May 13, 2020 22:05 · 1916 words · 9 minute read
Hi I’m Andrea Mameli, and I’m telling you about solar cooking Solar cooking is what we can do thanks to the heat that comes from the Sun With the solar concentration. For example in a circular parabola If we put down a vessel a pot to boil water, a pan to make a pie and a baking try to fry an egg In the focal point of the parabolic mirror, which matches the geometric focus of the parabola we heat it to over 100 degrees Celsius (212 °F) and it depends on the cleanliness of the sky on the size of the parabolic mirror and its exposure in respect to the position of the sun But if we want to collect the energy and store it to have a constant heat for cooking we can make a real oven like this one I built a few years ago with wood, sheep’s wool to insulate the walls, glass and mirrors mirrors concentrate the light and therefore the energy of the sun inside the insulated chamber the greenhouse effect in this case guarantees the rebound inside the oven of the captured light and the same insulation on the walls provides the thermal inertia that allows us to cook in the sun and have a constant heat for a long time Solar cooking is, attention, a nuclear cooking; because the energy that comes to us from the sun, arises from nuclear fusion then rushes the distance from the sun to the earth, then crosses the atmosphere and finally reaches the solar oven when it reaches the solar oven, like I said before, we can heat the food, without burning any fuel. I’ve tried to classify solar ovens, stoves and barbecues and I drew this scheme: we’ll talk about: panel solar cooker and parabolic solar cooker; parabolic solar tube BBQ grill and Fresnel lens BBQ grill; petal solar oven, box solar oven and textile solar oven. The first example is the simplest, it can be made with reflective material, which reflects sunlight to the center there are so many types and construction schemes can be easily found on the net distributed by non-governmental organizations in developing countries, and used to heat water and food Available on the market there are so many of them Then the parabolic solar cooker, I showed you before can heat to over 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 Celsius) once, in november, in cagliari at the festival tuttestorie, 2015 edition, we cooked the coffee solar energy is concentrated in the focus of the parabola under the coffee pot, then heats water and makes coffee, as if it were on a gas stove or an electric stove there are also parabolic mirrors for solar concentration, of large size, in this case we see a project in Mexico with a second mirror at the bottom reflects sunlight into an isolated room a battery of parabola concentrators heat and allow you to cook inside brick rooms each of which helps to preserve heat. Again, there are models for the sale, the one I bought is not for sale anymore.
04:36 - You can easily find many varieties of them on the net. There are also some very beautiful and finely designed, like this one created for a diploma thesis of the European Institute of Design in 2015 with an embedded thermometer and external display, ‘cause each food is cooked at a particular temperature Parabolic solar tube BBQ grill. The parabola shape which is used here it has a non-circular shape and the focus is spread out along a line. And if we put hotdogs along this line we can roast them like in a BBQ. In 2008 I had the privilege of attending the Orgosolo science festival where together with friends, physicists, astrophysicists teachers and middle school students we made a solar bbq like the one we saw before and we experimented with it during the festival Solar BBQs can be built with very different materials, shapes and sizes.
06:05 - Are on sale very refined types, such as this model built in China, It costs $500 and the focus is inside a glass tube like this one very similar to the previous one this is nice and can be easily carried and one model consists of a battery of 5 tubes there are different models with different prices these are the most difficult to build. Another type of solar BBQ is one that makes use of the concentration power of Fresnel lenses which, crossed by sunlight, concentrate it, in this case in the pot below. Another model of design that uses the same principle of functioning. You can also build these easily, using Fresnel recycled lenses, as in this case, and then heats the food inside the box. Or systems that offer the possibility of adjusting the inclination of the lens in relation to the sun’s rays, to follows Sun’s apparent motion, and this allows to cook, as you can see, quite easily.
07:41 - Then there is a type of proper solar ovens, made with great care, after appropriate calculations and experiments, like the so-called petals for example this one, very large, made by Gianni Crovatto, weighs 60 kg (133 lbs), 700 watts of power has reached a maximum temperature of 360 degrees Celsius (680 F) which has allowed the cooking of cakes roast meat and bread which has allowed the cooking of cakes, roast meat and bread, foods whose cooking requires high temperatures. Scheme of realization and images are in the website of Gianni Crovatto. Is surely a very interesting kind of oven. To understand how it works, how it must be built, the dimensions, shapes, sun exposure patterns, you can find many a lot of information on the web. In this, realized in 2013 by Raffaelangela Pani, the chamber heats up due to the concentration of light exerted by the reflective petals In this type of solar oven the most complex aspect is the adjustment of the petals during the construction and the use. Another, very simple, made by Marco Mameli in 2013, cooked meat and eggs, closed in a glass jar filled with water, despite the oven was very small he also won the Solar Child award in the solar cooking contest that we organized in Cagliari in the 2013.
