and downs of your Internet Service Provider? InterMon is a fast energy efficient and easy to use internet recorder that tracks how many times and for how long your connection drops stays connected or is turned off Select the adapter sampling rate and activate the service InterMon will monitor 247 even if you close the app. In the mean while watch the network performance with the interactive RPS charts in real time or by day View every recorded data filtered by event or by date Do maintenance by deleting old Logs Analyze the Statistics globally using the General Result table or within a range using the Date Picker and the interactive Pie, and Bar charts List all monitored networks manage them by removing old ones or view their respective response charts logs and statistics And with InterMon PRO you can export the logs and statistics data into a delimited text file Have the evidence of your network in your hands Use InterMon! .