ENG SUB ll Why do we Must meet Right Doctor For Lipo ?
Feb 14, 2020 06:55 · 261 words · 2 minute read
Hello, This is DR Kyum TV with Only for Liposuction channel And I am Dr. Kyum Well, let’s have a look! Patient : Two years ago, I got a liposuction on my thigh. I’ve gained 4 kilograms in the last three months. Will I lose weight again? Dr. Kyum : Yes, you will lose weight for sure Patient : Is liposuction effective? Dr. Kyum : OF COURSE YES Patient : Thigh lipo is totally Hit or Miss? Dr. Kyum : Why do you think it’s Hit or Miss? Dr.
Kyum : You you to meet Right Doctor 00:39 - Patient : After liposuction on Thighs recovering isn’t look easy Dr. Kyum : Why do you think it’s hard to recover? Dr. Kyum : You you to meet Right Doctor Patient : 16 lbs lost? Is it possible? I am a high school senior who has been boxing for 2 years. oh wow senior? I’m overweight in the lower body. I succeeded in diet a few times, but after Yoyo came back, I only improved my Fxxx playing boxing skills for two years.
01:02 - So I’m thinking of having a lipo after my final exam My current weight is about 73kg I want to do a lower body surgery and lose up to 65kg. Is it possible? No can do The fat itself doesn’t weigh much? Lipo will intake biggest fat that you have BUT From 73kg to 65kg isn’t possible at once Then how many CC is possible to take out?? There are many of patient asking us about .