Fastest processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx for Windows PCs দেখুন অত্যাধুনিক ফাস্ট ল্যাপটপ প্রসেসর
Aug 21, 2020 15:04 · 1948 words · 10 minute read
so here’s the fastest arm processor in the world for laptop business right here so hi so who are you my name’s eric greenman and i work on the windows on snapdragon team and this is a very special arm processor right it is indeed it is our first generation dedicated compute platform processor it will be out and available in pcs in the fourth quarter of this year starting approximately in october or november of 2019. but it’s right here it’s in the laptop it’s a real prototype absolutely this is a reference design product it’s obviously not being sold just yet but it is running the current processor which is somewhere in here it is absolutely inside it’s not too hot it’s not too long so why can’t you just ship it now why do you have to wait for q4 because the companies that are ultimately going to build this product are the companies that will be taking in the process or when it’s available for general sale so this is the first product this hcx isn’t yet being shipped to the oems for sale so it’ll start shipping later this year in 2019. so um this is the first time in the industry that somebody designed specifically for the laptop market it’s not just an overclocked smartphone chipset no it’s not which is also cool the 835 and 850s were amazing right they were the first steps in the process but over the 18-month period from when we delivered the first 835 which was in may of 2018 to when we delivered the first generation or the second generation product which was the 850 in october of 2018 to the point where we deliver this product in october of 2019 in that 18-month period we will have gone through three generations of processors to deliver the most powerful arm-based windows compute processor ever available on the pc market so what’s the official jump in performance from 850 to hcx so a product like this from the hcx will have a number of important performance improvements so for example what we have displaying here the 850 as a product isn’t designed to run multiple monitors here i’m running two 4k monitors as well as the on the monitor on the screen of the pc itself which is maybe a full hd it is indeed a full hd monitor hd plus 4k plus 4k exactly right the previous didn’t do that previously the 850 did not support that maybe only one 4k right one one external monitor not multiple so there’s a two times uh displayport output basically correct these are both from usbc 4k 60 each yep so exactly right that’s like a dual 4k correct which is a lot this product also will support both 4g and 5g when it’s available later this year this product is also our first generation product designed to support enterprise applications so things like vmware vpn and the security solutions that are important for businesses the 850 wasn’t designed to do that yep what does that mean to support that so so to support enterprise means that this product is designed to meet the needs of business and enterprise users so multiple monitors solutions that enterprises that are you know with software that are important to an enterprise like vmware for virtual sessions like the security solutions that enterprises use that consumers do not so this is the first generation platform that’s designed to do that so um this is ready for big business basically it is it will also meet the needs of consumers and depending upon what the oems want to produce and how they want to go about bringing those products to market what customers they want to serve consumers versus business customers you’ll see different configurations of this product in the market so uh what is the performance jump from 850 to this one the like do you say percentages we don’t at this point because we’re still talking about a product that’s in reference design and isn’t in final silicon we don’t run benchmarks we do in fact run benchmarks so as an example the 850 is designed to compete against an intel m series processor right so an m3 or m5 this product when it ships our expectation is that we’ll be competitive with an intel i series or sorry an intel u-series processor and in the form of a u3 or an i3 or an i5 so a substantial increase in performance but the most important thing you know in addition to the increase in performance is going to be the improve uh the increase in battery life that’s associated with this so the product the 850 is capable of running 20 hours continuously on a single charge this product is capable of running 25 hours on a single charge in local even longer battery life even longer battery life because this is even more efficient than the previous generation is this seven nanometers yes and the previous 10 nanometers correct that’s a big deal right that is a big deal the other big difference between these products is that the um the the uh sorry the 850 product which is over on the other side like i said is meant to predominantly to be a consumer product and it is part of the original 800 series roadmap right for mobile phones right it’s based on the 845. this is the first generation product that will be where our roadmap forks this is our first dedicated compute only solution for windows on arm it was rumored to be called