Hydroponics At Home – DIY Hydroponics System

Feb 17, 2020 11:01 · 1721 words · 9 minute read turn lane way absolutely thing

Hydroponics At Home – DIY Hydroponics System cool right click the link in the description for pricing ratings and reviews hello I’m Wayne with modular hydro welcome back today I’m very excited we’re going to introduce two new systems that have been in the making for a very very long time and let me explain the difference between the two this one is our Eco flow cube it is a 12 quart grow cube with a 12 quart reservoir now this you can grow the largest plants and you can grow a 4 to 6 foot plant very comfortably in this system the second one is a smaller version of Eco flow cube and that’s called the Eco flow cube countertop very very small footprint but you can still grow a three-foot plant in this system quite comfortably not only are we going to talk about how these systems work we’re going to actually show you how to put one together how quick and easy it is it’s one of the fastest simplest hydroponic systems on the market today so we’re going to go ahead and actually put one of these together you have basically two main parts you have your your grow cube and you have a reservoir which is going to hold your water and your nutrients and we’re going to first go ahead and take our pump manifold and we’re going to snap in our 90 degree angle feeder tube and our direct top feed rig snap that in also that’s it you’re done with this now what we’re going to do is we’re going to go ahead and we’re gonna feed the ring through the pre-drilled holes and then we’re going to connect that to our pump but before we do that we also want to talk about another technology we have and this is optional with both systems and that’s our air injection technology you can order air injection technology with any of our systems what it does is a supercharges your reservoir with a lot of oxygen so the air and the oxygen comes directly to the reservoir so we’re go ahead and show me how to install that for those of you that do order that the holes are already pre-done all you do is simply plug them in drive your tubing through take your air injection ring connect that on okay then you’re going to drop this down into your reservoir now from this point you want to install your pump so all you simply do is take your pump connect it to your tubing here and place that on the bottom of the reservoir okay that’s it your system is basically put together at this point you’re done that’s just two parts that you had to connect up now at this point we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to put in our grow media today we’re going to go ahead and use brisco’s in this system we have hydrogen type clay pellets already in the system but we’re actually showing you from scratch how to put your system together in here you would fill that about one-third of the way up and then go ahead and put your plant in there and then fill the remaining grow media around the plant but for simplicity reasons we’re just going to fill the rest of it with our thumbs okay at this point we’re ready to add our nutrients in the water so we just simply take our premix nutrients and water and remember before and any grow medium you ever use all these screens to grow media first now our nutrients in our water have already been checked for pH so we just simply fill the container and we’re going to win a little bit more detail on how the system actually works and what makes it so revolutionary in the industry and that only takes three quarts of water and you’re done now while the system is running what’d you think about this is what Ellis system is running at any given time you’re only using about a cup of water maybe a cup and a half at the most what it’s doing is it’s pulling the nutrients and the water from the reservoir it’s pouring down over the top so it’s direct feeding to the roots and it’s draining back into the reservoir immediately so you’re not using a large volume of water at this point we’re going to go ahead and we’re gonna plug it in and get it up and running now this will start to finish there’s only what two two-and-a-half minutes start to finish on this entire system that’s pretty phenomenal when you think about it so we plug the system in it is now actually up and running as you can see what’s happening is the water is pouring out and the pump is priming so it may take a minute or two until the pump is there’s a brand new pump might take a minute or two until that pump actually crimes and if it doesn’t just simply unplug plug it back in again and let all that air get out of the pump okay at this point as you can see there’s quite a bit of water coming out of these emitters now leave there’s four emitters that are around the container and we’re going to give you a close-up now of how this thing works now at this point we’re going to show you the inner workings and close-up of how the system works but remember we installed our air injection technology you just take your hose at this point connect it to your pump and turn your pump on that’s all you got to do now you have all that oxygenated air forced into the reservoir now what’s happening is the pump is pumping that super rich oxygen enriched air up into your drip ring your top feed ring and as you can see how that’s constantly pouring out remember you’re only using about a cup to a cup and a half of water and any given time and it’s going directly back into the reservoir now what else is unique we’re going to talk about there’s there’s two things that are very hard to do with most hydro systems one is checking your pH we’re going to do that right now we’re going to show you how simple that is watch this I didn’t have to remove a reservoir cover nothing check my pH and you’re done with that that’s done the other thing that is extremely hard in this industry with almost all hydroponic systems is how do we change the water in that reservoir we’re going to show you how to do that just simply take at this point and turn off your palm okay our pump is now off what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna take this direct top feed piece we’re gonna plug in our drain line we’re gonna put that into our reservoir what’s nice about this is you can be on the floor you can be on a table it doesn’t matter because it’s not gravity fed you’re just gonna place your tube into your reservoir bucket that your waste bucket and it could be any any bucket it doesn’t matter and plug your pump back in what’s happening now is the water is being pumped from your reservoir directly from here into your waste bucket as you can see this and it only takes about three three-and-a-half minutes so at this point just simply sit back and relax now about three or four minutes have passed we’ve actually drained our entire reservoir so we’re going to go ahead and take our drain to disconnect from our emitter that’s all you do is pull it off position you’re in it was straight back down and that’s it you completely drained your system let me go ahead and show you the water that just came out of this hydroponic system so that’s completely done take your waste water and dump it on a plant outside somewhere don’t throw it down the same for down the toilet take it outside and feed a plant with it okay now your system is completely drained there may be maybe 12 12 inch of water on the bottom of the reservoir that’s okay because now you’re going to go ahead and refill so all you simply do is pour your nutrient solution straight back into your container fill the system back up this is how easy this is and that’s it you’re done you can plug your system back in as soon as you do this you’re ready that’s it that that was the entire process we just went from building an entire new system drain this system checking the pH with absolutely no complications no outside fitting and smellin unsightly hoses everything is self-contained it literally it takes only 2 to 3 minutes to build the system when it arrives at your door and that’s it you’re ready to grow again and folks the way in the future truly is growing in cubes like this I’ll tell you why I’m going to show you what two cubes look like together ok very close- knit within a 1 and a half square foot area you can have four of these cubes drumming and as your plants grow you can just slide your kids apart that’s all you do so it is extremely versatile it truly is the way of the future is one thing I learned out of 32 years of growing this definitely is the way of the future it’s so simple and so easy to operate these systems maintenance wise it’s very minimal putting them together only takes a few minutes and I hope you enjoyed this video because we’re excited about this product this is going to be one of our fastest selling systems remember comes in the Eco flow cube countertop and the Eco flow cube for those people that want to grow extremely extremely tall plants again I’m Wayne don’t forget go to modular hydro calm for informative type videos such as this again thank you cool right click the lane .