Reaction to DAFINA ZEQIRI OLD HITS: "Time Out" & "Veq me tpas ty" & "Liri"
Dec 20, 2020 11:00 ยท 1325 words ยท 7 minute read
Hi guys, welcome to a new reaction video with Together we will watch which Kosovar- Albanian Singer ???? well, I thought that we should watch her old hits. I have got a list from a viewer from Kosovo. Then I thought OKEEEEEY lets react to these three songs - I wonder how she was earlier. how was her style ? Did she has so many amazing catchy styles like now? Lets see that Hikaru: I think yes Hikaru: the first video is from 2013 Kaz: correct - Time Out - is the song then we will watch Veq met pas ty and at last Liri Lets start with TIME OUT - english title, I wonder if the song is completely in english Then lets begin this hikaru: lets go I am excited Ok it starts gloomy Hikaru: Oh god that is really creepy Kaz: this could be a halloween style Hikaru: yeah it would fit good to Halloween Kaz: Ok i havent expected this Kaz: that part is in english Hikaru: but this songs sounds like its from 2013 that is true - this doesnt sound like a 2020 track but its nice and it has english part Hikaru: she has a good body and here she is more concentrated to the color Black Hikaru: with dark settings Kaz: correct Kaz: the outfits or the make up are dark Hikaru: here the dog is singing with her this is an amazing idea Hikaru: Has she ate a rose? kaz: ok the english part is easy to memorable Hikaru: for example I like this on Dafina. Everytime she change her outfits - everything fits perfect on her. Kaz: yeah I think this in all of her music videos tbh typical dafina Hikaru: I wish I could be on the other side Hikaru: her pronounciation in english is good Kaz: that is true - If i am not wrong - I dont know when but she was for a few years in the USA Hikaru: Really? Ok this is really great.
She is so talented 05:54 - Kaz: and look at her tattoos here. Nice. Is that… in arabic?? I cant see it so clear Unbelievable…. This song is 7 years old Hikaru: and this is still good Hikaru: people can hear on these days too This was TIME OUT Hikaru: this was delicious It was nice. It reminds me to the past from the music style true true true The next song was released two months later - Veq Me T’pas ty If i have pronounced it correctly - write in the comments what it means This blunt & real ft. ahhhh her stage name was in the past Duffye Oh this song is going 5 minutes ok i am excited hikaru: you can notice through the outfits that this video is really old What does old mean..
07:59 - Kaz: 6-7 years Hikaru: I guess the fashion trend was like this Did they film this in america ??? could be The number plate of the car Hikaru: ok it looks like america Kaz: interesting Hikaru: Ok this starts really good this reminds me to american oldschool songs hikaru: yeah to oldschool rap but this great you can find such songs nowadays that beginning from her Hikaru: the beginning was amazing - Duffye is maybe her american stage name? ร think Hikaru:i think such song you can listen nowadays too Kaz:this has some retro style listening realising that the pronounciation is different than i said before - looking at the title again Ohhh it is pronounced VEQ ahh yeah that is right… In Tayna s song is written with “Q” - and pronouncing the Q different than we. albanian is difficult especially the glasses this is so different. I havent seen such a style from her yet. Hikaru: this is a good style from her Hikaru: The differences between the music videos from now and from the past is really so big Do you know what is unusual? To see Dafina in a music video with only one outfit. But ok Kaz: You cant expect that she changes her outfits every few seconds in a roadtrip Hikaru: this is a new side from her Hikaru: one minute left, maybe she will surprise with a outfit change Hikaru: that is a great idea to make a road trip and film it Kaz: the hook has earwig character Hikaru: the one guy is really cool who sits in the back I wonder if Dafina was famous in that time? Or if she was famous later THat would be interesting to know Hikaru: yeah that would be interesting to know Kaz: if you know more, write it in the comments Kaz: Oh they have more songs - shaolin gang Kaz: have they changed their names too? Kaz: everyone changed their names Hikaru: this was interesting Kaz: what? Hikaru:she was in the past good as she is now Kaz:it was different - more different than her other songs Kaz: the next song is Dafina ft.
Mixey 14:20 - From Mixey i have listened a song this year- it was with Enca- it was nice. Mixey is a Dj The mountains of kosovo Hikaru:really beautiful Kaz: and here you can see Dafina at the top Hikaru: great - Maybe the highest point in the mountains Hikaru: oh god in this coldness with that tshirt - i couldnt do that that would be too cold for me Hikaru: its a little bit mystical Kaz: ok. Her voice is more in the background. Its quieter - but the music video looks interesting. I am excited to see what else will happen Hikaru: if there will happen something? Kaz: ok nowww That is with dubstep Kosovo is a popular country for hiking - Hiking the mountains? Hikaru: yeah hitch hiking in such things its popuar, i have seen many videos about that. Many Foreigners do that Hikaru: that is good to know for the future and it looks beautiful Hikaru: tbh this is not my music genre not my taste but this is well done Kaz: I have to say that all three songs which we have watched are so different.
Their music styles 16:53 - Hikaru: that is true they deviate Hikaru: we can say that Dafina has tried many things out true Nice nature close your eyes and enjoy this Kaz: how she is singing this part This is really nice Hikaru: this was good but it was not the best one Hikaru: it was ok Kaz: How can I say that. This music style is not loved by everyone with the dubstep or the other songs like this retro oldschool stuff. Every song which we have watched has something in their own way It was interesting to check out Hikaru: It was good. I liked the second song really good Kaz: the second song? which was filmed in america ? Kaz: I like the first one. The second one was not my favorite. But the first one with TIME OUT was cool - it reminds me to the past, where I Listened such songs. And the last one with the dubstep was good too. The second one was not my taste. but her voice was in all three songs really good. In the last song she showed her voice better. It was really nice. Hikaru: it was good..
itwas good 20:00 - Kaz: Dafina is one of my favorites. It was cool to watch We will do more reactions. I mean there are more songs from Dafina. Hikaru: We have a lot Kaz: and we wanted to do special videos to Tayna, Rina, and and and. Which we will watch IF you have more suggestions write it in the comments. If you enjoyed this reaction video please like this video and subscribe my channel. Dont forget it! Thanks for watching, stay safe and healthy - see you in the next video.