snapdragon 1000 why is it hcx the changing and branding as it relates to that the internal names that we have previously discussed weren’t going to be the final product or brand name of the product when we finally went through the process we decided to talk about hcx eight series product compute extreme is what the c and the x stand for so still the eight series product like the 835 850 except the difference is that the 835 and 850 were derivative chips from mobile phone processors the 8cx is its own branch on the roadmap a separate product being built to support this it’s very awesome i just thought snapdragon 1000 sounded cool but that was all the rumors that was just on the rumor side and i love those rumor sites it was very exciting and it’s exciting to see that it’s real and the shape is special it’s like more rectangular than chips are usually or not no no i mean it’s just a that’s just a design spec of what it looks like and uh it’s got a crazy fast gpu right so all of the things that are normally needed inside of a pc a cpu a gpu in our case also the importance of a cellular modem all integrated onto one chip there’s a 855 coming out right there is an 855 but that’s seven nanometers but that’s not part of the computer platforms it’s completely separate it’s not the same architecture of the chip it’s not meant to be it’s not 855. it’s not meant to be part of the compute product it’s a separate product for the mobile world and for phones nice so um this is going to be the form factor laptops well this is a reference design laptop what the ulti what the laptops ultimately look like when they come from oems whoever chooses to deliver it will be up to the oem themselves so if uh over on the other side where i’ve got a lenovo product their product very thin sleek looks one way the product that they have elsewhere here in the booth that’s from samsung looks very different also thin and sleek just a different form factor developed by another oem so let’s check the 850 around here sure we can jump in in there if you don’t mind if you jump in there so here’s the 850 lenovo this is uh i think it’s probably the most beautiful arm laptop in the world right now uh sweetie beautiful that’s amazing i want to make sure to leave that and they’re only because the demo that we’re running actually up here on screen right so this shows the difference in the thermal properties between these units so you can see how hot a product that uses traditional x86 architecture is versus something that’s using the r market so there’s an intel and adele here lenovo with an arm this is the lenovo what’s the qualcomm snapdragon product in it so it’s really beautiful it’s really nice uh so you got the lenovo partnership going on yep i think it would be awesome if there was an 8cx think pad i love those thing pads we think that would be awesome too but that’s ultimately ultimate up to the guys who knows we’ll see because the team ads are great and it’s enterprise you know everything what you’re ultimately going to see is more and more of the oems getting into this business so i think there’s going to be a lot of innovation and a lot of new products that come to market as we move through 19.
09:10 - you’re talking with everybody you talking about you have samsung samsung there’s a samsung product over a little further down yeah so there’s a galaxy booth that’s the galaxy book 2 which samsung is now delivering it’s available nice now the difference between this product and the lenovo yeah the lenovo product is a convertible right so it has a hinge that folds over the samsung galaxy book it’s a detachable right it’s both the tablet as well as having a separate keyboard nice and right here so um so you have all the contacts in the industry all the big players they’re all talking with you right now we are talking to all of the oems you bet samsung lenovo um i bet hp dell everybody we have relationships with all of the major oems as well as oems outside of the us that are looking at and interested in the category so we’re talking to lots of companies about the product so this is going to be big this you’re going full in we are we absolutely serious about the laptop markets we are because it’s really it’s an extension of something now that we already do the idea of a mobile product a mobile compute product is something that qualcomm’s been doing for decades right all of the smartphones that we carry all feature you know a great number of them obviously feature qualcomm chips are the ability of our processors to now do more empowering compute platforms like the ones we’re showing here is one of the reasons that we think it’s going to make a real big difference in the mobile pc market i think you’re really realizing the potential of your technology because smartphones are amazing but it’s really hard to do everything in this size of a display you need a bigger display you need multiple windows you need to do productivity right right it’s like anything else right it’s the appropriate tool for the appropriate job i wouldn’t want to try to develop a powerpoint presentation on my smartphone but i certainly would do it obviously on my pc i wouldn’t necessarily want to you know make every telephone call that i have on my pc but that’s obviously something that my mobile phone is perfect for.