09:36 - More sophisticated types are the box ovens similar to the one I showed you previously. The simplest one is made with two shoeboxes placed one inside the other and insulated with crumpled paper the reflective surfaces are made by coating the cardboard with tin foil; has reached a temperature of 70 degrees centigrade (158 F) enough to cook something As you have seen this type of solar oven is easy to make and for this reason it is the most used in educational demonstrations and in solar cooking demonstrations taking place around the world. This is a model that allows you to heat a meal (Schiscetta is the term in the dialect of Milan). And a very large box oven made by Francesco Primavera in Cagliari has reached 121 degrees (250 F) as you can see from the thermometer. This is the oven that I made, with which I heated up previously cooked food or pasta, cooked using the heating of tomato sauce for example.
11:23 - The oven was used on board the sailing ship Ichnusa by its skipper Mathias Andreas Reiter, who cooked some food while on his tour of the island of Sardinia. Mommotty production has shot a film about this journey. On the right you see the departure from Cagliari and on the left the cooking of some food during the navigation. With cleverness and creativity it is then possible to build solar ovens with materials different from those seen before, for example the textile solar oven, invented and made by Raffaelangela Pani and Daniela Ducato in 2016, which, compared to most of the models seen before has a greater transportability being lighter and foldable, thanks to its structure allows it to be used on the beach or in mountain excursions. Let’s come to the examples of solar cooking: meat and vegetable skewers in a petals oven. Sausage cooked in parabolic solar cooker. Chicken and courgettes cooked in a box oven.
13:18 - Muffins in the box oven, at the Festival Tuttestorie of 2015: prepared with muffin cups, heated in the solar oven. With the parabolic solar cooker you can make crêpes and omelette. Whereas in the box oven you can bake the stuffed pasta (Culurgiones) thanx to the thermal inertia typical of ovens, as we saw before. We can find a lot of solar recipes on the net, in French, in English, just use the right keywords. Very few in Italian. It’s easy to experiment also because the main advantage of this type of cooking is in its main characteristic: cooking without burning any fuel.
14:44 - The disadvantages: the sky must be clean and then you need to have patience to set up and use these systems. You can’t cook quickly like you can with an electric or gas cooker. if you want to know more and to look for construction schemes and principles at the basis of their functioning. If you want to know more, to look for construction schemes and principles at the basis of their operation as And above all which contains implementation manuals, examples of real application worldwide.
With recipes, construction schemes and very useful suggestions. Another site that I recommend, already mentioned when we saw the petal ovens, is Gianni Crovatto’s site which contains a historical trace and in particular how to build and use the ovens, how to find the right orientation to the Sun and also some recipes. The solar oven for cooking guide is on the website of Gianni Crovatto. A site that contains a very interesting in-depth analysis is that of the association Selene that has accurately described mathematical consideration, calculations that make it possible to measure the energy involved inside the oven and calculate the cooking time, with the use of the box oven and these calculations are accurately shown on the site.
17:20 - A few years ago in my Energy Survival Manual I mentioned solar ovens with some examples. A book that allows you to know a lot about history, technology and recommendations for the construction of solar ovens is the one written by Nicola Ulivieri: Solar ovens, history, theory, construction and recipes, 236 pages, rich in formulas, images, examples, diagrams on energy, construction with various materials, recipes. This book is very exhaustive and I recommend it to those who want to explore the subject of solar cooking in greater depth. This presentation is on slideshare under license creative commons Cotture Solari made specifically for the first Science Web Festival. CULURGIONES AND MUFFINS BAKED IN THE SOLAR OVEN.
FESTIVAL TUTTESTORIE 2015 (CAGLIARI) 19:06 - SEADA COOKED IN THE SOLAR COOKER SCIENCE2DAY 2015 (PULA) Curiosity will lead you, I hope, to learn more with the readings I have advised you but above all with the practice, because honestly if you don’t try, if you don’t build with your hands, if you don’t experiment, you can’t understand the value, the range, the difficulties, the satisfaction of making solar ovens, cooker and BBQ grills. If you have any questions you can contact me at my email and, where I am able to do so, I will gladly answer you. thanks for your attention .