"SovElMash" on the threshold of 2021: video report

Dec 29, 2020 06:48 · 931 words · 5 minute read next videos interesting place construction

Hello dear viewers! Hello dear participants of the project “Duyunov’s motors”! As always, I am Alexander Sudarev. We are now on the territory of “SovElMash”. In this video, we will again travel to the glorious city of Yaroslavl and visit the plant of ASTRON, that is our subcontractor and is responsible for manufacturing the metal structures. In fact, ASTRON’s area of responsibility is a little more than manufacturing metal structures, but I think you will be able to learn more about this in our next videos. In fact, ASTRON’s area of responsibility is a little more than manufacturing metal structures, but I think you will be able to learn more about this in our next videos. Many of you have already noticed that we are in the backyard, and there are loading docks here.

00:45 - Let’s move inside the premises and the company’s specialists there will be able to tell us in detail why we are here today. Now we are in an interesting place - this is the quality control department (QC) and behind me you can see the first box that will be shipped to “SovElMash”. It contains quite important things, including heavy-duty bolts. And probably the most interesting thing is that I have the installation documentation in my hands to make sure the installation personnel understand how to install this building. This is a very important document. Naturally, there is a tag attached here informing that the quality control department of ASTRON has checked this box, checked its completeness, the quality of this box, and also there is a date and the name of the person who has checked it.

02:30 - Now we are in the shipment area where the first vehicles that will go to “SovElMash” are being loaded. Next to me, there is the main frame for the “SovElMash” project. On these tags, you can see the job numbers, the part number, the project number and the barcode that can be used to track the entire life cycle of this part. Today we are loading the first three vehicles from the great number of vehicles that will be shipped in the future. Two vehicles are already being loaded and we expect one more within about an hour.

04:45 - And this video does not end here, there is an even more interesting and promising continuation for you, so watch carefully and you will find out very soon what I am talking about. And now we will move to the leased premises of “SovElMash”. Here, as always, the work is in full swing, and on the New Year’s threshold, each of the employees must complete the tasks correctly, accurately and most importantly on time. So now we will try to visit some departments and find out what they are doing. Sergey, what are you working on now? At the moment, we are about to move the rewound motor to the laboratory, install it on the bench to conduct further tests.

07:06 - Artur, good afternoon! Good afternoon. Tell us, what are you working on now? We are going around all the departments where we are welcome and find out this information. What are we working on? Currently we are working on checking the construction estimates for the construction of the design and engineering technology department (D&E). What do we need it for? We check these estimates for compliance of the prices, works, in other words, we update the information these estimates contain in order to make them correct. How time and effort consuming is this process and how many employees are involved in this activity? Yes, this process is very labour-intensive, it takes a lot of time to check the estimates and a lot of employees from different departments are involved in this process, working on checking the estimates.

08:56 - Dear colleagues, now we are right on the construction site where the design and engineering technology department of “SovElMash” (D&E) will be built. And, right now, you can see the unloading of metal structures that ASTRON has manufactured and which will be used for assembling the future D&E. Many people have asked what processes take place on the construction site. Well, the work is well underway. Many people have been waiting for this, some have been waiting for a year, other people - for even longer, and finally this moment has come. Very soon we will be able to observe how the building itself starts to grow bit by bit, and time flies, as you know.

09:37 - And we will also try to capture this moment and show it to you so that you can experience the whole range of emotions that this interesting event will engender. In fact, this year turned out to be quite challenging for “SovElMash”, the project has experienced a lot of hardships. A lot of work was done in various lines of business: research and testing were conducted, new patents were obtained, we passed state expert examinations, commissions, received a construction permit, and so on. And today, you can see perfectly well that shipping the metal structures to the construction site can be named the result of the outgoing year. I think everyone has a clear sense of what all this means and what the future holds for us.

10:26 - Dear viewers, I want to wish you all an exceptionally high morale in the coming year and success in all your endeavors! I think that together we can bring the project to the final point of its development! Hurray, friends. Hurray! “SovElMash” technologies of the future .